What is the environment like here? Why was Ino so surprised and astonished after seeing it? ?

The reason... is flowers!

Ino's family runs a flower shop! So, Ino's hobby is flowers! She likes flower language, flower art, and about flowers! So much so that some of her ninjutsu attacks are made of flowers...

There are flowers everywhere! There are lilies, roses, peonies, and many, many flowers. The fragrance of the flowers is overwhelming, which makes Ino very intoxicated!

Therefore, it is not impossible to let Naruto take some advantage, but looking at Naruto's weird smile, Ino just doesn't want him to succeed easily, although he may succeed sooner or later...

"Hmph, you hateful guy, big pervert, super pervert, you know how to take advantage of this opportunity and bully me, I won't kiss you!" Ino blushed a little, and turned his head away. Vertex Novel Updates Fastest

"Aren't you going to kiss me?" Naruto frowned pretending to be melancholy, and then quickly kissed Ino's pretty face, "I can kiss you!"

"You...hate..." Ino pouted, saying these words in a coquettish tone.

Naruto laughed, "Is there anything more annoying? Do you want to try it?" He touched Ino's body with his hands, really teasing the beauty!

The beauty is blushing, is it going to be like that?

"Quickly tell me, where is this place in Konoha? Why didn't I know it?" Ino turned his body, twirling like dancing to avoid Naruto's 'harassment'.

Bathed in the air here, I feel light and light, as if I have become a fairy... Is this kind of place near Konoha? Ino is confused!

"Haha, who told you that this is near Konoha?!" Naruto laughed strangely, and what he said made Miss Ino even more depressed.

"What? What do you mean by that?" Ino looked at Naruto suspiciously, if it wasn't near Konoha, where else could it be? Is it still in Konoha or your house?

Such a place? ? ?

Naruto just smiled and didn't speak, deliberately teasing Ino's appetite.

"Tell me~~~~" Ino began to act like a baby, his soft body was hanging on Naruto's body, and the aroma from his mouth made Naruto's heart fascinated.

How can you not be fascinated? !

The source of the aroma is the pink lips~~~

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuu~~~" His lips were blocked, Ino couldn't speak, he could only huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu at first, there was some resistance, but afterward, he was very involved.

This is what she sent to the door by herself? ? So Naruto enjoyed it very bluntly. I have tasted the taste of this lip, and I can't get tired of it, and it is getting more and more delicious! !

The entanglement of tongues and the dispute of tongues, this is really a sweet and charming scene~ Handsome men and beautiful women are a natural pair, complementing each other!

However, such a beautiful picture is destined to be impossible for anyone to see. Because Naruto doesn't want anyone to disturb him, because no outsiders have ever broken into the place Naruto brought Ino to.

Ino's eyes became more and more blurred, obviously emotional.

Such an environment, such emotion, such charm and ambiguity, what might happen next?

what happened... what? ? ?

Hehehe~~ Looking forward to it? Naruto is also looking forward to it! Today...it must be! is not it? ? !

The sun was setting, the red sun was about to set, and night was falling, but this pair of men and women who kissed each other passionately seemed to have forgotten this time.

Does time still matter now? Enjoying each other's enthusiastic response, at this moment, you can forget everything.

Then, if this development continues, there will be impulses.

Under impulse, there will be some things that are not suitable for children... If children are not suitable...

Don't pay too much attention to some details, right? ? !

Naruto's left hand climbed up along Ino's navel while stroking it,

It was quickly inserted into the waistless purple clothes, and then continued to rise...

In addition, there is a right hand that can't be idle. It is distracted, and it is left and right. Naruto's right hand extends down from the back... Soon, he stroked and grabbed the soft buttocks with perfect elasticity. Flap slightly...

"Ah~" Ino moaned, and began to resist a little, "Don't, don't, Naruto, it won't work here..."

"Don't worry! This place is very safe, absolutely no one can break in, and I have set up an enchantment around, don't worry!"

"But, I...but..." Ino wanted to say something intermittently.

"You do not want it?"

"It...it's not that I don't want to! It's just that I haven't prepared myself for that yet..." Ino said shyly, blushing.

Naruto laughed, caressed Ino's body, and kissed her forehead, "Psychological preparation? It's been so long for you, isn't it enough?"


"It's about to start..."

Ino's waistless purple dress was first taken off by Naruto, then the skirt underneath, and then the beautiful body...

When everything was honest and honest, Ino let go. In this sea of ​​flowers, she felt unprecedented peace of mind and peace of mind, allowing her to give her heart and body to this whirlpool without any reservations. Naruto! This is the person she loves the most in her life, this is her only boyfriend!

I like Ino not because of her figure, but with all the clothes and accessories removed, Naruto's beautiful breasts really dazzle Naruto, and the light in his eyes makes Ino embarrassed to look directly at her!

"You, don't look at me like that! I, I will be embarrassed..." After all, I will still be embarrassed.

"Haha," Naruto smiled silly, how long has he liked this woman? It seems that since the first encounter in the original book, he has been deeply impressed. Is the longing for a long time now finally turning into reality?

Although still growing, the breasts that are already in good size stand upright in the air full of fragrance, the two cherries should taste good; the curled up snow-white body reveals the wonderful curves, and the buttocks are really tempting People, Ino's body proportions are really good. As a ninja, she doesn't have a trace of excess fat because of regular exercise, but she is full of feminine sexiness. Compared with Sakura's shriveled body, this It's really several levels behind, okay? ?

Ino's beauty is definitely the leader of Konoha's four little girls! This is absolutely beyond doubt! Naruto is sure of it! Who is not convinced? Come to argue? ! ! (To be continued..)

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