Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 310 Training in progress...


Now that Naruto has already said that he wants to be trained, then... how to do it?

At this moment, not only Naruto, but even the girl Sakura is actually thinking about this question.

What is Naruto going to do to her? The word femdom sounds weird...what would he be femme her? ? While fearful, there is an imperceptible trace of excitement in the deepest part of Sakura's heart... Why is this? ?

Anyway! Sakura can be sure that Naruto will not hurt her! Therefore, the meaning of this training is more worthy of her imagination...

What about Naruto? How is he thinking about training? ! ! actually……

Naruto has no experience! Therefore, although it is called training, in fact, Naruto is just talking casually! Just as Sakura imagined, Naruto would never hurt her no matter what. The so-called training, in fact, means that the words are more fluent, so it is easy to say, this training ~ previous life A very classic vocabulary in modern times! Generally speaking, it's just a joke, and it's still kind of ambiguous, and there are many kinds of hidden meanings in it! !

Oops, let's forget it, don't think about it so much, let's train it! Isn't it just a mere training~~Since there are many meanings, let's hurry up and walk according to the meaning that best suits him! I can't wait to give Sakura a good lesson, and he is the one who is right. It is really a pleasure to teach her so openly... Do whatever you want, isn't this just training? To make yourself refreshed, you have to go, er, to make Sakura "comfortable", isn't it? ? ?

How come you feel comfortable! !

So, let's go! ! !

first! Of course it is this beautiful face with a wider forehead!

Frankly speaking, although Sakura's forehead is a bit wide, it does not affect the beauty of her overall face. It can only be said that this is a unique feature of Sakura! !

On the contrary, this wide forehead is a kind of beauty on Sakura. The original female lead, how could it not have some characteristics!

In the original book,

The author was very partial to this girl, and made her more and more beautiful. Instead, Ino, who had great potential, deliberately lowered her appearance in order to set off Sakura, and it was not until the latest article that her appearance rose to its peak... …

Naruto was wronged by his Ino! ! So he wants revenge! Sakura? ? !

Although it is not the ultimate beauty and cannot be ranked at the top, it is still one of the best beauties! Although the Sai in the original book called Sakura quite bluntly... an ugly girl!

But in fact, there may still be some paranoid opinions! Because Saii's aesthetics seem to have some problems~

Otherwise, how could the irony in the original book call Ino a beauty? ! ! Obviously this beauty is taken for granted! !

Naruto's aesthetics are the most fair and impartial.

Just like this pretty face in front of him, Naruto couldn't help touching it.

His hand is very gentle to touch!

It made Sakura a little intoxicated, but she didn't feel uncomfortable, as if it should be like this. Sakura was very surprised by her psychological change.

She quickly turned her head away, not wanting Naruto to continue to treat her lightly like this.

However, no matter how she turned her head, Naruto's hand was always on her face.

"You're not good! If that's the case... that's fine!" Naruto sneered, pushed Sakura onto a stake, and then took out a special rope to tie Sakura to the stake!

"Naruto, why did you tie me up?!" Sakura said in surprise and anger.

"Ann! I will treat you well! There is no way to do this. Who made you so bad!" Naruto sighed, obviously very depressed.

"Your lips, it seems that you haven't tasted them in recent years!" Naruto stretched out a finger and plucked her two pink lips, with a faint smile in his eyes, just like Sakura, Obviously very ambiguous.

This is already teasing!

Sakura's face is red, it's red up to her ears, it's really funny, this girl's shy expression is so cute.

Naruto really wanted to record this scene, no, he had to record the whole process, because... this is really a very interesting picture.

"Don't be like this..." Sakura's pleading words just made Naruto want to continue even more, and even exacerbated the process.

"Don't do this? Don't do what? Tell me?" Naruto said with his head tilted.

His fingers had already entered Sakura's mouth, and they were moving recklessly in that warm environment, as if he was not afraid that Sakura might bite down with one tooth...

Not to mention whether Sakura still dares to continue to provoke Naruto, even if she really opened her mouth to bite down, so what? ? Naruto's defensive power is pretty good, even if it does damage, it is estimated to be -1, -1, and there is no threat at all! ! Sakura's teeth are not fists, this is the effect of a critical strike that cannot be obtained by biting! !

so! Naruto is very confident!

In fact, the resentful Sakura really wanted to bite down, but what happened after the bite? Naruto's anger may become even stronger, and it will be herself who suffers at that time!

Naruto's state right now is already very frightening for Sakura, she really doesn't dare to provoke him anymore, now Sakura has begun to regret her impulsive behavior at that time!

As the saying goes! Impulse is the devil!

Is impulsive punishment what it is now? ? This is really self-inflicted! I hope Naruto will calm down quickly, forgive her quickly, and then let her go~~ Sakura can only look forward to this in her heart...

Who made her not control her violent temper at that time? ? However, she is always like this, sometimes she just can't control her temper! !

Normally, when you are quiet, you are very gentle and considerate, but once you go crazy, it is like falling into a state of madness, without thinking through your brain... like Naruto in the state of nine-tailed chakra~~~

"I will participate, I will go to Tiandiqiao this time!" Naruto suddenly pulled his finger out of Sakura's small mouth, and a silver transparent line of saliva hung on the side of Sakura's mouth. The move that made her blush and shy, but Sakura doesn't have time to think about it now, anyway, there's no one here, right? ? !

All she cared about was the words that came out of Naruto's mouth just now! !

These words attracted all of Sakura's mind and attention. (To be continued..)

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