The relationship between Hong and Asma for many years, is it actually not as good as a Naruto? ? They have only known each other for a few years, but they have already developed to this point? ? Even Asma doesn't have the right to enter Hong's room in the middle of the night! And Hong didn't seem to resist! ! !

The beautiful and full breasts are half covered, and the slender and straight thighs are all exposed to the air. This pajamas can't cover up at all! ! Not only that, but also has some very ambiguous meanings, which feels more like a kind of temptation!

Such a sexy figure is completely undisguised in the presence of Naruto, a super pervert. Don't say that she didn't notice it! ! This is clearly a tacit consent! And Uzuki Xiyan noticed that Bai didn't seem surprised! Moreover, they are still making love with Naruto like no one else is there, which is really incomprehensible enough!

What happened to this world? ! Why does Uzuki Xiyan feel so messy! !

Or is it that the relationship between them is already very close, to a certain extent, there is no need to cover up some details at all? ?

Xi Yan combined some situations when she got along with Naruto to analyze, when that guy was in her house, she seemed to be like this, right? ?

In this way, does it mean that the relationship is really ambiguous? ?

However, Xiyan didn't notice it at all before...

Hong also thought of it, could it be said that Xi Yan also has something to do with Naruto, a bastard? ? Is it the same with her? ? or more...

Xiyan, Naruto, and Shiro are all members of Anbe, and her best friend is also the captain responsible for guiding Naruto and Shiro. They belong to the same team. Sure enough, Naruto will not miss this opportunity? ? After communicating, there is really no sense of disobedience at all! ! It's a matter of course, isn't it? ?

Does this little thief really have that much charm? ? Lian Hong actually... would abandon her childhood sweetheart, Asuma, who is deeply affectionate and righteous, and hang out with Naruto~~~ If her fiancé Haifeng is still alive, what will happen to her? ? Will it still be like this now? Half-forced to become Uzumaki Naruto's lover? ? Xi Yan looked at her best friend Hong's eyes obviously became extraordinarily strange...

Is this contempt? ? Still... In short, it seems to be very complicated, which makes Hong feel very uncomfortable. ?ranwe?n?????????`t

However, Xi Yan also feels this way now! Because after Hong figured it out, the meaning in this look seemed to be the same as that of Xi Yan! !

"..." The only woman who remained calm was Shiro who was still being bullied in Naruto's arms.

Anyway, their relationship is well known, so there is no need to deliberately hide anything, although it is very shy, but if this is what Naruto wants, she is willing to accept it, and the people here are not outsiders! ~

"What are you three doing together?" Naruto said.

"Nothing!" Red said.

"Do you still want to listen to some women's private conversations? Why don't you hurry up?!" Uzuki Xiyan said, if this guy stays here for too long, what will happen is really unpredictable! !

So, hurry up and drive him out! Otherwise, it is only possible to evacuate quickly by yourself.

In short, under the current circumstances, it is impossible for the two of them to coexist!

But Naruto wants it!

How could Naruto just leave like this! There are three beautiful beauties in the house, which has exceeded his expectations. Such a good opportunity is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, is there any? ? !

"Go? You let me go? Where are you going??" Naruto tilted his head, resting his head on Shiro's chest, smelling the wonderful fragrance, feeling the touch and elasticity like a sofa.

"Where are you going? Of course it's going back to your house!" Xiyan said as it should, this guy really doesn't want to leave!


Unfortunately... my house was destroyed. "Naruto laughed. This is obviously a very worrying thing, but Naruto would actually tell it in such an obviously happy tone, which is really contrary to harmony. Nothing?? It’s like a simple joke???

"Really??" All the girls looked at Naruto. Will the house be destroyed? ? Who actually has this ability? Can Naruto's house be destroyed? ? !

Are there any enemies? ? Naruto's opponent? ? Was it an attack by Akatsuki? ? For a while, Hong and the others thought a lot, actually, are they really thinking too much? ! No matter how blatant the Akatsuki organization was, they wouldn't come to attack Naruto at this time, would they? It's not that they didn't dare, it's just... If it was really their attack, the whole village would have been alarmed by now, and they would have to go on an urgent mission by then! How could it be possible to talk here so leisurely? ! Especially Naruto, where would he have time to pick up girls here? ?

"Who is it?! Who can do this??" Hong said.

The few women here have a considerable understanding of Naruto's strength, so they seem to know the identity of the guy who can demolish Naruto's house.

"Hehe, the guy who destroyed my house has already been given a severe 'lesson' by me." Naruto laughed meaningfully. Sakura, the guy who destroyed his house, has now been taught by him. Cleaned up hard! !


"Hehe, Sakura! If that girl gets angry, she will have a bad temper! It's really hard to control!"

"so what?"

"That's why my house was destroyed!!" Naruto said innocently.

"So, why did you make Sakura angry?!" Uzuki Xiyan said, she also has a certain understanding of Sakura, she knows that although Sakura is very violent when angry, but Under normal conditions, she is still very gentle, what kind of reason can make Sakura so manic? How about destroying Naruto's house? !

It is estimated that the most likely thing is that Naruto did something bad again, right? ? !

This possibility is still relatively high, because Naruto's lasciviousness is already very outrageous!


Qi Shushu looked at Naruto... (to be continued...)

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