Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 318 Another hot spring!

As for the itinerary of soaking in the hot springs, since it was proposed by Yamato, it naturally needs to be arranged by Yamato. Senior Yamato, he is very generous. Compared to Mr. Kakashi, there is really nothing to say.

Soaking in the hot springs, eating, all the expenses, all the expenses, are not eating and drinking at public expense, they are reimbursed at public expense. Everything is paid for by Yamato himself. So, this is also a rich man and he is generous. Naruto thinks What's more, this guy has lived a good life in Anbu. His pocket must be very bulging, right? His wooden escape is extraordinary in combat, and in normal times, in leisure time, he can also do some private work and do some construction work engineering, work. . The update is the fastest and the efficiency is high. You don’t need to spend money to buy raw materials, and the quality is good enough. Isn’t it a lot of money?

In his previous life, because of the limitations of modern living conditions, Naruto had never enjoyed such a hot spring bath surrounded by mountains and rivers before.

But what?

In this world, this is not the first time he has enjoyed it. This world has the beauty of this world, it is very simple, very exciting, and very beautiful, and the development in many aspects has attracted him deeply. Naruto likes this world more and more.

Over time

The process of soaking in hot springs has already been regarded by Naruto as a process of hunting for beauty.

Because, at this time, it seems that some beauties will always be occupied by Naruto

For the first time, the two of them bathed together with Temari, the beginning of the first love affair. Then the second time I went to the hot spring, that is, after eating the two girls Temari and Uzuki Xiyan, let alone everything after the frank meeting, didn’t it all belong to Naruto alone?

What about this time?

Beside him, isn't there also a beautiful woman at this time?

Miss Sakura Haruno

And this absolute girl from Hokage is by my side no matter what time it is, Naruto will never be able to cut off this beauty by his side, without that one by his side, there is still this ah This time, it is finally Haruno Sakura's turn

ha ha what needs to happen

It would be strange if nothing happened in the hot spring pool, would it be worthy of Naruto himself? Do it, you can be worthy of it if you work hard, right?

And before leaving Konoha,

Sakura and Naruto have just exchanged some good things. Isn’t this the right time to revisit some of the things between the two of them before that? Review it several times, anyway, there are opportunities and there is time. In short, it must be familiarized. Maybe it can further stimulate the feeling of passion.

Oh, what a joy! Yamato leaned his shoulders against the rock wall behind, and then stretched out his hands, one on Naruto's shoulder and the other on Kakashi's shoulder, with a sour expression on his face.

Heh, hug left and hug right, Naruto hates physical contact with men, then Naruto will take another look

Kakashi next to him also had a comfortable expression on his face. Although his whole body was soaking in the bath, the black mask on his face was never removed.

This Kakashi-sensei's face value is obviously very high, is there any reason, but why? Why does Kakashi always cover almost all of his face with a mask? It is obviously a handsome face with no defects. This is only for Naruto, there is nothing, but it was covered, what does this mean? Could it be that the first person who uncovered his mask would have Kakashi to promise him with his body? But, Naruto I don't care, anyway, it doesn't matter to him, handsome or not, as long as Naruto pays attention to himself, then it will be fine

Sure enough, men still have to meet each other honestly, so that the relationship between each other can be deepened. Yamato let out a deep breath and said sourly.

But this sentence surprised Naruto, no, no, this guy, Yamato, is this guy backing the mountain? Glass?

this is disgusting

Indeed, the world of Hokage is always full of basic love, the fetters between various men and men, Naruto Hara, and Sasuke, as well as Kakashi and Obito, this is the basic love that runs through all

But the current Naruto is very disgusted by this kind of relationship. The goosebumps on his body came out densely in an instant, and the cold hair stood on end. He was really dumbfounded in an instant. Then he let go of Yamato's arm and then

Naruto disappeared instantly, and then appeared tens of meters away from Yamato and Kakashi.

Kakashi said: Naruto, why are you running so far?

There is nothing to do, just want to look at the scenery here, Naruto said with a haha.

What are you doing?" Yamato muttered.

Naruto ignored him, drifted away, and moved to the other side of the hot spring, just kidding, no, if he didn't go farther away, how would Naruto implement some of his plans next? He can't hold back the gay friendship

I don't know if Sakura, who is soaking in the hot spring, is looking forward to it or not

Anyway, Naruto is looking forward to it, even longing, eager to see Sakura's reaction at that time

It should be very interesting. It can also be regarded as letting her get used to Naruto's actions, so that she won't get used to it and show her feet, then it's really bad.

Now that I thought of it, the next step is to do it

What should I do? Naruto dived into the water, and then went to sneak over there! Sakura is on the other side with only a wall, and I can clearly hear a lot of girls laughing and playing around there. Voice, there are also mixed baths over there, there are many beautiful young girls

So, besides Sakura, there are also many opportunities to feast your eyes.

Although Naruto doesn't intend to do anything to these girls who have never met before, he also has his own bottom line.

To be continued. .

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