Hehe, you are so big here

No, alas, it hurts, what are you doing, don't pinch, don't want a very beautiful woman pushing and shoving with all the good-looking women around in the hot spring. . update the fastest

Wow, it's so slippery and elastic. Your skin is in good condition. Do you have any secrets on how to take care of it? Tell me soon!

That’s right, the secret must be told.

No, just drink milk, eat papaya, and, and

what else

Also, you need to knead frequently with your hands, hahaha

you hate it no no no

Laughing and playing in the hot spring, and discussing some more private topics about my daughter’s family. This is a topic that is usually shameful and difficult to talk about. Can't communicate

Naruto swims in the water, where there are beauties, he will stop for a longer time, although his ultimate target is Sakura, but before Sakura, you can still brew it first

There are so many young and beautiful girls in the hot springs. It would be a pity if they didn't meet them one by one.

Did you find it?

I'm not afraid of being discovered

Well, you can rest assured that there is absolutely no problem. Who is he, Uzumaki Naruto? Now that he is Uzumaki Naruto, what kind of ninjutsu is he best at?

Although Naruto does use Spiral Pills often, but compared to Spiral Pills, Naruto has just debuted, and even before that, what he is best at is the unparalleled seduction technique developed by himself.

Seduction, hello, seduction

Although the main function of this ninjutsu is to deal with lewd men, Naruto can't stand it, it's disgusting, so he won't use it, and only the former Naruto will use this ninjutsu unscrupulously to seduce Iru The old man of the third generation, the lecherous fairy, they are, for the current Naruto, sometimes, they can also be mixed with women

It's like a duck to water, isn't it?

No, isn't he already tempted by a large group of beautiful girls who are surrounding him? And, a very important point, no one has discovered his true identity, and they really thought he was a woman? So, let's say, Some private actions between these women, hehe, it's really exhilarating! It's so exciting that Naruto can't restrain his transformation. After all, this bloody man will react, so this reaction will expose him

So next, it's time to shift the strategy

Sakura's location is relatively deserted, in the corner of the hot spring, she is soaking in the hot spring alone.

This time, it's not that Sakura remembered some sad things again, but she didn't want to stay there

There, that is the place where Naruto was hanging out with the girls just now. They all have big breasts, and they are very well developed, but she herself is so small. Sakura is holding her pair of small breasts, feeling sad

Ino's is also much bigger than hers, and that girl has a particularly good figure.

I'm so envious

After all, she is still a girl. Although Sakura has given up a lot since she cut off her hair, she is still a girl after all.

Is it true what the girl with big breasts said just now? Can you listen to it? Can you experiment? Papaya? Milk? Do you still need to rub it with your hands? Sakura looked down at her breasts, do you want to try it?

However, at this time, someone replaced Sakura and made this kneading gesture.

Ah, Sakura was startled suddenly, her body tensed instantly, and she almost reflexively launched a self-defense attack, but she finally relaxed. After all, the women here are ordinary people and cannot withstand their own attacks.

Who, who? Sakura turned her head away.

Hey, sister is hiding here alone, isn’t it lonely? Let’s play with my sister, okay?

This elder sister is the one that Xiao Sakura saw just now, the girl with big breasts, good skin, wonderful figure, and good looks. There were so many girls around her just now, how could she come to get close to her? She is clearly a stranger. But why did you just come over to mock her? Did you completely mock her by making comparisons? Sakura was angrily

This woman is disgusting

We don't know each other, please don't touch me because this sister suddenly squeezed Sakura's small breasts hard.

Sakura opened the woman's hand and said in a very blunt tone.

It doesn't matter if you don't know each other. In fact, I didn't know the girls just now, but we didn't get along very well. Didn't you also see it just now? The sister said.

You saw me just now, Sakura became suspicious.

My sister looks so outstanding, of course I can see it at a glance

Yes, is that so Sakura said blushing. After all, this is a compliment from a great beauty. Although it is a flattery, Sakura is still very happy, very happy

Although this breast is slightly small, it is very flexible. If you are willing to listen to my sister, my sister has a secret to make it very plump. This is not the secret just now. This is my sister's unique trick. This time, Sakura His chest was held, and although he was obviously not used to it, he did not refuse.

After all, we are all women

Although Sakura didn't know that the true identity of this outstanding and slim beauty was Naruto's classmate who was in charge of her beauty.

Is there really a secret? Sakura hesitated and said.

Of course, come on, let my sister tell you, Naruto's mouth has a tricky smile, his changes are perfect, he is indeed a man who has studied the art of seduction, even a real woman can't tell the truth from the fake

If that's the case, there's no problem, Sakura, enjoy yourself

Naruto's seductive big sister, gently stroked every inch of Sakura's skin with her hands

Sakura, who was intoxicated by the caress of Naruto, the big sister, finally found something wrong

To be continued. .

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