Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 325 Confrontation!

Kakashi and Orochimaru? Let them play a game first as the opening performance? ?

Seems pretty good~

If we really fight...

No matter how you look at it, Mr. Kakashi's strength should be at a disadvantage compared to the legendary Sannin's Orochimaru. r? anwen??????????`??t?

Although Kakashi was also a genius since he was a child, Orochimaru is even more genius!

Orochimaru is the apprentice of the third Hokage!

Three generations of Hokage commented that he is a talented young man, a rare genius in decades, but unfortunately...geniuses are always rebellious! The more genius a person is, the more different he is in this thought, and the things he thinks of are always particularly incredible. Some very simple and inconspicuous things always have a lot of distinctive meanings in the eyes of geniuses.

For example, birth, aging, illness and death are normal, but in the eyes of geniuses, it is different. If a nervous and optimistic guy, like a lecherous fairy, would never go into a dead end, but this is Orochimaru! His nerves are surprisingly slender!

He wants to break through the boundary of death!

So, in the end he fell! That's why the current Orochimaru was created...but he succeeded! That kind of taboo ninjutsu that can not die, if you don't talk about the evil things that Orochimaru has done, his achievements are really unprecedented! Who can deny it? ? In the original book, the three generations of Hokage can be killed, doesn't that explain everything? ? ? Orochimaru can break even the taboo sealing technique like ghoul seal, his talent is second to none in Hokage!

In fact, Naruto admired this Orochimaru very much! Although dangerous, but really very charming personality! It will make people look forward to it, and I really want to see what will happen in the future...

The more genius you are, the easier it is to go astray. Orochimaru was also very kind when he was a child!

What about Kakashi! He is the youngest ninja in Konoha, with records at each stage, a ninja at the age of five, a middle ninja at the age of six, and a jnin at the age of twelve. He has always been the record holder. He is a genius and an apprentice of the fourth Hokage. , the son of Konoha Baiya who is as famous as Sannin...

However, compared with Orochimaru, it seems to be a generation behind!

He is also a genius, but even with Sharingan, there is still a gap in strength between Kakashi and Orochimaru, and the gap is not small. In this regard, when Kakashi once sealed Sasuke's curse seal, Kakashi He also admitted it himself.

Orochimaru also said that his subordinate, that is, the male pharmacist Dou with glasses, his strength is about the same level as Kakashi. Sai, even fighting with Tsunade...


The crescent eye that Kakashi exposed looked very helpless, who would want to fight with this guy Orochimaru! It's true that he has a fighting spirit, but if it wasn't for the current situation, it doesn't matter whether he mentions the fighting spirit or not! What he wants to challenge most is the dead teacher...

This battle or something is really tiring!

But it's impossible if you don't fight! With Orochimaru around, the situation is gradually getting out of control, and if you want to retreat completely, it may really be impossible if you don't fight!

So... fight! ! !

"Oshemaru! Where's Sasuke?! Where did you hide Sasuke?!" Sakura yelled at the side, and hurriedly asked the question she had wanted to ask all along.

"Sasuke? Hehe, do you want to know the whereabouts of Sasuke?? You are really inseparable! Obviously Sasuke has left Konoha and betrayed you, but why are you still so persistent??" Orochi Maru sneered.

No matter how you look at it, Orochimaru's face is always so eerie, with a twisted beauty, well, this guy is also a handsome man! However, compared to Naruto, it is still a bit worse!

"Asshole! Sasuke must have been bewitched by you, that's why he is like that, I must bring him back.

"Sakura clenched her fists, grinding her teeth, her eyes sharp!

"Hehe, you really are a naive little girl!" Douhe said with a smile: "Sakura, these years have passed, you still like Sasuke-kun, but you are really stupid! I heard that you are now Tsuna Disciple of Hand, I don’t know what’s the difference between you now and before?? Are you still the same as before, so fragile and incompetent??!” The words of this bag are really ruthless! Naruto feels that this hypocritical guy is more dangerous and terrifying than Orochimaru! It is also a guy who needs to beware! !

"Little Shemaru, is Sasuke at your house??!" Naruto waved his hand, this is really something to ask before a fight! Otherwise, if the second pillar is not there, wouldn't it be pointless to fight? ?

Little snake pill? ? ?

Hehe, even Orochimaru was taken aback by this title before he realized that this kid is really annoying! Just like three years ago, this mouth always wanted to tear it apart...

Being stared at by Orochimaru is like being stared at by a ferocious and brutal poisonous snake, very uncomfortable.

Uh, this... Naruto has always kept a respectful distance from snakes, which are slippery and not slippery. This sensitivity to snakes has always existed, which seems very uncomfortable.

"Nine-tailed boy, you really impress me! No one has ever dared to point fingers at my name, and you are the first!" Orochimaru's pupils were filled with murderous intent, and he had already made a move.

Orochimaru's illusion!

Through the killing intent in Orochimaru's eyes, I saw the scene when I was about to die tragically. Once... the illusion under the killing intent made Sakura cry, full of fear, but at this moment she regained her calmness in an instant. This level of illusion, even a terrifying killing intent, can't make Sakura back down!

Dashemaru's eyes flashed with astonishment, and he said appreciatively: "That's right, little girl, compared to the death forest, you've made progress! Hehe!"

"Hmph!" Sakura clenched her fists, "I'm going to blow you up! Then get Sasuke back!"

"I hope you can! If you can defeat Dou, I don't mind trying your fist to see how it's different from Tsunade's woman?!?" Orochimaru said: "Dou, hand in Here you go!"

"Okay! Orochimaru-sama!" Todo looked at the girl Haruno Sakura with a sneer, fighting is fighting, and he will do his best to kill this Tsunade's disciple!

Kakashi vs Orochimaru.

Sakura vs Yakushi Dou.

And what about Yamato? What about Naruto?

Just watch, be a spectator? ?

How can that work? ?

... (To be continued..)

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