Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 328 Naruto VS Junmaro

What Naruto said so easily provoked Junma Lu unintentionally...

Jun Malu is actually a paranoid, and he is still the kind of paranoid who is often gray and paranoid. Huoran???????`t

After being taken in by Orochimaru when he was a child, Junmaro admired Orochimaru very much, and it has reached the point of madness! How could he allow someone to use that kind of disrespectful words to Oshemaru-sama like this!

So, before he appeared on the stage, our Naruto-sama has already completely offended Junma Lu!

So as early as that time, Jun Malu had already put Naruto on his blacklist, the must-kill list.

Therefore, it is inevitable that this murderous intent will be leaked. The hidden breath also showed flaws, and it was not perfect.


This will be discovered by Naruto! Will be discovered by Kakashi! Otherwise, even Naruto may not be able to notice it due to the limitations of the original plot, which may be a disadvantage.

Now, even though he has provoked a big enemy, there is no potential crisis. I really don't know if it is a blessing or a curse? ?

Anyway, now, this Junmalu has identified Naruto, since he jumped out, he has locked Naruto, and has been attacking Naruto, so this is considered immortal, right? !

This battle with Jun Malu is inevitable.

Naruto's expression is very serious, because although this guy is more paranoid, his strength really cannot be underestimated.

Or it is because of his paranoia that he has such a powerful strength.


This kind of paranoia is the most troublesome and terrifying, because usually there is no way to reason with this kind of guy.

For the Orochimaru he admires, Jun Ma Lu can give everything.

He wants to kill Naruto!

The current Junmalu is the Junmaru in his prime, not the one who is seriously ill, but the Junmaru who has grown up for three years on the basis of the original kage-level strength...

Junmaro, who is seriously ill in the original book, needs Naruto who is initially possessed by Nine-Tails Chakra, Xiao Li in the state of Drunken Master, and Gaara after bleaching, and they can hardly control him. What about Junmalu, who is stronger but not terminally ill now! ?

Ordinary ninjas, even kage-level ninjas are hard to say against him...

However, Naruto is easy to provoke!

It makes sense to fight Junmaro in his heyday and then defeat him! Only then can he write a strong stroke of color on his record.

"Kimaro, let me see your strength!" Naruto took out a handful of kunai from the ninja bag again, held it in his hand, and responded to Junmaro's attack.

This kunai looks different in shape, similar to Asma's chakra knife, but it is made by Naruto according to his favorite style.

It is wider and longer than ordinary kunai, and after forming a chakra knife, it looks like a sword...

Corpse veins. Willow dance.

One of Junmaro's five dances, since his 'Ten Finger Piercing Bullet' is no longer effective, let's use a more violent attack to destroy this kid who insulted Master Orochimaru's name!

The murderous intent was colliding, and the attacks of Naruto and Junmaro were also colliding.

Jun Malu's ability to inherit the limited corpse bone vein is to use the bones in the body, use every part of the body as a means of attack, and freely manipulate the bones in the body. This is quite interesting, at least if you have no bones If it is broken, you don't need the treatment of the medical ninja, you only need to use the ability of the 'skeleton vein' to restore the bone to its original state.

It's very convenient!

No wonder even Orochimaru was envious of this body. It's a pity, for the current Orochimaru, Sasuke's body and the blood succession limit of Sharingan are more attractive to him.

boom! bang bang bang!

The sound of metal and bone colliding together,

The force of the impact even caused sparks to shoot out. Naruto's Kunai was not damaged this time, but he couldn't be happy.

Because he didn't have an advantage either! It's rare for such a situation to happen. We've been fighting for a while, but there's still no way to suppress this opponent. It's still a tie, right? !

Jun Ma Lu's five dances, this is the first one, but it makes Naruto feel very tricky.


The attack power of his bones also poses a certain threat to Naruto's defense.

Those sharp bones feel like they will be very difficult to handle! ! !

Bones, which are originally the hardest in the human body. So whether it is used for defense or attack, the effect is surprisingly good.

And even the Chakra Knife can resist it.

Although it was just a test, his Chakra Knife was not able to cut Junmalu's bones into pieces like cutting tofu.

It really is the 'Bone Vein'.

Strong enough! The attack power is high, and the defense power is also good.

Jun Malu's Liu Zhiwu's attack method is mainly formed by using the bones of his body and limbs.

His ninjutsu is all related to bones, and the completely unsloppy physical jutsu combined with the broken bones of his limbs makes Naruto really unable to do it sometimes.

If you get close, you may be stabbed by the bones of Junmalu's limbs. Fortunately, if you use the chakra knife, you can finally avoid the most direct physical close combat.

Otherwise, the bones that pop out from Jun Malu's palms, elbows, shoulders, and knees from time to time, I'll go, it's really uncomfortable enough!

As far as physical skills are concerned, like Xiao Li's eight-door Dunjia fierce boxing technique, when encountering Jun Malu's bones popping out of his body from time to time, this can only hurt himself very much!

This product is really difficult to deal with!

Naruto finally confirmed this!

So, he finally got serious!

When fighting, you must adapt to the situation! Since you can't use physical skills, you need to use some other means.

Taijutsu is only part of Naruto's strength! Since it is useless when dealing with Jun Malu, it is natural to change the method!

Why is Kakashi's reputation spread throughout the five major ninja countries? On the one hand, he is sharingan, and on the other hand, he has a very high combat IQ. He can grasp the situation of the battle and deal with different enemies. He can see the details and use different Methods and different ninjutsu to deal with, this is the development path of an excellent ninja, that is endless, so that it will not and cannot be targeted, because there is no way to target it! Over the years, Naruto has learned a variety of ninjutsu skills, which are enough to deal with many situations.

For example, now...

Dealing with Junma Lu, that's it! ! ! (To be continued..)

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