Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 335 Which Junmaro?

In such an emergency, what Sakura thought of was actually Naruto! This Naruto classmate who has been bullying her ruthlessly recently is not... the Nizhuzi Sasuke classmate that Sakura has always liked? ?

If Naruto knew, he would look up to the sky and laugh three times hahaha. us update the fastest

He wants to take everything from Sasuke. Sakura, take it back!

Why is Sakura thinking of Naruto right now? In times of crisis, isn't the most important person in your mind? ?

Although it seems unreasonable, this is the real truth.

Naruto has rescued Sakura several times in times of crisis: when the land of wave was fighting against ghosts and men, when he was not killed; when in the forest of death; and when Gaara turned black...

Every time, in the most critical moment, it seems that Naruto has always been the one who protected Sakura.

Where's Sasuke? What can he see in his eyes? What can't you see? ? In his eyes, there is only power, only powerful power, revenge, that is all his motivation, this kind of Sasuke can't see the scenery in his eyes at all, those companions who have always cared about him and love him, Sasuke will never see arrive!

For the power of revenge, he abandoned all his companions. Don't you know that someone will chase him relentlessly? ? After meeting with each other with great difficulty, you actually want to attack them cold-bloodedly? ?

Wouldn't it be impossible to gain power without this appearance? ? Why once it changes, even all cognitions will change, and all ties can be cut off. Is there only one solution to the same thing? ?

But Naruto doesn't do that.

Naruto is also very powerful, but he is not like that. It's just that she hasn't been protected with Naruto's care for a long time now.

"Be careful! This knife, be careful!" Under the glasses of the man with glasses, under those eyes, the viciousness, this pocket is a guy more terrifying than Orochimaru.

"Wood Dun. Wood Ding Wall!" The chakra scalpel in the pocket failed to chop Sakura's body this time, and was blocked by Yamato's Wood Dun defensive ninjutsu.

boom! Dou's eyes were full of surprise, it was Mu Dun! Apart from the original Hokage, are there any ninjas who can use Mudun? ? And it also came from Muye Village!

"Sakura, how are you?" Yamato protected Sakura behind him.

"Thank you, Yamato-senpai." Sakura forced a smile.

Facing the attack from Dou just now, Sakura was actually capable of dodging, but she didn't choose to dodge. In fact, the purpose is very simple. Will someone come to save her? ? Like... Naruto? ?

Will Naruto rush over to save her as always like at that time? ? Will it? meeting? or not?

Sakura actually knew that her behavior like this was naive and dangerous, but ever since this thought arose in her mind, she couldn't suppress it successfully.

Therefore, even if it is willful, even if it is reckless, even if Naruto is facing a dangerous duel now, but she just wants to try.

The result is not satisfactory!

Naruto still didn't come to protect her! It was Yamato-senpai who saved her.

Very disappointed, Sakura was really disappointed in her heart, but she changed her mind, suddenly! She suddenly realized a question, that is, is Naruto dangerous now?

Naruto's opponent is very powerful. Could it be that Naruto also met a terrible enemy? Is he overwhelmed? ?

"Sakura, leave this to me, you can take a break first!" Yamato said.

"Alright then! Please! Yamato-senpai!" Sakura said very simply.

Although she doesn't know the strength of Senior Yamato, but she also knows that he is proficient in the first generation of Mu Dun. There is no doubt that his strength is stronger than hers. It will definitely be possible for Senior Yamato to deal with this glasses man.

What Sakura wants most now is to quickly go and see Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei, what will happen to the three of them? ?

Sakura didn't even have time to recover her physical strength,

Just like this, I went to Naruto and his battle ground without stopping...


"Hehe, that little girl is very capable, you should let her stay and help you!" Dou said.

"Hehe," Yamato also laughed, "There's no need for that!"

"Look at my wooden escape!" Yamato shouted softly.


One battle ended, another battle changed its face, and finally one person was freed.

That's Sakura!

Sakura came to the place where Naruto and Kimaro fought.

Obviously she should watch the more intense duel between Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke, but Sakura couldn't control her pace and came here.

Let's take a look at Naruto's security situation.

When Sakura came over, the battle between Junmaro and Naruto had already reached the most intense moment.

Dance of Tang Song!

The Dance of the Iron Wire Flower! Iron thread flower dancing flower style!

And the Dance of the Ferns!

Even the curse seal of the earth has been fully opened, and it has reached the second state of curse seal.

From Junmaro to Curse Seal Junmaro!

Thinking of this, Naruto began to struggle again. His ability is recruitment! But if this is successful, then he recruited Jun Malu or Curse Yin Jun Malu!

In the mobile game in the previous life, no matter whether it was a curse seal or a non-curse seal, they all belonged to the b-level.

If this is a recruitment, what kind of situation will it be? ? Thinking about it, I still have a little expectation! What level would it be to recruit a Jun Malu who was even more powerful? ?

Thinking of this, Naruto decided to finish it as soon as possible.

Jun Malu's ability has been fully demonstrated, so it is already the best time to recruit.

This is also a must for recruitment!

After waiting for so long, Naruto just wanted Junmaro to use all his abilities. On the one hand, it was convenient for Naruto to learn, and on the other hand, it was necessary for recruitment! Only when the enemy's ability is the most powerful and all abilities are displayed, can the full strength of this ninja be recruited!

This is the trouble of real recruitment! However, it feels much faster than the collection of those fragments, right? ?

"Kimaro, right? Do you have any other skills??" Naruto said.

Jun Ma Lu's aura has become disordered, and his bones have been cut off, and I don't know how many bones. Although the bone veins can grow out, it takes a lot of chakra!

Moreover, he is still helpless to Naruto.

His proud hard bones were cracked by the sharp attack of Naruto's Feng Dun.

With no advantage in speed, Jun Malu really felt powerless against this opponent.

... (To be continued..)

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