Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 339 Sooner or later, Naruto will be...

Orochimaru is indeed a character that cannot be ignored!

As a senior in the ninja world, he is well-known in the ninja world, but he doesn't pay attention to demeanor at all!

This is a sneak attack and an assassination game, which is really the best thing to do. ?Ranwen novel?????????`???

And not ashamed, but proud!

For this guy, Orochimaru, as long as he kills the enemy, it doesn't matter what method he uses! All he cares about is the result. As for the process, it might be interesting, but the result must be as he imagined, otherwise, everything will be meaningless.

A shadow clone is just a shadow clone after all! Although Naruto's shadow clone is very strong, it is also very fragile. Once attacked, even if it is only a slight attack damage, the shadow clone may be scattered.

Orochimaru is several levels stronger than Junma Lu!

If Orochimaru suddenly mixes in, with the strength of Naruto's shadow avatar, there is no doubt that Junmaro will be subdued.

Because, from the previous fight with Jun Ma Lu, after fighting for a long time, Naruto can be said to have figured out his routines, even if Jun Ma Lu may have grown compared to the original book, and then evolved There are some brand new bone dances, but Naruto is sure to win!

but? !

Orochimaru will not let his beloved subordinates die! Junmaro is a rare talent. His strength can help Orochimaru do many things. For example, when he assassinated the fourth Kazekage back then, everything would go so smoothly with Junmaro's cooperation!

Although Orochimaru is an evil guy, but one thing must be admitted, that is, Orochimaru attaches great importance to talents!

His subordinates, those Otonin, from Zak and Jin during the Chunin exam, and the squad at that time, and the four Otonin who were able to trap the third Hokage with the "Four Purple Flame Formation" enchantment, Then to Kimaro, and later on in Shippuden, Mizutsuki, Karin, and Shigego, each of these ninjas possessed some special talents and abilities, so they were favored by Orochimaru.

Jun Ma Lu is a work that Orochimaru likes very much! What's more important is that the kid Junmaro is very loyal to him, so even though Orochimaru already has Sasuke as a better container, the value of Junmaro cannot let him give up!

So, Orochimaru did it.

He is a thunderbolt when he strikes~ The grass pheasant sword was stabbed out of his mouth, I am so obedient, this is a magic weapon, hey, don’t be so anxious, just use it, this sudden move, Naruto’s Chakra The sword was shattered by Orochimaru's Kusanagi sword, and the shadow clone was also broken.

However, Naruto was secretly refreshed, because he could see the surprised look in Dashemaru's eyes, as if he didn't know that this was a shadow clone!

Haha, his shadow clone technique is at its peak, and there are almost no flaws, even Orochimaru, who can't find it.

Therefore, this round with Orochimaru can barely be regarded as a draw!

"What's wrong?" Sakura asked in a low voice, watching Naruto's face change, it seemed that something happened.

"Well, my shadow clone..." Naruto explained casually, halfway through, he suddenly found that Sakura was hiding in a small corner of the pool, huddled there.

Hehe, this girl was just one step away! If it was later, I am afraid that Sakura would have become his woman.

What a missed opportunity!

But compared to the last time, it's a step closer, and it's not a pity. It's good to go step by step, anyway...hehe, this girl can't escape!

Even if she becomes a traitor, Naruto has to catch her back, and her fall red must be our Naruto-sama!

after all! Turning Sakura into his own woman, this can be regarded as fulfilling a wish of the original Naruto! Many people hate Sakura, isn't it because Sakura, as a female number one, interacted with Naruto, the male number one, throughout the original book, but in the end she got together with the second male number two,

This makes everyone unacceptable, right? ? At least... a certain author is very unacceptable~~

That's why we need to change that unhappy ending! As for Erzhuzi, hehe, I'll kill you!

"Sakura, I'm going." Naruto said. Today, no matter what, Jun Malu must be cleaned up. Even if there is Orochimaru to stop it! Kill anyone who feels in the way!

"...En!" Sakura nodded, let's go, let's go.

"Hehe, don't be disappointed, our union will come sooner or later. So... don't rush at this time." Naruto's hand pressed on Sakura's abdomen, making the latter's face flush.

"Hurry up and wash it for nothing, remember to keep your body clean at all times, you know?? Maybe one day, we will... Hehe, do you understand?" Naruto smiled evilly.

"I see." Sakura said, she didn't know why she said that, didn't she not understand the hints and meanings in Naruto's words? No! ? ! Why? I always feel like I can't say no! Obviously it shouldn't be, but she will always be attracted. Sakura knows that if this continues, sooner or later, her body, although it is not attractive but pure and clean, will be given by Naruto sooner or later... I have just met it, the heat there, the lower abdomen feels very strange now, it seems to be the reaction of puberty, as if something is gushing out of that place...

"Hehe, let's go!" Naruto scratched Sakura's nose, and then disappeared here.

Is this a teleportation technique? So fast! Faster than Kakashi-sensei and even Tsunade-sensei, is this Naruto's strength? ?

Heaven and Earth Bridge!

What else is going on in this place? Naruto is so powerful, for Sasuke, can he bring Sasuke back? ?

But even if Sasuke was successfully brought back, brought back to Konoha, what can she do? ? Is there still a possibility between her and Sasuke? ? Sasuke never seemed to look at her in the eye, did he? ?

And is she still qualified to be with Sasuke now? Now Sakura, in her heart, who exactly does she like? I'm afraid she doesn't even have a definition for herself, and she can't figure it out! ? !

The relationship with Naruto has become more and more unclear, and they are entangled together like a ball of thread, which seems to be inseparable...

In this pool, Sakura silently washed vain? ? Then he wiped his body, changed into clean clothes, and waited for Naruto's luck one day? ? ?

... (To be continued..)

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