The entire recruitment process went very quickly, because Junmalu had already been killed by Naruto, so it was impossible for there to be any conscious resistance. When a peaceful and majestic golden light shone, everything about Junmalu , All his abilities, including the blood succession limit, are gathered on this glittering golden card, becoming a force under Naruto's control, and will be used by Naruto forever. ?Ranwen novel?????????`???

As for why it is a card... who knows? ? ?

The recruited cards... what level do they belong to? In short, it can't be the original b-level, right? ! Jun Malu's explosive strength from the beginning to the end far exceeds that level!

When Naruto looked at the grade on the card with full expectation, he showed a relieved smile.

This level is finally worthy of the effort he spent before!

Still quite satisfied Naruto.

So, what level is this? ? Is it a grade? If it's just this level, it shouldn't make Naruto feel gratified, right? ! So... s-class? ? ? ?

Is this possible? ?

How could such a high-level certification be given to such a trick? ? Will this be funny? ! But, because it's Jun Malu!

And who said that there can't be a strong man in a dragon set? ? Are there still few amazing characters in the dragon set? ? In Hokage, there are many outstanding ninjas. Although Junmalu is a flash in the pan, he is definitely a very amazing one.

Jun Malu's final extreme sublimation allowed him to evolve to a deeper level, and finally allowed Jun Malu to barely reach that level, quasi-S level.

Hmm... As the name suggests, it means that it has exceeded the A-level, but it has not really reached the S-level, so it is just a word of 'quasi'!

In between, up and down.

It's hard to say, it's hard to say!

However, it is also a great harvest!

Orochimaru appeared opposite Naruto, and the eyes of the two collided fiercely.

His face was very gloomy, he stared at Naruto with gloomy eyes, and there was a sinister light in his snake-like pupils, this Nine-Tails boy, really deserve to die!

He actually used him in the end!

Take advantage of his attack, then finish off his men. There are very few things in this world that can defend against the sharpness of the Grass Pheasant Sword, not even Jun Malu's "Bone Vein"! And it was his sword with almost all his strength...

It was Jun Malu who died!

This is not something that can be compared with the likes of Ukon, Tayuya, and Jirobo.

When they were killed by the experimental subject, although Orochimaru felt it was a pity, his face was still calm and nothing changed, but Orochimaru couldn't accept Junmalu's death!

His most loyal and powerful subordinate... Such subordinates are hard to find! If you lose one, you really don't have it.

Although this guy is also his capable subordinate, but there is only one Junmaro who is so loyal to Orochimaru! If there is no more, then there is really no more!

"Hehe, I really underestimated you." Orochimaru looked at Naruto with a sneer.

"It's okay!" Naruto smiled, even in the face of Orochimaru, he still acted very relaxed. Although... the snake-like breath on Orochimaru made him very unhappy.

Just now, Naruto did take advantage of Orochimaru. After all, a small trick like sneak attack is okay once, but if Dashewan thinks it will work every time, is Dashewan naive? Or is Naruto naive? ?

Orochimaru thought it was a perfect and impeccable sword, but Naruto was waiting for this opportunity? ?

He just loves to play it that way.

Otherwise, he has so many big moves, more powerful ninjutsu than Helixwan and Dayu Heliwan, if he uses a few casually, this Jun Malu will not be able to do it long ago!

Naruto deliberately showed this appearance of trying his best. After all, there is still a vicious poisonous snake waiting in the dark.

No matter what, he has to create an atmosphere, otherwise, how can he lure the cunning boss, Orochimaru, to show up? ?

The result is still very good!

Seeing Orochimaru gnashing his teeth and being very angry, his mood will be even better!

"Sometimes, I really envy that guy Jiraiya." Orochimaru was not in a hurry to start, but started talking to Naruto.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Naruto said. Orochimaru is not in a hurry to fight, and Naruto is not in a hurry, the opponent has now changed from Junmaro to Orochimaru, and the grade will be different in an instant, so don't be rash!

So, let's talk and talk!

Orochimaru is actually a very proud and arrogant person. His vision has always been very high, very high. Maybe it's because he is a super genius himself, so he can't tolerate those ordinary people without talents.

The standard he judges a person is talent!

But what? It's just the opposite!

As a ninja, he believes that the most important thing for a person is not talent, but will and perseverance.


Horny Fairy!

The two of them have always been enemies! Later, even though Orochimaru left Konoha, sometimes when they meet, I still can't help but want to compare.

They are all Sannin, and they are as famous as each other, but what about the disciples they cultivated? ? Who is stronger and who is weaker? ? Sasuke he cultivated, and Jiraiya's closed disciple Kyuubi's Jinchuriki, Uzumaki Naruto, who will be stronger? ?

After seeing the battle between Naruto and Junmaro, Orochimaru didn't have much confidence.

Is he going to lose twice in a row at the hands of Jiraiya? ? When competing for the seat of the Fourth Hokage, he lost to Namikaze Minato, have his children grown to this point now? ?

Really envious and jealous!

"You're so strong! I can't believe how strong you are!" said Orochimaru.


"I really don't want to kill you!"

"Can you do it?" Naruto chuckled.

"How about you follow me, let's change the world together!" Orochimaru laughed wildly, inviting Naruto.

"You deserve it too!?" Naruto said disdainfully, "This world really needs to be changed, but do you think you can do it?"

"How do you know if you don't try?" Orochimaru said, "I have unlimited life, and I will soon have a perfect body. What can I not achieve?"

"Hehe, infinite life?" Naruto said, "Does the body refer to Sasuke?"

"Even if you occupy Sasuke's body, what can you do? Are you confident that you can surpass Uchiha Madara?"

"Otherwise, why do you think you can change the world?!" Naruto shouted. (To be continued..)

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