Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 345 Formation of Ten Thousand Snakes

How can a person's growth potential be so against the sky? ? Let Orochimaru, a super genius, feel ashamed. us update the fastest

At least... At his age, Orochimaru himself definitely did not have such a strong strength!

A sixteen-year-old boy, even if he is a nine-tailed demon fox with the head of nine big-tailed beasts sealed in his body, this is not the case!

Yes, there are nine tails in his body!

But what about Nine Tails? What about its power? The red chakra knife just now should belong to the chakra of Kyuubi, right? ! But, could it be that this kid can freely manipulate Nine-Tails' Chakra? ?

can't you? ! !

Although it is not impossible to control this tailed beast, but how can this kid be able to do it? ! Is it possible to do that? Besides Hokage and Uchiha Madara, who else can control Kyuubi? ! !

Orochimaru's mind suddenly became confused.


Afterimages flashed, Orochimaru was swept by Naruto's leg, and was thrown into the ruins again.

Dust was flying, sand and rocks were flying, and Orochimaru emerged from the billowing smoke, "Hiding Shadow Snake Hand." Another snake, many snakes sprang out from Orochimaru's loose cuffs, biting at Naruto.

"Hmph, little skill!" Naruto smiled contemptuously. Orochimaru is very dangerous, because he doesn't know when he will use his insidious means to attack the enemy from some inconspicuous places, just like this ninjutsu, very unexpected.

Orochimaru's snake is much more convenient to use than Naruto's toad. Naruto found out after a fight. This snake seems to be summoned to use at any time. Naruto's toad, if you don't have a psychic , that can't jump out!

And snakes and toads should be natural enemies, it seems that snakes eat toads...

Therefore, even if Naruto channeled a few toads, it would have no effect on Orochimaru. Psychic beasts and so on, are there some tall ones? ? snake? frog? slug? nausea!

"Fire escape. Big fireball technique!" The snakes in the flames were roasted very fragrantly, and a strong smell of snake meat came out, maybe the taste is good! However, Naruto can't eat it, it's disgusting!

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew over, and Naruto suddenly found that he couldn't move his hands.

"Hey, forbidden technique. Two snakes killing each other!" Hey, this ninjutsu red bean has also been used before, and the side effects are very serious. In the end, it is really possible that they will die together!

Will Orochimaru choose to do this?

No! no way! That guy is very afraid of death, he did not hesitate to spend several years researching the immortal ninjutsu, could he do this?

So, this... clone? ? ! In short, it will definitely not be the real body.

Does Orochimaru want to use this avatar to die with Naruto? ? The "Hidden Shadow Snake Hand" just now was just a foreshadowing, the purpose was to get close to Naruto's side, and to use this forbidden technique that will kill you at the same time, it should look like this!

Although it's just a shadow clone, if Naruto and Naruto die together, I'm afraid Naruto will really suffer a lot of damage!

But did Orochimaru really think he could catch him? ?

At the same time as the "two snakes killing each other" was released, Naruto also turned into a piece of wood.

Stand-in technique! Although it can only be used once, but he has other things!

Orochimaru has rich combat experience, and Naruto is also not weak. It may not be as good as Orochimaru overall, but he still has some confidence in his ability to respond to the enemy.

"I want to see what you know? Can you crack all my ninjutsu?" Orochimaru snorted, although he didn't expect to kill Naruto with the ninjutsu just now, but he was so easily It really made him very upset.

"The Formation of Ten Thousand Snakes!" Orochimaru erupted.

The red terrifying aura, from the ground, in the body of Orochimaru, there are countless big snakes and small snakes appearing, all of them are showing fierce looks, the scope is getting bigger and bigger,

The scale is getting more and more terrifying, what this psychic summons is a group of snakes! Scary snakes! !

Compared with Orochimaru's "Orochi Envoy Technique" at the beginning, the number of poisonous snakes in the "Formation of Ten Thousand Snakes" this time really has to be calculated in units of ten thousand!

Endless! Devour this place, this area completely! What I saw was densely packed, full of snakes, big snakes, small snakes, long snakes, short snakes, hissing snake letters, entangled with each other, Naruto felt his scalp tingling!

Orochimaru, did you summon so many snakes regardless of food? All of them stared at Naruto with ferocious eyes. Ordinary ninjas, if they are entangled, be good! The end is absolutely miserable! Absolutely no scum left after being eaten!

Fortunately, Naruto is not ordinary!

hide! Hide again! No matter how many snakes there are, they can't keep up with Naruto's speed!

"Drink!" Grass Pheasant Sword flew towards Naruto. Orochimaru's speed may not be as fast as Naruto's, but it is still at the top level. Naruto's movement pattern and position have been analyzed clearly by Orochimaru.

This time, the grass pheasant sword was aimed directly at Naruto's falling stab.

Will be pierced directly!

Naruto was startled, the sword was too sharp, he couldn't catch it with his hands, and he could only avoid it without a weapon.

But how to avoid it now?

Hit it, hit it! I was about to hit it, but I still didn't hit it!

why? ? ?

Naruto appeared in an impossible place, where? ? By Sakura's side!

Is there anything unexpected!

It actually appeared here...why? Naruto used Flying Thunder God just now!

Only space ninjutsu can achieve such an effect and change his established direction.

Sakura has Naruto's Flying Thunder God mark on her body, which allows Naruto to move in space at any time.

Originally, this setting was to facilitate Naruto to moles Sakura at any time, but this time it actually helped him.

Sure enough, Fei Leishen used it twice more when he had nothing to do, leaving some marks everywhere, maybe it will be used at any time!

"Naruto? Why are you..." Sakura said. But she didn't finish her sentence and was cut off by Naruto.

"Stop talking, let's go! Didn't you see the group of snakes behind?" Naruto said anxiously.

This Sakura is quite close to here, so hurry up and withdraw!

Orochimaru is chasing closely!

This group of snakes is spreading very fast, and with the movement of Orochimaru, they are almost chasing them!

Naruto carried Sakura on his shoulders, the wind was pulling hard!

"Have you washed it in vain? You smell good now!" Naruto didn't forget to tease Sakura during the escape process, he pressed a perverted hand on Sakura's buttocks, kneading it, it's considered travel expenses!

Hey~~~~(To be continued...)

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