Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 347: Divine Might!

"Really? I don't think so." Naruto said lightly after hearing Orochimaru's judgment.

"Huh? I still don't understand Kakashi's ability? He can't resist this Thunder Dun Qilin at all!" Orochimaru was very sure of this. Although he admitted that Kakashi's strength is indeed good, but this 'Kirin' mystery can actually induce lightning in nature, which cannot be resisted by ordinary flesh and blood.

Kakashi can't!

"Mr. Kakashi," Sakura stared dumbfounded at the area hit by Sasuke's Thunder Qilin.

The scene that Sakura saw today has already exceeded her imagination, Sasuke's ultimate lightning escape made Sakura feel unparalleled shock.

"Senior Kakashi!" Yamato was equally excited. Kakashi-senior, whom he has always respected, is going to be ruined by this Thunder Dun?

With such power of Thunder Tunnel, even his Wooden Tunnel can't bear it! What about Kakashi-senpai? He is a technician who is proficient in thousands of ninjutsu. Is there a way to escape? ? As for the positive resistance? This is a bit of a dream.

Although everyone thought that Kakashi would be buried under Sasuke's big move, Naruto was always calm.

He didn't think Kakashi would die!

Naruto has always believed that the most powerful thing about Kakashi is not his strength, Sharingan, Raikiri, Thousand Ninjutsu, these are not; the most powerful thing about Kakashi is that he is not inferior to Shikamaru How much IQ.

Kakashi is a tactical genius!

Therefore, he can always see a glimmer of light in the darkness, a glimmer of life in that dead end.

Although, to avoid being hit by Lei Qilin, Kakashi has to use the Kaleidoscope Sharingan!

This is the absolute best eye in Naruto. Everyone's kaleidoscope is unique. Kakashi's Sharingan, Kaleidoscope Sharingan is the same!

This is the space skill Kamui!

A space ability of a higher level than Flying Thunder God! The pupil technique from Kaleidoscope Sharingan!

Although Kakashi is very unskilled in using it and it takes a long time to prepare, it is already done.

When Sasuke was preparing his Super Lightning Dungeon, Kakashi was also preparing for his 'Shenwei' skill!

It can transfer damage and objects, as long as there is enough chakra, all attacks can be transferred! However, Kakashi...he lacks mana~~~~ Although Kakashi's chakra is not considered, as an elite jounin, his chakra is also top-notch.

It can be said to be excellent in general.

But what? All around him are perverts! They are not ordinary people! Especially the protagonist, Naruto! Blue can never be used up all the time, okay? ? ?

Without blue, this is a flaw!

A genius ninja, Kakashi-sensei who is perfect in every aspect, the only shortcoming... has always been blue!

This is flawed!

Ninjutsu and so on, all need blue as energy to maintain it!

However, Kakashi is missing!

Some ninjutsu that require a lot of chakra, Kakashi generally does not use it often.

why? I'm afraid there will be Chakram!

But Sharingan consumes a lot of chakra! And it will make the body overwhelmed!

To put it bluntly, in fact, Kakashi is lazy and doesn't know how to make progress. If Kakashi has half of Kai's efforts, even if it is the burden of Sharingan, it can probably be ignored! It won't always be half-baked like this.

However, who told Kakashi that he was lazy!

As soon as the kaleidoscope Sharingan appears, the chakra will bottom out immediately, isn't it? ? ? Consume it all! But, in this world...he is not a game, so there is no blue medicine!

This chakra is lost, generally speaking, there is no way to replenish it!

So, Kakashi is tragic.


Although the chakra had almost bottomed out, Kakashi managed to escape the deadly Thunder Escape. Qilin Technique.

With the help of Kamui, the damage of Sasuke's Lei Qilin was diverted in time.

Therefore, when Kakashi was safe and sound, it shocked Orochimaru.

Sharingan, Sharingan again! But this is a different Sharingan! A Kaleidoscope Sharingan that goes beyond the scope of ordinary Sharingan!

These are the eyes that Uchiha Itachi has!

The Uchiha Itachi who once made Orochimaru try to fail!

This Kakashi's eyes are very similar to Itachi's eyes. The reason why Kakashi was able to survive the full attack of Sasuke's Lei Qilin is probably due to this eye!

It's just... what kind of pupil technique is that? ? Transfer all the damage, space-related skills? ?

Orochimaru's eyes are extremely hot!

Looking at Sasuke's eyes became more and more eager, the container has grown to a level that satisfies him! It's time to harvest.

This time, after going back, it seems that I will start to prepare to occupy this perfect container! With the body and blood of the pure Uchiha family, the Sharingan will be more powerful, especially the kaleidoscope!


"Raikiri!" Successfully dodged Sasuke's lore Thunder Dun! Kakashi tiredly adjusted the kaleidoscope Sharingan to the normal Sharingan, and then closed the seal, mobilizing all the remaining Chakras, thunder and lightning neighed, ten thousand horses galloped, and Kakashi rushed towards Sasuke!

While you are sick, I will kill you!

Although Kakashi is very tired now, so is Sasuke, or even more tired.

Triggering the thunder, manipulating the power of nature, and not in the immortal mode, Sasuke's chakra is almost exhausted.

He thinks that Kakashi has absolutely no way to escape! However, he turned out to be wrong in his judgment.

Not only Sasuke made a mistake in his judgment, but even Orochimaru, a guy with a unique vision, was also wrong.

He didn't expect that Kakashi could use this Sharingan to this extent!


Sasuke is dangerous! Kakashi's Rachel is not a vegetarian. If hit, at least serious injury, even death! Orochimaru's eyes froze, his container must not be lost.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" But will Naruto let him get what he wants? ? Kakashi and Sasuke's duel, Naruto does not want outsiders to intervene.

Because, the fight between them is really interesting!

"Go away!" Orochimaru said coldly.

"Are you faster than me?" Naruto asked.

"What do you mean?!" Orochimaru grimaced.

"Hehe, why don't you give it a try, which one of us will get there first!" Naruto pointed at Sasuke's position.

"You want to take him back?" Orochimaru said.

"No!" Naruto replied decisively.

"I'm going to kill him!" As soon as the voice fell, Naruto had disappeared.

"Damn it! Damn boy!" Orochimaru disappeared after him.

... (To be continued..)

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