Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 355 Showdown at the tip of the sword!

Naruto dealt with this disgusting snake right away, hmph, there is no way to sneak attack and kill him!

However, the slight trembling sound coming from the ground immediately made Naruto's face change drastically.

This is not one snake, it is many snakes! ! ! Is there any mistake! ?

This is all out! ?

Orochimaru just inserted one of his hands into the ground, and then he had such an attack scale! ? ? The snake that his arm channeled? ? But why is it always a snake? ?

That's right, why does it always have to be a snake? What each snake swallows in its mouth is not a snake letter, but a sharp long sword that shines with cold light! It's not good to be stabbed by any one casually. Complete group attack skills, okay? ? ?

Too many ants kill elephants!

The scale of this snake is larger than that of ants. What is the body of this big snake pill made of?

This ninjutsu is similar to Orochimaru's Ten Thousand Snake Array before, except this time he used his own hands to use it.

Kakashi, Sakura, and Yamato retreated hastily, lest they encounter such a group of snakes, which would tear people apart!

"Naruto, be careful!" Sakura shouted at Naruto.

"..." Naruto didn't know what to say to Sakura, who do you really care about? ! Sasuke for a while, ours for a while, what a playful girl~~~~

Perhaps, Sakura herself might not be able to figure it out or figure it out, right? ? ?

Naruto has resentment towards Sakura, and now he can only vent it to these slippery baby snakes.

"Tudun. Earth array city wall!" Naruto's feet swelled up a huge earthen wall, condescending and high-spirited!

Snakes rushed over one after another, with a bang bang bang sound, the long sword in the snake's mouth was very sharp, except for the hilt, almost all of it fell into the solid and deep earth wall, although the earth wall kept happening Trembling, but always standing here, the dense snakes are crowding up, this is just a wall of earth, but it can't hold it!

It will always affect Naruto at the top, but what if these molluscs can't come up!

stab stab stab!

The earth wall suddenly changed. Many sharp thorns and spears appeared on the originally smooth and flat surface of the earth wall, appearing continuously and stabbing the poisonous snake down. Hey, no amount of snakes is useless!

Even if these similar tricks are used again, what is the use? ? Naruto can solve and crack it in many ways! With the five basic evasion techniques, Naruto can really be said to be proficient, but... this is just a foreshadowing prepared by Orochimaru!

Of course he knows that these things can't do anything to Naruto, but, after all, they still have some uses! Can help him delay some time can't you? ? After being chased and beaten by a junior of the junior generation for so long, Orochimaru also became angry, and he is also a person with a temper!


If you want to take Sasuke away, you have to create an opportunity!

"Go to hell!!" Orochimaru roared wildly, his body transformed into that very elongated shape, especially his head, which was erected high. Free stretching and twisting, 360 rotation without dead ends! He himself is a snake! Then the most terrifying snake in the world began to show its power, and another snake spit out from his mouth. This snake also has a sword, a big sword, and a long sword in its mouth. The sword fired from Orochimaru's mouth, without a doubt! Grass Pheasant Sword! ! ! When Naruto heard this voice, the murderous aura of this sword had already hit Naruto!

So fast!

There is no way to avoid it, so we can only fight it down!

The Grass Pheasant Sword can be extended to such a degree, it's like a wishful golden cudgel!

All Naruto could do was to block it, and raised his sword to defend the Kusanagi sword with all his strength...


Very crisp sound,

Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura, Yamato and Kabuki, they all heard very clearly, very clearly, not only heard, but also saw.

I saw such a scene...

I saw that the sword in Naruto's hand was precisely on the tip of Orochimaru's Kusanagi Sword, and the two peerless blades of magic weapons. At this moment, they really confronted each other...

Grass Pheasant Sword Nameless Sword!

It's just a duel at the point of the sword, fighting each other for torque.

Sword tip! This is the sharpest part of every sword, but also, it may also be the weakest and most easily damaged...

So, who is better? ? ?

Point-to-point contact, sword tip-to-sword collision, Naruto, who was passively defending, was at a disadvantage and was oppressed by Orochimaru with all his strength.

"Ah!!!!" Orochimaru stabbed at Naruto ferociously, he couldn't believe it, could a nameless garbage weapon be able to compete with his divine weapon Kusanagi Sword? He still doesn't believe that he can't completely defeat this nine-tailed boy with his own strength? Your father and your master are only at the same level as me, so what good fortune can you have? ?

Orochimaru is pressing on every step, and Naruto is retreating every step of the way! ! !

Although it seems that only Orochimaru's elongated head is exerting force, in fact, his body is still connected, which means that Orochimaru can do it with all its strength! This perverted attack method can only be used by the monster Orochimaru...

But what about Naruto?

He is now in a very unfavorable position. Standing on the earthen city wall that he raised with the earth escape, he passively withstood Orochimaru's full strength sword, almost shaking himself off the earthen wall, but as Orochimaru With that guy's advance, Naruto has already reached the edge. If this continues, Naruto will step on the open space and lose his focus, and will be chased by Orochimaru...

The timing of Orochimaru's attack is really ingenious! Attacking when Naruto is at a high place, he is now in a dilemma!

This wrist is under a lot of pressure! ! ! Naruto is at a disadvantage in all aspects, and Naruto can't even take a breath. His power is just at its lowest point right now, even if he's in Immortal mode...

No more refunds!

Naruto gritted his teeth and used his arms together, trying to rush forward... You can't lose to Orochimaru in strength! !

On the other hand, Orochimaru is also exerting force, force...then the result of both parties exerting force at the same time, that is, the force has reached a critical point, and at the intersection of the two sword tips, there is a halo of energy. It is the power to vent out...

Boom~~~~~(To be continued...)

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