Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 357 Someone else?

The moment Sasuke's voice came, Naruto's intuition felt very bad.

How could the current Sasuke still have the courage to come here? ? Naruto's murderous intent has been revealed, he vowed to kill Sasuke, and then Sasuke ran over to die? ? ?

Send to death? ?

This is naturally impossible! Unless Sasuke's brain is broken...but if that's not the case, it's weird.

Sasuke also hated Naruto to the bone. Could it be that he came to sneak attack on Naruto? ? Anyway, with this voice, Naruto felt confident!

But what is Sasuke capable of? ? Can you let him approach without fear, and listen to the words just now, as if he still wants to keep them all? ?

Is he alone? ?

No, not right! It is impossible for Sasuke's teleportation technique to be so fast that he can approach him silently. This speed is very unusual!

Because, even Naruto can hardly detect it! Moreover, just hearing the voice, where is his figure? ? Can't find the exact location of Sasuke? Where does he exist? ? Could it be that the sound transmission can't be done thousands of miles away? ?

Or it could be said that his speed was so fast that he shifted before Naruto could react...

Although Sasuke's high-speed moving Taijutsu is very fast, it is not as good as Naruto.

It can't be this kind of instant body technique! This is no advantage against Naruto! So what kind of instant body does Sasuke have? ?

Hand strength? Pupil technique instant body! ?

impossible! This is even more impossible! That is the pupil technique of reincarnation eyes! The current Sasuke can't even use the kaleidoscope Sharingan with ease, as for the legendary Samsarayan? ? That's impossible! !

Do you know how difficult it is to open the eyes of reincarnation? ? Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Sasuke can also be guided by the outburst of his own sadness, pain, anger and other negative emotions. The extreme pain, such as the stimulation of the death of a loved one, is the way to open it...

However, want to open the eyes of reincarnation? ? Even if Sasuke is in pain, entangled in madness and anger to the limit, it is impossible to do it, unless with the help of the power of the Sage of the Six Paths...

However, this is also impossible now!

So, the kaleidoscopic power of the kaleidoscope? ? ? If so, is that... Obito? ? ?

Is it Shenwei's space instant body technique? ? ?

Which means it's not Sasuke's power...

Thinking of this, Naruto suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, if Sasuke suddenly burst out with that kind of power, he really didn't know what to do! ?

"Get out! Sasuke, let me kill you quickly!" Naruto said.

"Hmph, you're not ashamed! Now, do you still have such ability??" Although Sasuke still didn't appear, the voice still echoed here.

I'll go, this is pretending to be a ghost!

Er Zhuzi has no good intentions! ! ! !

"Mr. Kakashi, please leave quickly, Sasuke has a problem, I'll take care of him!" Naruto said to Kakashi and the others.

"Okay! Be careful." Kakashi said very simply, in the current Naruto, he vaguely saw the demeanor of the fourth generation of Hokage back then, and now they are just a burden, it is better to leave quickly than to drag Naruto .

"Naruto..." Sakura's eyes were complicated, as if they contained thousands of melancholy.


"Shut up! Don't say anything! Go away! Don't bother me!" Naruto waved his hands impatiently, he didn't want to hear what Sakura said about Sasuke, which would disturb his mood.

"Go? Did I promise??" Sasuke said coldly. In the dark, Sasuke's Sharingan, no! It should be said that the luster of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is getting more and more terrifying.

Amaterasu in the left eye!

As far as the eye can see, the black flames of Amaterasu will be endless. Unless everything here is burned and ceases to exist.

"Not good! It's too late!" Naruto was shocked. Although he sensed the extreme danger, he really didn't expect that Sasuke would actually use Amaterasu...

Fire escape's ultimate ninjutsu! It's extremely difficult to defend against! where the eyes focus,

A black flame will bloom, if it is not a ninja who has reached the top speed, there is no way to avoid it!

Whether it's defense or evasion, as long as you slow down a little bit, you will be possessed by Amaterasu's flames, and then you will be swallowed without even scum. Amaterasu is a deadly poison, but there is no solution that can restrain it medicine!

I really don't know why there is such a disruptive b? ? Let Huo Dun be so strong, and let other escape techniques mess up? ! !

Kaleidoscope Sharingan is a **.

I really don't know, what kind of scene will it be if the other water escape, earth escape, thunder escape, and wind escape are performed to the extreme? ?

If there is no cheating device like the kaleidoscope, the ninja who can perform the escape technique to the extreme is the real genius!

Right? ? ?

When resisting Amaterasu, Naruto suddenly had this idea in his mind, if he can use his own ability to perform these five evasion techniques to the highest level, that would be an unparalleled achievement Woolen cloth!

That will become Naruto's sharp weapon to defeat the enemy! Otherwise, just relying on this colorful ninjutsu, it is okay to deal with ordinary powerful ninjas, but if you encounter top ninjas, although it can still play a role, it still feels rather weak and cannot really help myself!

Alas~~~ These... Let's think about it in the future! Now, let's find a way to solve the immediate crisis! !

At that critical moment, Naruto raised the earth wall decisively and temporarily defended it, but Amaterasu would not be blocked, this...

However, this breathing time was enough for Naruto to send Kakashi and Sakura away.

"Sasuke, your kaleidoscope is amazing! But, it's still too young!" Naruto sneered, and threw out a Senju Daiyu Spiral Pill. Senju used the power of nature, and he could sense whether there was anything nearby. People, where are these people...all of them can't escape Naruto's eyes!


"Missed?" Naruto said, "Then... here?"


Although Sasuke's aura disappeared quickly, Naruto's attack speed was not slow. When he appeared in another place, Naruto's attack had already arrived...

Although it cannot be attacked, Sasuke also cannot use Amaterasu to attack in the dark...

Because... there is no such time!

"Sure it Kamui??" Teleportation between reality and different spaces can prevent Naruto's attack damage...

The one who can use Kamui... besides Kakashi, there is... that guy! (To be continued..)

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