The voice was very disdainful, and so was the gaze, looking at Yuhihong, Uzuki Yuyan, and the others coquettishly around Naruto, Shion despised it!

Hmph, woman in heat! Can't it be more noble and elegant? ? Girls, be reserved, understand? ? Just looking at their appearance, I don't understand! That's why Naruto was eaten to death by this guy, Ziyuan didn't want to be like this anyway! Naruto should hurry over to please her, this is what a priestess should be like~~~

Naruto looked over in search of sound, and then his eyes straightened! Her skin is creamy, and her hair color is exactly the same as Ino's, which is much lighter than Naruto's hair color. Burning novel??????????`?t

Then there is the figure, her figure seems to be a bit plumper than Ino's, but in fact she is in good shape, but the pair of fat on Zi Yuan's chest seems to be a circle fatter than Ino's! However, it still needs to be measured~ She is born with the temperament of a superior person, noble! After all, she has been a witch since she was a child, and she received a different education. She is of a different type from a ninja.

But! This witch is different! There is a very terrifying power in her body, once it is released, Naruto will stay away!

Moreover, some strange abilities, sealing techniques~ and the ability to predict the future, Miss Ziyuan, this is a hang up! Super big plug-in! That's why it can only appear in the theatrical version! It's just that Naruto brought him back to Konoha Village from the country of ghosts abruptly! Don't even care about sprites! Just stay at Konoha and be Naruto's little wife! hey-hey! However, this temper...

It's Ziyuan!

The arrogant Miss Miko! Although I couldn't get along with ordinary people since I was a child, I was raised with protection. This pampered personality is always there, and I can't change it for a while!

Naruto could tell that her voice was full of dissatisfaction!

Hmph, to ignore her to the side, this Naruto, how abominable! I'm such a natural beauty, why don't I rush over to coax you? ! ?

Master Ziyuan also has some small thoughts of her own!

How could Naruto, a pervert, abandon the beauty? ? The beauties in the harem, the rain and the dew are all covered~ But there is no time to respond one by one, so, sometimes it is really sad when there are too many beauties, but Naruto appears here, and the target is actually Shion!

Naruto has been in love with this girl for a long time! It's just that I have been very busy some time ago, busy fighting bosses and various small bosses, and now I have time to slow down!

So... Ziyuan has not been successfully captured yet!

"Hi, Shion! Long time no see!" Naruto greeted Shion.

"Hmph!" A cold face!

Well, I had expected it! but…

This girl has a big temper, and her arrogant personality is somewhat similar to Xue Hui? It's been a while since I saw that girl. After all, she is the monarch of the Snow Country, and she has to take care of her acting career. She is really busy!

However, that glamorous Yukie star, who knows the relationship between her and Naruto? ?

After dealing with the things here, it seems that I have to ask for two days off~~~

after all! You can't fall down on either side! Men are very busy! ! !


"Zion, is it okay to live in Konoha?? Are you used to it?" Naruto asked.

"It's okay! It's much more free." Zi Yuan cast a glance at Naruto and said.

free? This is natural. In Konoha, although Shion's identity is still very special, it has changed compared to when she was in the land of ghosts.

Because, in this place, no one would be afraid of Ziyuan because of her abilities. In short, life is quite warm.

Of course, sometimes there is still a little loneliness! After all, in a strange place, and the guy who brought him here is always invisible...

However, Naruto is Naruto!

After some rhetoric,

It can't be solved in minutes.

Seeing that a beautiful woman is about to fall again, being swallowed by the super pervert Naruto, Hong and Uzuki Xiyan sighed, they... all came here like this!


The moon hangs in the boundless starry sky, and the moonlight shines on the boundless earth.

Konoha's training ground was empty and deserted.

This practice field once carried the memories of many people! It seems that every student who graduated from the ninja school has been here, right? ? !

Then, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi-sensei, they also trained and practiced in one of the practice fields.

pity! Now there is nothing left! Things are right and wrong!

At this time, most of the villagers in Muye Village have already rested. Even the ninjas, except for some on duty, have already rested... It is indeed impossible for anyone to be here.

so! That's why it's so quiet!

However, no matter how quiet the night is, sometimes there will always be a few people, isn't it? ? Night is a good time, but also a bad time, because when I can't sleep, I always think about things and things...

For example...Sakura who can't sleep at night.

Many nights, Sakura would wake up in her sleep. Since Naruto came out from Anbe recently, Sakura has slept a lot more peacefully. However, in the past two days, it seems that she can't do it anymore...

Lie on the bed, close your eyes, the pictures in your mind are all about Naruto, Sasuke, everything about their seventh class... There is also the picture of Sasuke attacking Naruto, Naruto beheading Sasuke, this time Tiandiqiao , Sakura went there with a great desire, for this reason! Sakura has sacrificed a lot, but what kind of gain is this? ?

Nothing at all! ! On the contrary, it made her very melancholy all the time! !

The more silent the time, the more thought-provoking.

Sakura is feeling restless and complicated right now.

"Why don't you sleep?" Naruto didn't know when he appeared.

"You didn't sleep either?!" Sakura asked back.

"I don't know why, I just went out for a walk when I couldn't sleep, and ended up here." Naruto said.

"What are you thinking?" Naruto asked.

"Nothing? You don't want to know!" Sakura forced a smile and said.

"That's it~" Since Sakura said so, the biggest possibility is that it has something to do with Sasuke and the relationship between them. Naruto really didn't want to know about these things.

Keep cutting and straightening out chaos!

why? ? ?

Naruto's originally depressed mood suddenly became even more unhappy. Looking at the poor Sakura, instead of showing any sympathy, he felt a violent breath in his heart, wanting to ravage her... ( To be continued..)

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