Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 366 Experimental Version of

It's impossible to defend against, it's impossible to defend against, he has already tried his best to defend, and he is extremely vigilant and careful, but, but this illusion is really difficult to defend against

Illusions of a general nature are okay, but the illusions of the Uchiha family are really trickier and more troublesome than the other. What Tsukuyomi, Izanaki, Izanami, and even Infinite Tsukuyomi What, the pupil technique of Sharingan is more difficult than the other! Naruto sighed helplessly, he still followed the path

Now Obito has experimented out an experimental version of infinite monthly reading from somewhere, and then put Naruto in it! Actually, if Naruto is just one person, it is even Kamui with Obito. Quick, it's useless, but who made Sakura here?

When Naruto realized that when he remembered the plot of the theatrical version, it was already too late

Everything has changed, but nothing seems to have changed. It is still in the practice field, and the traces of Naruto Heliwan are also there, but Uchiha Obito has disappeared.

Then, Naruto and Sakura, the two of them have entered such a reversed world now, and the next step is really difficult.

How can Infinite Moon Reading break that almost unbreakable destructive big move? This experimental version of Infinite Moon Reading, although not as terrifying as the original version, is based on the pupil technique launched by Sharingan, or even Kaleidoscope Sharingan. , which one is simple?

Obito is not good at illusion, but he has developed such a terrible illusion, maybe it is the kind of illusion that needs to spend Sharingan

When Naruto was at Tianjiqiao, didn’t he just get tricked? That Izanaki, how did you break it? There is no way to break it! Forbidden techniques, what are the simple ones? The illusion of Sharingan is even more unbreakable. The one-time illusion still consumes Sharingan, which is more powerful than Yuedu

how to break this illusion

Unless Obito shows up, there's nothing you can do about it

But when will Obito show up? Naturally, it is when Naruto is in trouble, and it is estimated that it is not an ordinary trouble. He will keep a close eye on Naruto all the time, and then create continuous troubles for Naruto Trouble, remember that it is like this in the movie version, he is the creator of illusion, some of the rules can be controlled by himself, which is very troublesome

Naruto is sure

Until Naruto's critical moment, Obito will definitely appear, snatching the nine tails from Naruto's body in one fell swoop

Before that,

What else can Naruto do? Naruto has no way to find out Uchiha Obito, that guy's most powerful ability is to run

So, there is no way


I can only live in this reversed world for a few days

In this world, there are only Naruto and Sakura who understand. Moreover, Sakura doesn't know where the dangers of this world are, and she doesn't know anything. She still thinks this world is the original world. , nothing has changed? After all, from the outside, it is true that there is no difference. This can only be discovered with slow contact.

this world

The lives of the two of them have been completely reversed. The Naruto in this world is not called Naruto, but Mianma; Sakura is still Sakura, but her life experience is completely different, and everything about Naruto has become Xiaoying. Everything about Sakura, that is to say, Sakura is now an orphan

To be honest, after the initial worries passed, Naruto was quite excited; after the personality change, it was really interesting. What happened to his harem beauties

Sakura, let's go, let's experience the world. It's different, Naruto said.

Well, the current Sakura doesn't have any opinions, she can only follow Naruto.

Walking out of the practice field, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it, but the more it is like this, the more weird it feels.

This world is so abnormal.

If the rules of the illusion originally cast by Obito were followed, what would happen to the reversed personalities of the characters?

Will it still look like the original book? I didn't expect that the first guy I met was Sasuke who shouldn't have appeared in the village.

Although it is Sasuke in the illusion world, what does this level of reality represent? It is naturally the hatred for the original Sasuke.

So, when he saw Sasuke, Naruto kicked him out directly.

Then, caught off guard, Sasuke was kicked in the chest by Naruto and flew out.

It's just a kick, did it make Sasuke vomit blood? This seems to be a mysterious world.

Naruto, what are you doing? Sasuke, why is he here? Why did he repent and return to the village? The more Sakura thought about it, the more excited she became, and she wanted to go forward to give Sasuke a helping hand He got up, but was held back by Naruto.

Why did you go to Naruto and glared at Sakura, and then although the latter was wronged and wanted to say something more, but in the next scene, Sakura swallowed the words completely.

A group of Yingyingyanyan girls sprinted over like a gust of wind, a group of champions in the 100-meter race at this speed, what a pity, these are all girls

Then I asked around Sasuke, let me go, no matter in reality or in this illusion world, this guy really has a lot of followers

Girl fans are so crazy

However, fortunately, among this group of fans, there is no Ino, no Hinata

So, those who like him still like him? Naruto, what are you doing? You beat our Sasuke so badly

That's right, it's too vicious

it's disgusting

Isn’t it because Sasuke-sama is fighting with you for Sakura? Cut this woman, she wants to have big boobs, but she doesn’t seem to have a butt. It's tight, hurry up and hit it with a punch at any time

Naruto shook his head, girl, we are all afraid of messing with this girl, why are you bothering? If this punch hits, it can make you vomit blood for five liters!

However, Sasuke also

To be continued. .

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