Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 368 The Crown Princess is finally online!

Although it is a hypocritical world, the parents are real under such conditions. Now Naruto can't wait to see them.

Father! Mother!

The living Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, his father and mother...

Then move forward quickly...

Then came another wave of people.

This group of people are also acquaintances!

Hinata Hinata, the eldest lady of Konoha's largest family, the Hinata family, who is proficient in soft boxing!

He likes to keep dogs, and the whole family is Inuzuka Ya of the Inuzuka family who regard dogs as close comrades-in-arms and companions.

Shino, an oil girl of the oil girl clan who likes to raise insects, and her whole family uses insects to fight.

Three of Konoha's twelve ninjas are famous for their proficiency in ninjutsu, but even so, the three of them are still the last among the twelve ninjas...

Did the three of them come out for a walk? ? In other words, because they are members of the same class, they often act together and run in together.

Kaiban is like this; Asma is like this; Red Class is still like this; and then Kakashiban, it seems that it is always Naruto and Sakura~~ and Naruto has only recently returned...


Then, Inuzuka Iba and Yume Shino can be ignored and rolled aside, this Hinata is Naruto's princess~~~~

It's just that the first time you meet, why do you feel that your body is crisp? ? ! ! It feels so good to call... Is this love at first sight? ? ?

God! On Hinata's body, Naruto Uzumaki would actually make me feel this way, it's simply unbelievable!

Is this really Hinata? ? ? Hinata would never dress up like this! Her dressing style is very conservative, and she always has no makeup. Compared with her current crimson lips, she is much more attractive!

Such a Hinata has surpassed Sakura, not inferior to Ino!

Those wild eyes, revealing clothes, wild charm! What's going on here? ! Like Her Majesty, Naruto suddenly felt that he didn't want that kind of temperament and feeling, and he seemed to be conquered by Hinata in his heart!

This is the Hinata that Naruto likes! His princess is finally online!

"Hey! Sakura and... face numbness, what are you two doing here?!" Hinata asked, her tone was direct, her eyes were fierce, and it felt more like asking for a crime!

Originally, this Hinata's personality is relatively introverted and weak. Whenever he sees Naruto, he will lower his head and fiddle with his fingers. He can't say a word, and his face is very... shy. Yes, Naruto was really not interested in such soft girls in the past!

However, the current Hinata, the first impression is completely different! This kind of different feeling made Hinata, who had been unable to bring up the intention of attacking Hinata, the princess who obviously belonged to Naruto, is now full of temptation!

It's different now! Although it is in Uchiha Obito's "Limited Monthly Reading", what does it matter? ? If this is the real world, how wonderful it would be! ! ! Can this "limited monthly reading" be transformed into the real world? ? ! How wonderful it would be if it were possible!

The current Hinata is completely different from the real her in terms of temper and other things, but Naruto is very attractive!

"Let go! Who told you to hold hands?!" Sakura blushed slightly, and quickly let go of Naruto's hand.

"You two...are dating?!" Hinata put her hands in her trouser pockets, squinted her eyes, and asked in a strange tone.

"Dating?" Misunderstood again! The group of people just now seemed to think so too. Could it be that she was dating when she was with Naruto? ? What is going on in this world? It feels like the guy wearing the mask has been weird since he appeared! Has it really changed? ?

"That's right! The two of us are dating, what's the matter?" Sakura said angrily, yes or no, what can I do? Sakura was already in a bad mood, but now she encountered some strange things,

Dating Naruto? Oh, not bad! It's as if they've never been together before!

"That is to say, you admitted it, right?!" Hinata's tone became more and more strange, and the anger that could erupt at any time was suppressed under the cold voice.

Hinata approached Sakura, and whispered in her ear: "He is my man, I told you before! If you dare to attack him, I will kill you! Even if You are the son of a hero!"

"What, what???" Xiao Sakura's expression suddenly became abnormal!

This Hinata... seems to have become very different! Hinata likes Naruto, Sakura has known this all along, but Hinata like this is a threat! ? ! What a terrifying murderous intent!

Cold sweat broke out on Sakura's forehead, and her complexion turned black. This is definitely a threat from Chiguoguo! Although, she still didn't understand what that son of a hero meant...

Naruto was secretly laughing, sure enough, this domineering Hinata, Naruto is his favorite!

She is not a queen, she looks like a bad girl! However, this is the taste! No matter how it changes, Hinata's love for Naruto will never be changed! This one, Naruto is very excited! Very excited! Do you want to do something in this "Monthly Reading World"? !

"Since you admitted that you were dating just now, then I will not be polite to you!" Hinata jumped back a step, and then made a soft fist gesture with both hands, her white eyes were opened as early as the beginning Woolen cloth!

This is to enter the attack state!

Sakura looked around, hello, where is he? Don't talk about morality! Kiba, Shino, and even Naruto all backed away! Then free up an open space for Hinata and Sakura to pk!

"Well, Hinata, you misunderstood. I just said it casually. Naruto and I have no date between us, nothing at all!" Sakura took a few steps back and quickly explained! Otherwise, is it really necessary to fight? Those guys hid far away, can't they still watch the show? ?

"Really? What you said is true?" Hinata's tone softened a little.

"Of course, of course!" Sakura hurriedly nodded, trying to make her expression look more sincere.

"Hmph, forget it, let me let you go..." Hinata said.

However, at this time, Naruto's voice suddenly rang out, "Sakura, what you said made me very sad! Are we really unrelated? You are the one who asked me out to such a nobody A place for a date..."

I go! Add fuel to the fire, hello!

Sakura's face is full of cows~~~ (To be continued..)

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