Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 375 Evenly matched!

The sudden appearance of this masked man made Naruto realize a very serious problem. ??Huoranwen????????`t

That is... the black hand who has been behind the scenes, the creator of this "Limited Monthly Reading", Obito Uchiha is probably also around here!

Maybe the distance is not too far, maybe just hiding in a place that is not easy to be found and watching all this condescendingly? !

Obito Uchiha found him a decidedly tricky foe. This guy who suddenly appeared in front of him is even more difficult to deal with than Obito!

There is no doubt about this!

At the beginning, this is, is it just amplifying the move? ? ? This Uchiha Obito seems to be very impatient!

This is to make up your mind, do you want to get the real Nine Tails in Naruto's body in one wave? ? ? I couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, I really thought he was a soft persimmon!

Even if there are people around in the dark, some battles are unavoidable!

The guy in front of him will not let it go just because there is someone like him in this world! Or even more unbearable for him! Let the hairs all over his body stand upright, that's why he stays here, so let Naruto disappear completely! So after being discovered by Naruto, this battle is inevitable! ! !

The two sides shouted loudly at the same time, rushed together, and then fought into a ball.

Naruto didn't show any mercy in the physical combat at the beginning, but this masked man was able to bear it, and he didn't seem to be struggling at all.

Both strength and speed are comparable to Naruto's.

And... this is Naruto in sage mode! In sage mode, the already abundant and powerful chakra in Naruto's body becomes even more powerful. Compared with the normal state, the strength is more than several times stronger. Whether it is strength or speed, the power has improved a lot, but Naruto There is still no way to take advantage of this guy!

In Naruto's normal state, there are very few ninjas who can compete with him, let alone in the sage mode. It's really incredible that he can compete with him in physical skills!

In sage mode, Naruto's fists can drive the natural energy around him, making it a part of his body, and then form this invisible attack, which is the "frog group hand".

But, this doesn't work either!

Although it is a physical technique, the power above the fist has chakra, and it is also a fairy chakra. With the blessing of this kind of chakra, the strength of the fist is doubled, which is similar to Kai and Xiao Li. The technique is actually very different!

Both Kai and Xiao Li are not good at ninjutsu, especially Xiao Li, who knows no other ninjutsu except Taijutsu, so he hopes to become a master of Taijutsu through hard work.

When they fight, strength, speed, these are the results of training, and Naruto also uses Chakra! There are also four generations of Raikage's "Thunder Dungeon Body" that are also stimulated by the Raikage Chakra. The advantage of this is that it is not harmful to the human body...

In short, Chakra is a difficult thing to explain! !

Anyway, this guy can be in a stalemate with Naruto in terms of physical skills, and his own chakra is absolutely powerful.

Who is this guy? ?

Not Uchiha Obito!

Because even if Obito Uchiha doesn’t use the power of the gods that can freely travel through different spaces, it’s absolutely impossible to be like this guy if he really works with Naruto Jutsu. Another him!

That's right!

This masked man, masked man, really exists in this "limited monthly reading" world, should it be said that he is the real him? ?

Could it be that this guy has all of Naruto's abilities? ? ? Even the Nine Tails inside...

I will go! Although he knew everything about that movie version, Naruto has always believed that it was because the original him was too frustrated that he fell into a hard struggle, but now it seems that it is the same!

The level that this guy has shown so far,

Naruto can be sure, even if he can get rid of him in the end, he will probably be seriously injured... At that time... that guy with soil~~~~

What a very passive situation!

Moreover, it is difficult to sort out!

The illusion created by Uchiha Obito is so tricky!

Preconceived, Naruto has always regarded Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui as the characters who reached the pinnacle of Sharingan illusion, ignoring Uchiha Obito!

How could Naruto have forgotten!

This guy once used Sharingan to even control Kyuubi! This "Limited Monthly Reading" created by this bastard is really...really...

When fighting, the most taboo thing is not being able to calm down. At this time, Naruto, who had suffered a certain shock, was seized by the enemy and took the opportunity to attack Naruto!

He was kicked a few times, and Naruto was knocked to the ground. Although he was unharmed, he also suffered some injuries.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Naruto took a few deep breaths of air, and the cool night air penetrated into his mouth, slowly calming down his beating heart. Don't think about it so much anymore. You can't judge his current situation based on the memory and pattern of the original work. Whether it is like that needs to be verified again.

The verification of taijutsu is over, what about the next ninjutsu? ?

A contest between ninjutsu!

On the other side, the masked man also performed at the same time as Naruto, and there are some characteristics...they are indeed quite similar!

Everyone likes to proceed step by step, step by step slowly, physical skills, ninjutsu and even illusion, do it in order!

Physique is the most common! Ninjutsu is the most common! ! Illusion is the most mysterious! ! !

Since Taijutsu Naruto is the same as this guy with the strange mask, it's time to try something else.

after all! Taijutsu is just the foundation, ninjutsu is the key!

Naruto is proficient in the five basic escape techniques, especially wind escape, yang escape and yin escape. ! !

Come one by one!

First of all, this one must be avoided first!

The masked man was the first to attack Naruto.

Water escape. Water dragon bomb!

This water escape ninjutsu is really a household name! Although it was produced in the country of water, it is like a shadow clone. The ninjas of the five major countries who are good at water escape seem to be able to do this!

It is enough to use this waterspout as a prelude to the opening.

It's hard to say about the change of the nature of the water escape, but its shape change is really colorful!

After all, it is water. Because of who it is, it can easily change its shape. The common ones are water dragon bombs and ghost shark's water shark bombs. This masked guy seems to be able to use them! (To be continued..)

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