Nine Tails has been sealed for sixteen years. Huoran???????`t

The villagers have also lived peacefully for sixteen years. A peaceful and comfortable life will make people forget a lot of things, but some shadows are deeply buried in their hearts, even after a long time, they still exist.

When the nine-tailed demon fox appeared in Muye Village again, all their memories were instantly awakened! Time has not made the villagers forget the appearance of this vicious fox!

Talk about a fox! ! !

This Fairy Tail has nine tails!

When the fox moves its tail, the mountain collapses and a tsunami arises!

This nine-tailed demon fox has already destroyed this village once, is it going to come again? ?

The nine-tailed demon fox who was sealed by the fourth Hokage at the expense of his life has finally reappeared. What kind of monstrous waves will it cause? ? ?

Its threat, its power, its destructive power, everything about it is a very big disaster for this village.

Nine-Tails reappears! If the destruction continues, it will be a very heavy blow to the village!

But...who else?

Who else is in this village? ?

Who else can stop this raging fox now? ? ? You know, it has a deep relationship with Konoha, the main thing is hatred, the feeling of being irreconcilable...

The nine tailed beasts have a long history, and the nine tails are the strongest. Also acts the most unscrupulous, everyone is afraid of it, but what is it afraid of? ! Don't be afraid of anything! !


Since a hundred years ago, the fate of the Nine Lamas has undergone a turning point and has become very sad.

First, he was used by Uchiha Madara's powerful and evil sharingan power, and after being controlled by this, he began to make troubles and make waves in his life!

Being caught by the strongest man in the Uchiha family, and then being forcibly requisitioned and used as a psychic beast, it is estimated that only someone in the Uchiha family can do this step, only the Sharingan of the Uchiha family can Possess such a powerful force! For example, Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito, in the entire original work, it seems that they are the only two who can do this, right? ! Directly control Nine Tails with Sharingan, and then use it as a psychic beast...

A big red fox, a Uchiha Madara! This is almost the most powerful combination, right? ! Who can stop it? ? Just say who else? !

It's almost invincible, is there any wood? ? !

But even so, the strongest man in the Uchiha family has the most powerful power, and with the most powerful tailed beast (not counting the ten tails), the most powerful chakra is still given by the first generation of Hokage in the valley of the end. Extinct.

The first Hokage is a myth in the legend! It's like a living Sage of the Six Paths... The body of a sage coupled with the unique power of wood escape that specifically restrains the tailed beast successfully recaptured Kyuubi, and almost killed Uchiha Madara, and then kept Kyuubi classmate Seal it and seal it again! As part of Konoha's combat power! Although it cannot be used, it is necessary to have it! Just in case!

In the end, it was sealed into Naruto's body again! From then on, this freedom is totally useless! The former carefree life is no longer there. Although Nine Tails is a fox, it can be considered an animal, but shouldn't animals have freedom and human rights? ? It... can talk~~~

As a result, this is still the case in this "limited monthly reading" world.

That's no wonder!

No wonder "Mian Ma" is going to be transformed into a masked man in this world. Although it may be used, but...why is Kyuubi sealed in his body? ?

The Fourth Hokage of this world is Sakura's father, and Sakura is such a son of a hero, but is she worthy? ? ? What did she suffer? ! nothing? ! hero? ? He also accompany? ! He's just a selfish guy!

Why didn't he seal the Nine Tails into Sakura's body before dying? ? ?

Why? !

Selfish! Is not it? ? A truly great hero, a truly great Fourth Hokage,

It's his father, Minato Namikaze! Only he, only him, has always been him, is qualified to hold the position of the Fourth Hokage! This one-of-a-kind position!

Everything behind the glory! Including your own children! ! !

This is the real man who becomes a hero!

However, in the original world, few people know Naruto's identity. Who knows how miserable the son of a hero is? ? ? The whole village is extolling the great achievements of the four generations of Hokage, but they treat his only flesh and blood in the world with indifference...

Isn't that funny? ? ? Although he knows that these cynical and extreme thoughts should not be there, even Naruto himself does have a faint hatred for this village!

He is already like this, let alone his face numb? ? ? In this world, his father is just an elite junin who doesn't need to bear all that, so what does it have to do with him? ? ? But why did he seal the nine-tailed demon fox that everyone fears and hates in his body...

These are all caused by Sakura's father in this world, so...Mianma hates, hates everything, so...the original Sakura in this world, will she...will be given to...

All right! Even if it is, it has nothing to do with Naruto, does it?

Nine Tails is huge, but it's not as big as it was when it first appeared to destroy the village sixteen years ago. It's probably shrunk by half, right? !

This should be the sealing effect of "Seal the Ghouls"? ! Divide Kyuubi into two wholes, yin and yang, and what is now in Naruto's body is the yang part.

therefore! The part of Mima's body is also Yang. In fact, if it is Yin, Naruto might try to absorb it...

However, now, it can only be just getting up. But, but...

Don't be in such a hurry, Nine Tails is his last resort, but not the only one!

The scene of sixteen years ago reappeared, the same but different. Besides Naruto, who else in Konoha Village can stop Kyuubi? ? ?

Tsunade of the Fifth Hokage? ? ?

This...what is she going to do to save the village? ? ? Take that washboard of hers? ? This Hokage-sama is really...

Or is it the Namikaze Minato of this distorted world? ?

The Nine-Tails is made up of powerful Chakras. Although the Nine-Tails has shrunk in half, it is still the strongest of the Nine Tails. It is so easy for it to wreak havoc on a village.


The riot in Konoha Village has begun!

With nine red tails dancing and a mouth full of sharp teeth roaring, the ferocious nine-tailed demon fox attacked Muye Village again! (To be continued..)

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