Justice defeated evil, Naruto-sama thwarted Obito Uchiha's conspiracy, and successfully guarded the big fox in his body. Kyuubi was screaming in his body, but the main thing was to come out for a stroll~

But, you are so big, you are too conspicuous! See you later!

The most important thing is to go back to the original world as soon as possible!

Shrouded in fluorescent light, Naruto's body was shining brightly at this moment, it looked like a god had descended, the sun was rising in the east, and before he knew it, it was just one night. update the fastest

But, unexpectedly... only one night!

In this world, Naruto actually has a lot of things to do? ! He hasn't seen the reversed teacher Hong, Bai, and Ziyuan. Of course, the goddess Hinata he wants to fuck the most~~ This wild girl Chi Hinata has just started, and she has just started. Are you leaving? ! I really don't want to! I only stayed for one night, and I really left Naruto with a lot of regrets!

However, his parents finally got to meet each other! ! It's not that nothing has been accomplished, but it would be really great if we could meet again!

Then what? ? I don't know if Naruto thought too much, this opportunity came too fast, like a tornado, he was completely caught off guard, caught off guard...

why? Why is it like this? ! Why is there a different world after this twisted one? ? ?

Uchiha Obito's seven-god jade crystal ball that controls this "limited monthly reading" has nothing to hide under Naruto's Sharingan, and was completely stabbed and shattered by his flying Thunder God Kunai. Naruto had already broken the crystal hook ball, and then... the result, shouldn't it be natural that he should return to his original Hokage world with three normal views? ? ?

However, what Naruto witnessed next seems to have refreshed his three views again. Hey!

In this re-emerged world, these three views seem to be even more abnormal...


What on earth is this all about? !

This is completely different from what he had expected! Make him very overwhelmed!

Naruto stared at this place in a daze, this world seems to be different from his original world~ what exactly is different, first of all is this Hokage face statue!

What? where? ? ?

After the distorted Tsukuyomi world disappeared, Naruto found himself in this world, but not in the practice field where he and Sakura were alone.

Instinctively, Naruto felt that there might be something wrong again, something abnormal!

Although the picture presented in front of him seems to be Muye Village, but Naruto's perception is really different.

Naruto has no way to determine whether there are still unknown problems in this world, because Sakura is not here.

Where is Sakura? ? Where did she go? ? Did she return to the original world? Or have they fallen into this world again? ! ? Didn't appear, is it possible to be caught by Uchiha Obito? ? ?

Many kinds of answers popped up in Naruto's head, but none of them could completely convince Naruto himself!

Then, after Naruto calmed down, he thought about it carefully. If he wanted to confirm this difference, after much deliberation, he would naturally go to see the most distinctive Hokage face statue in Konoha Village... This is the symbol of Konoha, as long as It is the Yan statue of the fourth generation of Hokage. It has been restored to Naruto's father from Sakura's father's fake and shoddy product. Monthly reading the world"... But after Naruto read it...

Then he became even more stupid~

why? ? Because... there are only three heads on it~~~ There are only three Hokage Yan statues, which three? ? ? You should be able to guess, right? !

The statue of the first generation of Hokage Senshouzhujian,

On the far left is the first, and then his younger brother Senshou Feima is followed by the second Hokage, and then their apprentice, the third-generation old man, who is known as the strongest Hokage, but in Naruto's eyes. Sarutobi Hiruzen of a fucking old man...and then...there is no more~ After the third Hokage, there are no statues here? !

This crossed? ? !

Naruto is puzzled now!

This head count is completely wrong!

Where is his father, the Fourth Hokage? ?

And what about Tsunade Hime from the Fifth Hokage? ?

Where are you going? ! ? Is there any? ! Which time and space is this? ! ?

Two disappeared at once? ! Has Naruto entered a chaotic world again? ?

Now, Naruto-sama is really panicking! Previously, even if he was trapped by Obito Uchiha's "Limited Monthly Reading", he was still somewhat certain in his heart, and he was sure of winning! He can't fail! Because he knows what kind of world is in the "limited monthly reading", but, it is completely different now? ! Naruto is currently ignorant of this place!

Here, where is it? Let me go, did Obito set up a double trap? ? Double "month reading world"? ? But, this is not right, the crystal ball of Qigouyu should have been broken by Naruto! ? ! But why does he still fall into illusion? ?

This is impossible ah? ! This is not logical!

At that time, he opened his Sharingan, even though it was only a three-pointed jade, he should be able to detect some abnormalities! However, there was nothing... This made his thoughts completely confused now! I can't figure it out... Obito's illusion shouldn't be so strong, right? !

Naruto opened Sharingan and experienced it carefully, but he really couldn't feel the abnormality in that world before. Here, it is completely like a real world...

But how could it be real? ?

If the world here is considered real, then what about the time and space Naruto has always been in, that world? ? ?

Confused! completely stunned~~

After a long time, Naruto shook his head and sighed slightly, since this is the case, then he had to see the world for a while.

Actually... not too bad.

After all, if you keep repeating the familiar plot, even if there are some changes, it will still make you feel tired after all. I hope this place can give him some surprises!

Then, when it came to this surprise, it really appeared very soon!



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