Anlu Mountain. . update the fastest

Anlu Mountain? ?

the name...

This name came from Baizu, but it has a lot of meaning, he is a very ambitious guy! Abandoning the name of the little gangster in the past and taking An Lushan as the name, what is this going to do? ?

This guy... so crazy to say...

But, it's over.

Whether this guy is called Baizu or Anlu Mountain, this guy will not be rampant for a few days.

In fact, Naruto felt that this guy's original name was pretty good, centipede, dead but not stiff! is not it? ? ?

After killing this An Lushan, can this go back? ? ?

It is said that this guy crossed over with the help of dragon veins six years ago, and then...

If, really, he really traveled from the future world to this time and space, then there must be a way to go back, right? ? ? Is it okay to kill him? ? ? Is it possible? ?

Now, no matter what, we have to find out! Whether you want to go back or don't want to go back, you have to go there!

There is not only Anlu Mountain, not only Longmai, but also a little beauty with heavenly fragrance and national beauty!


Then Naruto followed them, followed Minato and the others all the way, and finally saw a magnificent city in a desert in the Kingdom of Wind.

A city that does not exist in the future and has been reduced to ruins.

Because of the dragon veins, this ancient country named Loulan still exists, but what? One day, when the power of the dragon veins is sealed, when the power of the dragon veins disappears, this ancient Loulan country can only disappear in the long river of history. Are they considered to be relics? ? ?

Such is the fate of a small country!

In this world, apart from the five most prosperous countries, there are also countless small countries. Their demise is like an inconspicuous wave in the ocean. ?

The vicissitudes of life,

Naruto was filled with emotions.


A warning sign rose in Naruto's heart, and a black bug appeared in front of his eyes. This bug was so small that it was not easy to be found. Naruto also saw it inadvertently. At first he thought it was an illusion, but when he took a closer look, I just noticed that there is really a small black bug... But, this is not like a normal bug. How can there be chakra fluctuations on a normal bug, and how can a normal bug have chakra? ? How can ordinary bugs be so tiny? ? ? If Naruto hadn't deliberately checked it out, he would have missed it! !

This should be Younv Zhiwei's parasite, right? ? But why does it appear here? ?

Could it be...

Being discovered by his bugs, does that mean Naruto was discovered by Minato and the others? ? Naruto wanted to exterminate this bug, but at this time...

"Come out!" the voice of the water gate sounded at this moment.

It seems that Minato and the others really already know about it!

"Haha, hi, how are you!" Naruto greeted Minato and the others, he didn't feel embarrassed, who made him thick-skinned enough!

What is this kind of thing worth? ? Anyway, he has already found the location of this ancient Loulan country, and he can enter it alone~~What are you afraid of? ? As long as his dad doesn't get me wrong...

"It really is you~" Minato smiled.

"Have you found me long ago?" Naruto said.

"Because you have been paying attention to Loulan's affairs when you were eating at my house, so when I noticed someone following me, I guessed it might be you!" Minato said.

"You can actually find me?" Naruto said a little surprised.

"Hehe, I didn't really discover it, it was just a feeling, and I don't know why, so I asked Zhiwei to check it quietly with his parasite..." Minato said.

"It's you again, do you really have evil intentions?" Kakashi's crescent eyes stared at Naruto tightly.

"I'm just going to join in the fun, so what's the matter? Can't you??" Naruto said indifferently.

"You..." The boy Kakashi wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Minato. He said to Naruto: "Let's take a step to talk...".



"You are very powerful. If you want to enter Loulan, I may not be able to stop you! But this mission does not allow you to join casually, do you understand?" Minato said to Naruto.

"I know~" Naruto said, "That's why I want one to take a look, don't worry, I won't hinder you, Minato... Brother Minato, cough cough..." Feeling the rhythm of being hacked~~~

"After this mission, can you tell me who you are?" Minato looked deeply at Naruto, making him speechless...

"Well, I am Uzumaki Naruto, who else could it be?"

"That's right, you are Naruto Uzumaki and a member of the Uzumaki clan, but I feel that you still have a mysterious identity that you haven't revealed."

"Actually, this is pretty good, there is no need to explain it clearly, and you may not believe it!?" Naruto sighed, and then said.

"Maybe? But if you said it, I think I would believe it! There must be a relationship between you, me, and Kushina that I still can't figure out..."

Naruto remained silent, looking at the man in front of him who was outstanding in every aspect, it seemed that nothing could be hidden from his eyes, and he seemed to have discovered some clues, it was really incredible!

As expected of his father!

It seems that they need to find an opportunity to explain everything clearly!

When Naruto came back to his senses, Minato and the others had already entered Loulan.

This country, this city named Loulan, this 'lost tower'.

It's really splitting up!

However, it's best this way.

Naruto stretches his muscles and bones, enters Loulan, let's have a big fight!

Just when Naruto was about to enter, suddenly his eyes subconsciously turned to a certain direction, that direction, some distance away from this place, it seems that someone exists...

A ninja from the land of sand? ?

However, it seems that there is only one person! ?

Who is it? ?

Out of curiosity, Naruto decided to go to that place to have a look first. As for this place, a shadow clone can handle it. Anyway, space ninjutsu sometimes flies to Thunder God, so as long as the magic formula is engraved in Loulan, it can make people Naruto arrived immediately.

Divide into two groups!

There seems to be some very interesting things in that direction! ! !


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