Crossing with Baidu To Farm

Vol 4 Chapter 99: Take Ningshan

The Xia army entered the city like this, and all the 4,000 troops in the city surrendered.

In the army, the commander was captured alive, the commander-in-chief was killed by a cannon on the city gate, and the rest had no resistance, and all surrendered.

Xia Jinhua went into the city and saw that the city seemed to be the same as when he left, but it has also changed a lot. The streets that used to be siege cities are now in chaos. This peaceful small county town has long been destroyed by the war. The former peace and quiet.

Xia Jun entered the city, and the people came out to welcome him.

Seeing that the man in front of him with the black and gold armor on top of the tall horse was indeed Liu Narita who bought Pangualuo Village, but now his bearing is completely different from before, and seeing Xia Jinhua behind him, that is an all too familiar face.

"Boss Liu is back!"

"What boss, he is the city owner!"

When Xia Jinhua saw the person who came out, if he knew someone, he would definitely say hello.

"Manager Li, is the clothing store doing well?"

"Okay, okay, without Boss Liu's tricks, there are wars everywhere recently, it's harder than before!" The shopkeeper Li was flattered.

Seeing Boss Wang of the pastry workshop again, Sikong Jue greeted him and said, "Boss Wang, how are the pastries selling?"

Boss Wang of the clothing store heard Sikong Jue's greeting, and hurriedly said, "The world is difficult, and business is not easy to do. We are waiting for you to come back and think of a solution for us!"

"Naturally, since I'm back, I can't let the people of Ningshan County go hungry."

Everyone is happy, that Wu An, that Aolai, that Tang Kingdom, and even the army of Cang'er, are still not as good as Sikong Jue himself!

The movement of Fang Cai's side shocked the entire Ningshan. It was a ghost soldier flying from the sky, and he sent a fist of a giant spirit to knock down the city gate. Everyone firmly believed that Sikong Jue was a god!

Now, everyone is completely welcoming God's enthusiasm to welcome him!

I quickly told the county government office. The current county government office is still the same county government office it used to be, but it has already changed hands several times, and has changed several sets of leadership. I don’t know who it is now, but the county magistrate still came out very enthusiastically greet him.

The county magistrate naturally chose to submit to Sikongjue, so he immediately packed the county yamen and welcomed Sikongjue and Xia Jun.

In the county government office, the commander-in-chief of the Wu'an army was originally stationed, but the commander was blasted into the sky by a cannonball, and the commander was captured alive again, and now it has been occupied by the Xia army.

Wei Jin was already waiting at the entrance of the county government office, and he was very excited when he saw Sikong Jue, who was riding a tall horse, and Xia Jinhua behind him.

Xia Jinhua really did not miss the appointment, two years have passed, and this place really belongs to Sikong Jue.

After many years of war, the dawn is finally here. Wei Jin knows that Sikong is definitely not an ordinary person. This Ningshan County is handed over to him, and the people of the city are relieved.

"Big Brother Wei!"

As soon as Xia Jinhua saw Wei Jin, he went up to meet him. The last time he saw Wei Jin was two years ago. Since the separation two years ago, the situation in Ningshan County has become more and more serious. Feeling a bit of vicissitudes, it seems that there are still some beards, but the original elegance has not changed.

Sikong Jue also walked towards Wei Jin. Wei Jin looked at the two of them and said excitedly: "I know, you will definitely succeed, you will definitely be able to!"

Before he could finish speaking, there was a feeling of choking.

Xia Jinhua patted Wei Jin's shoulder: "Brother Wei, I haven't eaten your food for a long time. We finally came back. Shouldn't you say something?"

Wei Jin suddenly realized, and said, "Okay, fine, at night, I am the host of my auspicious restaurant! The crayfish I got from Xiacheng last time is already a sign of my auspicious restaurant. Come and eat it at night!"

Xia Jinhua just smiled, it seemed that there was no difference from the year before, and it was still as clear and charming.

After everyone entered the county yamen, Wei Jin also went back to arrange the meals.

Seeing this county yamen now, I can't help but recall Xia Jinhua's memory. Back then, when Mrs Zhang wanted to seize his own land, he also invited a master to suppress him.

In that court trial, Xia Jinhua scared the man to pee his pants in a few words. Now it seems that many years have passed.

She was more emotional.

Sikong Jue was busy accepting this Ningshan County, and Xia Jinhua walked around the city with a pair of rough men.

Because there is still a big meal to eat in the evening, Xia Jinhua simply ate some dry food and went out.

After a war, everything in the city was in disarray. It seemed that the people had been exploited too much by the Wu'an army.

The people are cleaning up the mess on the street, and there is hope for the future in this mess.

Xia Jinhua was walking on the street. She should be familiar with this street just like Jin, but there are some more stores that she doesn't know, but she still knows the old brand.

"Mom, I'm hungry." The rough man said suddenly, but his eyes were squinting at a pastry shop that was still open not far away.

Xia Jinhua smiled and said, "That's the best pastry in the city."

When she entered the pastry shop, the shopkeeper recognized her at a glance, and said, "Boss Liu is back, please, please!"

He invited Xia Jinhua to the seat, and Xia Jinhua asked casually, "Boss, how is the business of this workshop recently?"

"It's difficult, our little Ning Shan has also been beaten to pieces. It's hard to do business. If you don't come back, I'm afraid you won't be able to support it any longer."

Xiao Er neatly brought a whole loaf of bread and some other cakes to Xia Jinhua. Xia Jinhua smiled and said, "This cake will be recorded in my account."

She is also the major shareholder of the store, and the boss quickly declined, but Xia Jinhua is a principled person, saying that if it is on the books, it is on the books.

In that shop, Xia Jinhua was feeding the rough man with bread while listening to the boss talk about what happened over the years.

When the war was fought a few years ago, no one thought that Ningshan County would be affected, because this place was poor and it was not a place where military strategists fought.

But as soon as the battle begins, chatting is avoided everywhere, even in such a small Ningshan County.

"The first is the people from the Tang sect," the boss said with a bit of gnashing of teeth: "As soon as we enter the city, we rob and smash door to door. The big families in the city are almost robbed, and those of us who do business are even more so. Don't even dare to open the door."

"...Aolaiguo said it well when he entered the city, but as soon as he entered the city, his family was taxed, and he still shot directly afterward."

"A lot of people have left in the city, and the Wang family got wind and left completely, and fled to the capital, leaving us with the family and taking our family, we can't leave, and we will not be able to live any longer..."

I heard that the lady of the city owner came here, and more and more people gathered at the door to complain to Xia Jinhua.

The fields were destroyed, the homes were destroyed, the people were displaced, and more and more people died of starvation in the city. The soldiers burned, killed and looted. The people were miserable. harm these innocent people.

Many people fled in the direction of the capital. Many people heard that there was a good place in Chanzhou. There was no war, so they went to Chanzhou, but how many can really escape?

After listening to the people talking for a long time, the pastry shop was full of people, and the bigger shops in the city came to pour out bitterness against Xia Jinhua.

Xia Jinhua had people write down the questions that everyone had reacted to, and solved them one by one in the future.

Until evening, everyone dispersed one by one.

Xia Jinhua also went out of the shop, and the boss also packed some cakes.

A pair of rough men ate their tummies, patted their stomachs, got on their own wolves, and followed Xia Jinhua on the wolves and continued to wander around the city.

The war was over, and the people in the city began to work again to make a living. All kinds of shops and stalls were opened, and they tried to make some money during the curfew period, but the business was bleak.

Xia Jinhua was walking and saw a lot of naked people begging on the roadside, some old and young, some male and female, Xia Jinhua sighed, but he didn't speak, and saw the pair of rough men who were all packed with bread and pastries, all of them were given away. To the beggars on the roadside.

Xia Jinhua couldn't help but feel relieved, but when they came back, she still didn't forget to mention: "Son, the food I gave them now can keep them from being hungry for a while, but it can't guarantee that they won't be hungry forever."

The rough man raised his head and asked Xia Jinhua, "Then how can children keep them from being hungry for the rest of their lives?"

Xia Jinhua touched the rough man's little head and said, "You have to give them a job, so that they have work to do, and they can get paid for doing the work, so that they will not be hungry."

The rough man seemed to understand, but he still nodded and said, "How can I do the work for them?"

"Then we have to wait for Daddy to arrange it."

Suddenly, Xia Jinhua turned around and saw a woman who seemed to be very familiar among the begging crowd.

Look at the woman, in ragged clothes, with all kinds of dust all over her face, scattered in a mess, eating the cakes that the rough man just handed over, even swallowing her own head without knowing it.

The more she looked at the woman, the more familiar she became. When she looked again, she couldn't help but be shocked. It turned out to be Liu Da's ex-wife, Liu Rong's mother Lin Zhaodi!

In those days, Lin Zhaodi was framed by Xia Jinhua and divorced by Liu Da. It is said that he got married again, but Xia Jinhua doesn't know how his life is going. Who knows what he has become now.

Back then, when Liu Sansheng first arrived in that poor little village, the Liu family's house was the best in the village. The house had high white walls and several spacious tile-roofed houses, and Lin Zhaodi was dressed as the villagers when going out. I can't bear the good fabrics that money can't pull for my whole life.

Brother Lin Zhao was the envy of all the women in the village, and he was the first in the village to use candles, but Liu Sansheng couldn't even light an oil lamp.

But now, Lin Zhaodi has become a beggar on the street, Liu Sansheng back then, and Xia Jinhua today have become the wife of the city owner.

It really is impermanent!

Obviously Brother Lin Zhao saw Xia Jinhua as well, but he was embarrassed to shout, so he could only lower his head and grab the bread.

Xia Jinhua took the rough man away slowly. She also taught the rough man: "As a human being, the most important thing is to keep a kind heart..."

Xia Jinhua walked slowly, thinking about going to the restaurant in the evening to meet with Sikong Jue. When he walked near the restaurant, he saw a dilapidated stall. The stall was carrying a dirty, ragged white cloth. On the white cloth was written A few neat and powerful characters: write letters.

In this era, people who can read are generally prosperous, but there are also those who are not prosperous, and can only write letters on their behalf.

The stall was extremely rudimentary. There was only one table on which the four treasures of the study were placed. A scholar in a tattered gown was writing a letter. After writing the letter, he taught it to the waiting employer.

The employer gave the scholar a few coins, and the scholar held the coins and thanked him repeatedly. His face was full of humility and respect, and he couldn't be more humble.

That is clearly Wang Xiucai, who used to be rich! Su Luanfeng's ex-husband!

In the past, Wang Xiucai still had some family background, and he was also a scholar. He had a high possibility of raising people in the examination. He was considered a prominent family in the city, but now, looking at his current situation, it is really not good. A great scholar is willing to condescend to write for others. Make money by writing letters, this is the real impermanence!


A little girl called out crisply and ran to Wang Xiucai. Behind the little girl, a woman in sackcloth and sackcloth was walking.

Wang Xiucai happily said to the little girl, "Lian'er, look at how many coins Dad made today, we'll have something to eat tomorrow."

Seeing that Wang Xiucai, although he was down and out, he seemed to be very spiritual, and he really looked like a father.

I remember that Wang Xiucai was barren, but now that doesn't seem to matter anymore. Seeing the joy and happiness on Wang Xiucai's face, it seems to be the same expression as when Sikong Jue went home and saw the rough man hug his thigh, happy and satisfied.

The little girl said happily: "Someone came to the house today, saying that the star of Wuqu came down to earth, and I can go to the sign restaurant tomorrow to get rice at noon. Our family of three can get three bags of rice!"

Wang Xiucai was stunned, the woman smiled and said, "Yes, the head of the family is absolutely true, Wuquxing is a goddess!"

Suddenly, Wang Xiucai seemed to feel something in his heart. He looked at a certain place, and saw there, a woman was being guarded by many masters and slowly left...

Wang Xiucai opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

The rough man counted with his little finger, and suddenly asked, "Mom, how many bags of rice can we get?"

Xia Jinhua said, "Count how many in our family?"

The rough man counted in a low voice: "Whisper, mother, pot pot, red shaking, three shaking, four shaking, five shaking..."

After counting for a long time, Xia Jinhua had already reached the Jixiang Restaurant.

Several restaurants had been closed for several days, and were beaten and smashed by the Wu'an Army several times. When Xia Jinhua came in, the broken tables and chairs in the lobby had not been cleaned up.

But today in this auspicious restaurant, there is a lot of joy, and the back chef is cooking with enthusiasm, specially serving Xia Jinhua and Sikongjue.

Before Sikongjue came, Xia Jinhua found Wei Jin, discussed with him, and said, "It's better for Big Brother Wei to work harder tonight, I ordered some seniors from the city with high morals to come, and discuss this peaceful situation together. The future of Shanxian County."

Wei Jin naturally agreed: "No problem, no problem, I'll ask Xiao Er to invite him."

When Sikong Jue arrived, the restaurant was already filled with representatives from all walks of life in the city, including the dean of the academy, the owner of the shop, the porter at the dock, and the farmers. go away.

That night, Sikongjue's family rested in the mansion. On the second day, they went out to save the people. At noon, they started to distribute rice at the gate of Jixiang Restaurant. Each person could get a bag of rice. Although it was not too much, it also solved the urgent needs of many people.

Sikong Jue did not come today to gather the Wu'an Army, and Xia Jinhua personally sat in town to watch the people come to collect rice.

The rough man sat beside him in a proper manner and said, "Mom, why don't we go to pick up rice? Last night, we said that there are five people in our family, and we can pick up five bags of rice!"

"Why are there five people?"

"Whispering, Niangniang, me, Guoguo, and Whispering Guoguo, there are five people in total."

It seems that Sikong Jue really regards Cheng Tanyue as his brother, but he is still worried about whether this Cheng Tanyue belongs to Princess Fuyuan. Sadly……

Xia Jinhua touched the rough man's head and smiled: "Our family is not short of food. Are these rice for those who have no food?"

"Why do they have no food to eat?"

"Because of the war."

"Is there no food to eat in the war?"


"Then why are you still teaching me to fight?"

"Uh, this..."

Xia Jinhua was speechless and could only say, "It's wrong to fight wars. Dad taught you to fight because he wanted you to be able to protect everything you want to protect. You will understand in the future. Who do you want to protect?"

"Mom!" The two of them said in unison.

Xia Jinhua felt warm and asked, "Why?"

"Because the whine is very powerful, we don't need our protection."

Xia Jinhua is embarrassed, does this mean that he is weak?

When the three of them were talking, it was already past noon, and the rice was about to be dispatched.

Now that there is a shortage of rice and grain in the city, Xia Jinhua opened the granary and put all the grain inside, but it was still not enough. He also mobilized the wealthy people in the city who still had grain to provide some rice, and even ordered people to go to other places to raise rice.

Now that the Chinese New Year is coming, if you want to have a full year in the city, it seems to be very difficult!

The family stayed in Ningshan County for several days, and Sikong Jue reorganized and counted the 4,000 Wu'an troops, found some veterans among them, and promoted them to leaders.

These veterans have all witnessed the brilliance of Sikong Jue in those days, and they dare not have any doubts about Sikong Jue's power, especially seeing the more powerful Sikong Jue now.

Sikong Jue had a good command of the army, so the Wu'an army naturally did not dare to disobey, and with the brainwashing of the gods, they all surrendered happily, swearing allegiance to Sikong Jue in the future.

But except for one, the main general who was captured alive is the son of Uncle Sikong Jue. If nothing else, the uncle is already happy to be a father, and the little king in front of him is really Sikong Jue's younger brother.

This talent was eighteen years old, and Sikong Nan was given the title of a county king and served as the main general of this army. Unfortunately, he was captured alive by Sikong Jue just before he played.

The four thousand troops had all descended, and he was the only one who felt the water, and every day in the prison camp, he shouted and cursed, and the curse was extremely unpleasant.

"Sikong Jue, you deceived the world! If you have the ability, you will kill Xiao Wang. Eighteen years later, Xiao Wang is still a good man!"

No one paid any attention to him, he yelled and cursed for a long time, but he really lost his strength, and he stopped.

Sikong Jue kept this person, probably because he wanted to take it for his own use. This person is also a person. He had outstanding military exploits at a young age.

When he couldn't scold anymore, he saw a woman opened the curtain and came in.

The woman was born with some stunning looks, but it didn't match the charm and softness. She wore strong clothes, and she was as heroic and capable as a man.

Came in, pulled up a stool at the shabby table and sat down.

There were a lot of people in this prisoner of war camp, and the others were all descended and shackled.

The teenager knew the woman, it was Sikongjue's woman, and he said angrily, "Where's Sikongjue? Let Sikongjue come out to see me! What kind of hero is he who hides his head and shows his tail!"

Hearing that voice became hoarse, Xia Jinhua was unmoved, cleared his throat, and asked, "Is your name Sikongyin?"

Sikong Yin turned his face away, and said coldly, "Little Wang won't talk to a girl like you."

"Everyone else came down, why didn't you come down?"

Si Kongyin was furious: "Don't compare this king with those bastards! Even if you kill this king, this king will never surrender to you!"

Xia Jinhua said regretfully, "What's the point of you being so stubborn?"

"As the King of Wu'an County, I should punish the traitors and remove evil for Wu'an. Sooner or later, this king will get rid of the traitor Sikong Jue!"

Seeing that the bones are indeed a bit hard, otherwise Xia Jinhua would not be able to work, but Sikong Jue has said several times that this person is a talented person. If he can use it for himself, he will definitely make Xia Jun even more powerful!

Xia Jinhua smiled slightly and said, "You give me a condition, how can you surrender?"

"Even if I die, this king will not surrender!"

"That's good! I'll let you die!"

Xia Jinhua took out a flintlock spear from his waist and pulled the trigger decisively in the direction of Si Kongyin.


A loud bang shocked the entire prisoner of war camp.

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