Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 2806 Counterattack

Denji could not immediately accept the reality that he had killed his domestically violent father. After all, patricide would not be accepted by society. In life, you always have to form alliances with others to survive, so the social contract is still very important. The basis of the contract between ordinary people is morality, and filial piety is the first of morality and the first of all virtues.

When I suddenly found out that my moral foundation had been dug up, wouldn't it mean that I couldn't form an alliance with ordinary people? Naturally, you will worry about being disliked by others. People will not understand why Denji killed his father or understand his difficulties. They will only think that this boy even killed his father, which is so inhumane.

However, Makima will not dislike Denji, because she doesn't care about Denji. What she needs is the chainsaw demon all the time. Now she is about to succeed, because the basis of Denji's alliance with others has collapsed, and he has no place to belong except Machima.

However, Hayakawa Akira would not let Makima succeed. Under the cover of Lesse and Himeno, he bypassed the bad woman and punched Denji in the face, hoping that he would return to normal.

"It's useless. You don't know this miserable human being at all. You don't know what terrible things he has done before. Let me tell you now. He killed his father. He has been trying to forget this. Memory, but unfortunately this is the truth. No matter how hard we try, the truth cannot be forgotten." Makima said this lightly. She would not evaluate this matter from a moral perspective, because she is a demon and is above Above humans, the things humans care about have nothing to do with her. But she knows humans very well and knows that humans will never accept this.

To be honest, it was really shocking. Hayakawa Akira didn't expect that Denji, who was always laughing and joking, would actually do such a thing. However, he felt that Denci definitely did not do it on purpose, because he knew that Denci had been paying off loan sharks before joining the Witchers. The money was not owed by Denci, but was borrowed by his parents, so Denci's father was not a good person either. thing.

Hayakawa Akira looked at Denji who was trapped in the vortex of memory, looked at his blank expression and said: "Denji, I believe you." After saying that, he punched him again, sending his thoughts into Denji's head through his fist. Go, this is a physical transfer.

"Dianji, I believe you too." Lesai said.

Hayakawa Qiu punched Denji again, which was to send a message to Lesai.

Makima discovered the problem, that is, they would punch Denji when they said something. What kind of communication method was this? Can fists really convey thoughts?

Yes, Hayakawa Akira has understood the high-end communication method, which is to pour all the words and feelings to be expressed into the fist. But why he had such an understanding was obviously due to Duran's influence.

Denji's face was swollen, but it didn't matter. After all, Denji was a devil. This minor injury was nothing at all. He could recover as long as he transformed. The important thing was that Hayakawa Akira wanted to convey their trust in Denji. To the ears of Denji who was sinking.

Denji now needs the support of others to recover from his father's murder.

Hayakawa Autumn's words are like morning bells and evening drums, and Hayakawa Autumn's feelings are like the abyss and the sea. Denci heard and felt it, letting him know that something had happened, that regret and escape were useless. There was only one thing he could do, and that was to redouble his efforts and rebuild the contract. Although the foundation is unstable and requires more costs, Denci can definitely do it. After all, he still has people who are willing to help him and support him.

There's no point in escaping. He has to go back to everyone, and everyone is still willing to support him, Denci thought.

At this time, Magima outside controlled the science demon to fight back against Lesai and Himeno, and at the same time, she wanted to kill Hayakawa Akira. She was fighting on multiple fronts, but she was not disordered at all. It can be seen that as a dominating demon, she is not only a time management master , is also a master of micro-management.

The technological demon's body has also become a battlefield, but it is nothing to the technological demon, because he is so huge, so unpredictable, and has extremely high growth potential.

Before Denci wakes up, kill the person in front of you first. Then Denci can only rely on himself.

Pava said: "Hayakawa Qiu, send me a message to Denji, saying that he is a bastard. If he doesn't wake up, I will spend all his salary and occupy his room, and all his things will belong to me."

Ji Ye also said: "Give me a message and tell him that if he doesn't wake up, we will leave him to go to a restaurant and eat delicious food."

Machima discovered that these guys really didn't take her seriously. In the face of her attack, they were really calm. Why was this? Where does this mysterious confidence come from? It stands to reason that human beings should be frightened and uneasy when they encounter themselves. Why are they so calm? Who gave them courage?

Is this the host of the chainsaw demon? It's incomprehensible. Machima feels that the Chainsaw Demon will eventually be used by him. These people are the meat on the chopping block. Their optimism is too confusing to understand.

They are confident because they believe in themselves and in Denci. They have withstood the attack of the scientific demon on them, so they are comfortable, and they also believe that Denji will eventually wake up.

Denji heard it, and Hayakawa Akira passed on the power to him through his fists, so he walked out of his memory step by step and faced his new life. He saw the chainsaw demon. Although the chainsaw demon had no expression, Denji could feel the support from the other party. The other party would give all its power to him and let him open up a path.


The sound of chainsaws echoed through the battlefield, and all the demons trembled. If demons are the fear of humans, then the chainsaw demon is the fear of all demons. The sound of the chainsaw that has lingered since their birth represents both their birth and their death.

The Chainsaw Demon returns to Hell!

True love released light from the body of the technological demon, and the powerful technological demon was torn open. The chainsaw demon held hands with the bomb demon and flew out to high altitude.

Denji and Lesse returned to their human form and fell freely in the sky, spreading rations at the same time.

"It's the chainsaw demon." The demons below felt the residual power of the chainsaw and began to flee. Many demons still believed that only the chainsaw demons could truly kill them, and humans only defeated them temporarily and could not do anything to them.

"Kill, absorb all their souls." Dulan gave the order, and the demon hunters rushed into the panicked demon front and began to harvest demon souls.

Only then did the devil discover the problem, that is, these human demon hunters were different from before. Not only did they seem to be absorbing souls? !

That's right, they are absorbing souls. At this moment, the demons were confused. Are they demons, or is the enemy a demon? Why are humans so cruel?

The strength and weakness are reversed, and humans want to sell the devil's soul as a commodity to other worlds, so the devil suffers. The pair of young men who were spreading dog food in the sky also fell into the group of demons, and their terrifying fighting power exploded, and they began to kill everyone.

Only Machima was alone and at a loss.

"Come with me." Dinisha appeared behind Makima to prevent her from ending up as braised pork. Makima can't stay any longer. Now she is no match for Denji. If the original plot goes according to the development, she will be cut into ingredients and stuffed in the refrigerator. In order to prevent her meat slices from affecting other people, Denji will Use your stomach to dispose of the dominant demon.

Dinisha wants to take Makima back and teach her well so that she will not be so selfish in the future.

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