Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 2815 The young man’s choice

The Seele fundamentalists will not give up, after all, integration is the ultimate happiness they pursue. Duran can let them go, but they will not let the earth go.

In order to be able to complete the impact, they worked hard to develop technology in the apocalypse. After overcoming the difficulties of the S2 mechanism, the mass-produced EVA they manufactured no longer requires a power cord, and is a semi-perpetual motion machine. Coupled with the puppet system, all aircraft can be driven unmanned.

This is the future, this is advanced. You can remotely control battles and fusion while hiding in the base, without having to go to the front line in person. Shinji Ikari didn't catch up with the good time. If he joins the neuron later, there will be no pilot.

With the S2 mechanism and the unmanned driving system, the next thing is to use the drone to restore contact and prepare to restart the impact again.

The first impact is that the apostles are sleeping and humans are king. The second impact should purify the ocean, the third impact should purify the land, and the fourth impact should purify the souls. By then, everyone's souls will merge into the Black Moon, and everyone will be happy.

With technology, the end of the world is nothing. The important thing now is to complete the impact. By the way, I contacted Nagisa Kaoru and asked him to get back on track and enter the central dogma.

As for the apostles, they are no longer important. With the unmanned EVA, the apostles are already a thing of the past and are not a problem.

The apostle was also miserable. He was knocked unconscious by the first impact, but was finally awakened by the second impact. He absorbed the energy and came to merge with Black Moon, but was blocked by humans. Obviously the apostles are very powerful. If they cooperate, there will be nothing wrong with humans. They just like to give away one by one.

As for the walls of human hearts, the walls of apostles’ hearts are also very thick. They simply don't trust each other.

The drone rushed into space to restore communications, and at the same time discovered that the third New Tokyo City had disappeared, leaving only a crater covered with snow. The destructive power of the Power Angel is indeed amazing, but it is certain that the Black Moon has not disappeared and is still underground. Then the next thing will be easy to handle, destroy the remaining apostles, and then merge.

When everyone saw the unmanned EVA passing by from above, the Neuron people knew that it must be Seele coming.

Ikari Gendo knew that they would not give up. Unfortunately, his usurpation plan could no longer proceed because Ayanami Rei had betrayed him and his wife had entered the universe. Even if he usurped the fusion, he would not be able to achieve his goal.

Unmanned EVA gathered over the pit, preparing to penetrate the central dogma. There is a huge underground space below the neurons. Lilith's body is in it and is fixed on the cross. At the same time, there is a huge black moon underground, which is about the same size as the moon. Once such a huge sphere leaves the underground, it will Ripping a huge hole in the crust is like popping a zit.

First enter the Central Dogma, then activate the Black Moon through Lilith, and then the fusion can begin, and everyone happily turns into orange juice together.

Seele is going to use Nagisa Kaoru to activate Lilith, while Ikari Gendo is going to use Ayanami Reclone to activate it.

But no matter whether Nagisa Kaoru or Ayanami Rei, they will eventually hand over the leadership to Ikari Shinji, let’s just say they are angry or not. The big drama that Ikari Yuantang and Seele had worked so hard to prepare was snatched away by a boy who didn't understand anything. The boy's decision was to keep restarting the timeline, but unfortunately there was no perfect ending.

Both Kaoru Nagisa and Rei Ayanami were captured by Shinji Ikari, and this fourteen-year-old boy used his gentleness and kindness to unknowingly interfere with them. Of course, it is also possible that Kaoru Nagisa and Rei Ayanami both have teenage personalities, so they don't like adults' conspiracies, so they would rather help Shinji Ikari, a peer of their own age. Compared to the adults who are cunning, Shinji Ikari is much more honest. At least he treats his friends sincerely and does not engage in intrigues like the adults.

It can be said that it is their failure for adults to turn the key to integration into teenagers. Maybe they think teenagers are easier to control, but they don't know that the age of fourteen is the rebellious period. It is the most disobedient age and likes to go against the rules of adults.


On this day everyone heard a loud noise and saw a beam of light. The light falls straight from the sky and falls into the pit to break through the shell of the central dogma. After breaking through, it is the passage into the underground.

Back then, they found Adam in the Antarctic and Lilith under the Third New Tokyo City. These two points were fixed because this was where they fell. Adam fell in the Antarctic with White Moon. Lilith crashed in New Tokyo City 3, taking the Black Moon with her.

The White Moon is where the Apostles appear, and the Black Moon is where the Apostles return. As for why? The setting is like this. It can only be said that the universe is so vast and full of wonders.

The other apostles could leave, but the positions of Adam and Lilith were certain, so after humans dug out these two, they began a comprehensive plan. Adam serves as the prototype of EVA, and Lilith becomes the bait for humans to defeat the apostles one by one.

"Seele really didn't give up." Kaji looked at it and didn't know what to say. To be honest, he was a little confused, because the more he experienced different worlds, the more he felt that being born as a human being was a punishment. It is the wall of the heart, the chain of suspicion, and various distribution relationships.

If there is a distribution relationship, there will be unfairness, and a chain of suspicion will arise, thickening the wall of the heart, and blessing the feeling that human beings cannot escape from such an endless cycle. Maybe it's better to integrate it, which can be regarded as introducing variables.

"I understand them very well. There will always be some people who want to integrate. Because everything in the real world seems so heavy." Kaji sighed and said: "Human beings are originally a creature full of differences, and Seele's behavior is also a human behavior. They are also supported by a large number of people. I think even if they disclose the "Human Completion Plan", in such a doomsday environment, there will be a large number of ordinary people supporting them. After all, ordinary people's lives are harder than those of intellectuals. It’s sad, even intellectuals are willing to accept it, and ordinary people are even more willing.” Kaji believes that integration is the choice of most people who cannot accept the suffering life, and even if the plan is made public, it will gain the support of the majority of people.

Dulan had nothing to say, because what Kaji said was true. There must be many people who are willing to accept the integration, but on the other hand, there will also be many people who are opposed to the integration, such as Katsuragi Misato and the others.

"Don't worry, seele can't succeed, because the choice of the future lies in the hands of young people. Shinji Ikari, Kaoru Nagisa, and Rei Ayanami, they are the key to the fusion plan. This is seele's mistake, they gave the opportunity to fusion to the right party Young people don’t know enough about the world. Young people are full of curiosity and desire for the world. They have their own ideas. The future is not for adults, but for teenagers.” “It doesn’t matter whether we agree or not, what’s important is that they don’t agree. "

Adults have experienced the pain of not getting what they want, and the reality that hard work may not necessarily yield results, but teenagers have not yet. They have a passion for life. This is the biggest mistake of seele. They thought they could control the boy, but they forgot that the so-called control is always two-way. If the control was one-way, then the world would not be so chaotic at all.

Since it is two-way, while the adult controls the boy, the boy can backstab the adult at any time. It is too much to think that young people will definitely listen to adults.

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