Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 2820 To save or not?

What distinguishes science from religion is that science accepts failure and uncertainty. If science is regarded as a stabilizing force, then science becomes a religion.

But because there is uncertainty, there is room for interpretation.

This is the same as religious doctrine. The doctrine is uncertain and has different interpretation methods, so there are differences and tampering.

Science has uncertainties and disagreements. However, science can study objective laws, which is very effective.

The so-called objective laws are the study of things that have already happened and new things that have just appeared. Science cannot predict things that have not yet appeared, but things that have already appeared can be measured according to certain rules through scientific means. After anything appears, it needs to accumulate strength until quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

New forces will be weak when they appear, but they will become stronger through accumulation.

Take the Industrial Revolution for example. Although everyone thinks that industry is definitely better than manual work, this was not the case at the beginning. At the beginning, the production efficiency of factories was not higher than that of handicraft workshops, but with the development of machines and assembly lines, industry began to overtake handicrafts.

Another example is the scholar-official class. The scholar-officials in the Sui and Tang Dynasties were vassals of the nobles. After more than three hundred years of development, the scholar-officials accumulated enough strength to compete with the nobles, and finally formed a situation of "ruling the world with the scholar-officials" in the Song Dynasty.

Another example is the bourgeoisie. During the Renaissance, it was originally very weak and its influence was not very great. It was not until the Enlightenment Movement a hundred years later that it truly affected the world and challenged the old system. In the end, Louis XVI was guillotined, and Napoleon launched a war that affected the world.

Even science was just a vassal of religion at the beginning. It was the continuous efforts of generations of scientists that finally established a scientific system and finally became independent from religion.

This is how times create heroes, and a hero is someone who guides the accumulated power.

Therefore, when a force appears, it must be weak and must be accumulated before it can change the world. This is the objective law.

Science can study objective laws, but it cannot predict which new force will change the world in the future. It's like stock experts know that stocks rise and fall, but they don't know which stocks will rise sharply.

The same is true for the study of society, and the same is true for the study of the universe. However, many phenomena in the universe have existed for hundreds of millions of years. These are not new forces, but accumulated forces. Through scientific research, we can benefit the world. people and transform the existing human environment.

But the changes that will follow are not 100% predictable by science. For example, if the environment deteriorates and this phenomenon occurs, will it accumulate and eventually backfire on humans? For example, will changes in microorganisms also threaten humans through cumulative power? These sciences are not certain. Science can only remind us constantly. We hope that everyone can take precautions and be prepared.

Black Moon, she does not need to continue to accumulate power, because she has already accumulated it from the beginning. So Seele just needs to use her. In the process, they also used science to study the objective laws of the apostles. But when it comes to scientific uncertainty, they choose to deny it. They deny that there will be uncertainty in integration and that there will be worse possibilities in the human completion plan.

Because there is uncertainty, practice is needed. Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. Through small-scale practice, look at the results, and then weigh it to see if it should be fully promoted. This is science.

Those who ignore everything like Seele and try to integrate everything in one breath are pseudo-science and scientific religion without any scientific spirit.

Because they had no scientific spirit, Duran did not talk about science and directly convicted Black Moon of discrimination and exiled Proxima Centauri.

On this day, everyone saw the Black Moon flying out of the cross wound on the surface, and the change in gravity caused the unsteady changes of the red tide. Seele was about to burst into tears, and could only watch helplessly as the key to the plan was sent to the sky.

Except that there is no giant Ayanami Rei holding it, the whole process is the same as the completion, except that the black moon flies higher and higher, and finally disappears directly.

The Black Moon, which stayed on the Earth for billions of years, left the Earth.

Now if Seele wants to integrate again, it must set its target in the sea of ​​​​stars. It must first overcome the speed of light travel, and then complete it in Proxima Centauri.

"What have you done?" Seele shouted desperately.

"It just proves that you don't understand science at all. If you understood science, you wouldn't be making such a fuss. You would definitely work hard immediately. Even if it takes several thousand years, you will definitely develop the speed of light flight to Proxima Centauri." Du Lan said: "I just made your integration more difficult. If you really believe that integration represents happiness, then you should work tirelessly and keep up your efforts. After all, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Come on."

Duran left directly, leaving behind a slate of incompetence and rage.

With the Black Moon gone, everyone will have time to develop. Who wins in the end depends entirely on humans themselves.

Duran is really leaving this time, saying goodbye to Shinji Ikari, Agni, and Denji. He hopes they live a good life and bravely face the problems they will face in the future.

The three of them were reluctant to leave Duran. Although Duran's training was indeed tiring, as long as he accepted it, he would become stronger. Moreover, Duran had always been their backer. When Duran left, his backer was gone. But they must learn to stand alone. This is growth, and they must learn to bear their own injuries.

Dulan is gone, but the world has changed.

What should humans do if humans are destroyed by a meteorite hitting the earth in a few decades?

Duran believes that it is best to do nothing. First of all, scientists cannot convince ordinary people that such a meteorite is really approaching. Therefore, if money needs to be spent to save mankind, then everyone will think that this is a clever name, and they do not have the courage to save the world, but they do have the courage to use the excuse of saving the world to attract people's support, and they are very bold.

Secondly, it would cost a lot to save the world, and finally change the trajectory of the meteorite and avoid collision. How to prove that this is because of spending money to save the world, and not because the meteorite will not hit the earth in the first place? Can you prove it? Unless the trajectory of the meteorite changes when humans can witness it before the meteorite hits, there is no way to prove it. Everyone will just think that meteorites are just a hoax.

If the meteorite really falls, then all people on earth will be wiped out and all living beings will be equal. If the salvation of the world is successful, the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. This is just like the ancient disaster years were the "good" years for land annexation. The more natural and man-made disasters there are, the greater the profits will be.

Therefore, it is better not to save than to save. If everyone perishes together, that is the real perdition. After being rescued, there will only be nothing left, and a world war will probably break out in the end.

Therefore, the work of saving the world is not easy, because saving the world can also become a business. You can even start a financial bet on whether a meteorite will hit the earth.

Of course, in the new world, the problem that destroys mankind is not falling meteorites, but solar helium flashes. In about four hundred years, the sun will explode as a supernova, and the entire solar system will be destroyed by then, so humans are trying to move the earth to a new home.

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