Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3060 Seeking stability in an emergency

The city is in chaos. Who would have thought that a few criminals could cause so many troubles together? It can only be said that the criminals in this world are as crazy as terrorists. Carrying out a few simple murders can no longer satisfy them. What they want to do is to change the world.

For example, a patient with symmetry obsessive-compulsive disorder. As a designer, in order to become famous, he designed many asymmetrical buildings when he was young. Now his influence and fame are getting bigger and bigger, and some people even invited him to redesign the city, so he hopes to use this opportunity to fulfill his dream and create a symmetrical city, so all kinds of dynamite Use them all to blow up all your early works.

New symmetrical buildings will rise on the ruins of the old asymmetry, and the dream of symmetry will come true. I have to say that this architect's brain circuit is really crazy. In order to make the city what he wants, he doesn't care about anyone's feelings at all. He thinks it should be blown up, just like the God of Creation. Have the power to dominate the city's architecture.

He is just an architect, not a creator god.

The people who hijacked the Aegis ship were spies from other countries, not ordinary criminals.

There are also people who hijack networks in various places, and they are not ordinary criminals, but insiders. They are people within the system who are dissatisfied with the Metropolitan Police Department's case-handling style, so they are seeking revenge. Because the Metropolitan Police Department handles cases by first convicting the other party and then solving the case. So the mole's informant was killed, and the mole was dissatisfied with the verdict of the Metropolitan Police Department and the Prosecutor's Office, so he wanted revenge.

All three crimes had their own reasons and all caused massive damage. The bombs destroyed many buildings in the city, and hijacked warships also launched attacks on the city. In the end, the destruction of the network also caused irreparable losses. Traffic was paralyzed, and communications with the police, hospitals, and fire stations were interrupted. It was really the same as during wartime.

"It's too fragile, it's really too fragile." Diao Guangdou looked at all this and said that this city is really vulnerable, but it is so interesting because of its vulnerability.

The power of modern weapons is no joke. A missile can directly destroy a communications building, drill through the roof, and explode inside.

"Human beings have never been behind in killing themselves." Diao Guangdou, even a corrupt official, had to sigh. After all, all living beings are equal under missiles, and the missiles will not bypass him just because he is a bad guy. So modern warfare is really powerful, and the power of various high-end weapons is no joke.

Dulan wants to use the weapons of Section 9 to destroy the battleship, and helicopters and tanks are already in place. But at this time, Duran received a communication from the battleship.

The spy took hostages and told everyone: "If you open fire regardless of the hostages, I will upload all these pictures to the Internet, and your country's image will be ruined. Think about it, how many billions do you spend every year to maintain your image?" But as long as you attack, billions will be wasted. Maintaining the image may require years of persistence, but destroying the image only requires one or two things. Therefore, there are many bad people in the world and few good people, because those who can consistently do good things Too little, and it only takes one bad thing to be a bad person.”

Dulan thought to himself that this spy really had some philosophical thoughts. It is indeed difficult to be a good person, but it is easy to be regarded as a bad person. If you do ninety-nine good things and do one bad thing, one bad thing will replace the ninety-nine good things.

So there is really no point in spending money to promote the image, because as long as this country continues to exist, the image will collapse sooner or later. It's useless no matter how much money you spend, because as long as one or two embarrassing things happen, they will be mentioned again and again.

"Dulan Police Department, what should we do? We can't attack the hostages." The subordinate said, although the tanks have reached the attack position, there is still a problem of hostages.

"We must not compromise with the enemy, but we should also pay attention to the safety of the hostages. Then use special shells, use paralysis shells or freezing rays to freeze everything." Duran said that the weapons of Section 9 are far more advanced than this The era, after all, targets aliens and people with super powers.

These weapons are based on "Heavy Mech", which contains various special weapons to target different enemies. For example, fire attributes, thunder attributes, sound wave attributes, ice attributes, and poison attributes.

"Then use paralysis bombs, which can penetrate the warship and directly paralyze the enemies inside." Dulan said: "I'm not a good person anyway. As for the impression of the country, I will naturally get used to it in the future. After de-globalization, the operating costs They are all increasing, and no matter how good their image is, they can’t find foreign investment.”

Dulan said that image is to attract foreign investment, but foreign investors will have more choices in the future. After de-globalization, there will be more places to invest. A good image alone will not have much effect. The most important thing is the rate of return.


Aim at the fleet in the outer sea and directly bombard it. The tanks of Section 9 fired a salvo, and the shells flew against the sea.

Click, click, the Phalanx defense system roared with fire. Obviously the spies were very angry about the behavior of Section 9, because they really didn't care about the hostages at all.

"Your behavior angered me. Prepare to say goodbye to the hostages. Don't forget that there are many visiting civilians on the ship. Because of you, they will all die now." The robber was angry because Duran ignored him at all. warning.

"What does this have to do with me? You killed them, and I killed you. It's that simple." Duran was not affected.

"You guy, go to hell." Phew, a missile locked onto the helicopter where Duran was.

The helicopter immediately released interference bombs and then maneuvered to dodge. With a bang, the helicopter was caught in the airflow of the explosion. The engine failed due to inhalation of gunpowder smoke, and it spun and fell.

"Don't stop, everyone, keep shooting." Duran gave the order before falling.

In an instant, paralysis bombs are fired continuously, and victory is considered as long as the Phalanx defense is broken through.

Of course, Dulan was fine. Although the helicopter made an emergency landing, no one was injured. However, the helicopter stopped on the tram track and the tram had to slow down to less than 60 kilometers per hour.

There was no explosion.

Everyone was sweating, "Holmes is right, the bomb was not in the tram at all, but on the rails." Hattori Heiji said excitedly, he also liked Holmes.

Conan finally smiled. Sure enough, the presence of Holmes made people feel more secure. It was so reliable. When no one had any clues, Holmes had already seen through the murderer's evil conspiracy.

"Check the rails immediately, and then all the trams will slow down and stop on the safe rails." Finally, they could stop, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After all, if they didn't stop, their bladders wouldn't be able to support it.

The situation is improving and detectives are optimistic that the city will soon be able to return to normal as incidents are being solved one by one. Difficulties are like a huge boulder that cannot be moved. Then break the boulder into small pieces, break the big difficulties into small ones, and solve them one by one.

But they don't know that the tram is actually just one of the ways for obsessive-compulsive disorder to divert his attention. His real purpose is the asymmetrical buildings in the city, including a dozens-storey rice flower building.

So the matter is not over yet, the explosions will continue.

If the railroad tracks are not to be blown up, the buildings must be blown up. Because the existence of the building seriously hinders the construction of the ideal city. But this guy didn’t even think about it. The city was bombed and all the money was used for disaster relief. How could he have the money to rebuild the city? So obsessive-compulsive disorder really means that you don’t know how expensive firewood and rice are.

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