Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3193 Continuing Education

The value of people changes. This is Duran's point of view. The value is different in different environments. Because needs change, if in a survival environment, one piece of food is more valuable than gold and silver treasures, if in a peaceful society, then gold and silver treasures are more valuable than a hundred pieces of food.

Demand exchanges demand. This is Dulan's understanding of "Everything in the world is for profit, and everything in the world is for profit." In the final analysis, everyone meets each other's needs. Depending on the demand stage, the needs are also different, so you can't just ask for a sword.

Lawyers have always wanted to find a standard of human value, but there is definitely no standard, because human value changes with changes in needs.

Since it will change, as long as there is enough knowledge and experience passed down, the Kingdom of the Dying can also enhance the value of human beings. Just like the Trisolarans, they overcame difficulties and established a new civilization.

Although the hope is slim, if you do it, someone will definitely practice it.

"You've really lost your mind." Everyone felt that the lawyer had been deceived by Duran.

But the lawyer will never change again, but will practice it firmly. He told a story: "In the Central Plains, in the era of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, there were two righteous men. After Xiqi destroyed the Shang Dynasty, they angrily criticized King Wen of Zhou and were unwilling to eat the salary of the Western Zhou Dynasty. In the end, they starved to death on the mountain. The first time I heard this When I was reading this story, I had a question, if all the righteous people died to protect the righteousness, how could the righteousness be passed down?" "This question has troubled me for a long time. It was Dulan who taught me that righteousness is never passed down continuously. Yes, great righteousness is recorded and carried up and implemented intermittently. It is not great righteousness that makes people great, but people make great righteousness great. So what I have to do is to record the experience and knowledge, and put the rules of the Kingdom of the Dying Record it to help future generations." "Future generations will probably refuse, but I believe there must be some future generations who are willing to learn, and they will take up the experience I recorded and reach a higher level."

This is like the democracy of ancient Greece. Ancient Greece was destroyed long ago, but because their civilization was recorded in libraries in the Middle East, they finally waited for their own opportunity, and later generations took up the banner again, making democracy Shine brightly.

Just like the righteous men who would rather starve to death than eat the salary of the Western Zhou Dynasty, they are dead, but their stories have been recorded, so that future generations will continue to carry out their righteousness at the appropriate time.

When a righteous man dies, his righteousness will not disappear. He will only wait for future generations to regain his righteousness.

All civilizations without people are meaningless, because people shoulder the righteousness and practice the righteousness. Without people, ancient Greek civilization would have disappeared long ago. If there were no people, the martyrs of Yin and Shang would have been forgotten long ago.

Because of people, righteousness is mentioned from time to time. Although intermittent, it injects new vitality into the cause from time to time.

The lawyer likes to listen to Dulan talk about history. Dulan always tells him the rules directly. Using history as a guide, you can know the ups and downs. History tells everyone that it doesn't matter if all the righteous men die, the righteousness will always shine. This is inevitable.

On the contrary, the development of Confucianism shows that Confucianism was not taken seriously in Confucius' time, but soon his disciples began to strengthen Confucianism. But then the world is no longer a Mohist by Zhu and Yang, and Confucianism has no advantages. Then Legalism rose again, but Confucianism still had no status.

It was not until the Han Dynasty that Confucianism finally became the mainstream. But in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, metaphysics developed rapidly. By the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism were three pillars, and Confucianism was once marginalized...

Confucianism did not last forever from the beginning. Of course, the same goes for Taoism and Buddhism. But once humans start to confront each other, they will look for ideas that are different from the mainstream.

Therefore, hundreds of schools of thought will still have a market a thousand years later. As long as there is confrontation, different ideas will always be mentioned.

Ancient Greece is also mentioned for the purpose of confrontation, firstly against the religion of the time, and secondly against the Roman system at the time.

No thought or civilization is perfect. There will always be people who are dissatisfied. If they are dissatisfied, they will resist, and resistance requires a program. Those great righteousness that are recorded will have a place to be used. What lawyers have to do is record the great righteousness. As long as someone is dissatisfied with the Kingdom of the Dying and the game of death, someone will definitely learn from it. This is also an objective law.

Therefore, even if other legal citizens do not agree, the lawyer will persist. This is his consciousness.

When the legal citizens saw the lawyer's change, they were very afraid of Dulan. These legal citizens can pass all death games, and their level is extraordinary. They are definitely the elite among the elites, but they still cannot become the inheritors of civilization and still live for themselves.

Under the guidance of Duran, the lawyer embarked on the path of first liberating the world and finally liberating himself.

In the eyes of others, recording experience is meaningless, but meaninglessness is the greatest meaning. Because the Kingdom of the Dying will continue to operate in the future, and more people will join, they will definitely need an ideological platform. By then, the records of lawyers will be more valuable than gold.

It is not the great righteousness that changes people, but the people who carry the great righteousness.

Dulan was very pleased that at least the lawyer was finally on the road to self-realization. "My level as a life coach is pretty good, and I can be regarded as cultivating a talent who has escaped from vulgar tastes." I am very satisfied. I want someone with such lofty ideas and strong execution ability.

"Please help everyone. If you can protect us from being killed by lasers, you can definitely protect more people." The suicidal girl hopes that Duran will help the designers.

She just feels pity for cows when she sees them being killed, and feels pity for sheep when she sees sheep being killed. She hopes to save both the cow and the sheep. She really wants to save everyone she sees.

"I know everyone is exaggerated, but they don't have teachers to teach them what to do. The Land of Dying is like a primitive society, a completely strange world. What should we do? We can only fumble forward. If we give them another chance If there is a chance, some people will definitely change and be willing to join the lawyer camp." What the girl said makes sense. Facing a strange world, human beings must re-take the path of civilized development in order to determine new obligations and rights. There are bound to be people who take the wrong path.

In fact, most civilizations will go astray, and many civilizations will disappear. The civilization that can be passed down is also full of twists and turns, but no matter how difficult it is, there will always be people who shoulder the righteousness. Although the righteousness is different in each period, the confrontation between the righteousness and the righteousness has never stopped.

The great meaning of a great civilization is to solve problems, while a small civilization lacks similar abilities. Small civilizations can find problems, but they cannot solve them. They have to rely on big civilizations.

Just like movies, many movies capture the darkness of human nature and reveal social problems. The movies are good to watch, but they are useless. They are ridiculed for making random movies that do not solve the problems. In fact, there are very few civilizations that can actually solve problems, and most civilizations cannot come up with answers at all.

There are several types of civilizations that solve problems: Monotheistic civilizations respect saviors and wait for the savior to solve problems when they encounter them.

Tianzhu's religion advocates the unity of Brahma and me, and emphasizes reincarnation when encountering problems. If you don't solve the problem in this life, you will solve it in the next life, which means that it is almost unresolved.

There is also Confucianism. When encountering problems, one must either deny oneself, follow the example of the king, or change one's ways. Legalists, when encountering problems, directly change the method. Taoists, when faced with problems, use tactics and patience. Buddhism, when encountering problems, seeks enlightenment and the other side.

Just finding problems is only a small civilization, being able to come up with solutions to problems is a big civilization. You can also see it through movies. There is a clear distinction between movies that raise problems and movies that solve problems. Next, Dulan's education will also enter the second stage, from chatting to film and television.

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