Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3237 Space Investigator

From a samurai perspective, the nobles were the enemy, so they should overthrow them, and while that was true, they couldn't do it alone. They have to unite the people, but there is a lack of consensus between the warriors and the people. This is the most embarrassing thing.

"Returning power to the emperor is the most unanimous idea they can come up with." Duran said that the samurai did not lack the spirit of rebellion and lacked a rebel program.

While Duran was busy, Dinisha had already carved a niche in the universe. The husband and wife divide their labors, with Duran on earth and Dinisha in the universe. The man is in charge inside and the woman is in charge outside.

Dinisha established her own space fleet and became an investigator, investigating the folk customs and myths of various planets and spying on the most mysterious ancient existence in the universe.

The universe is very vast, and there are all kinds of magic in it. Stories about Outer Gods, Ancient Gods, and Old Ones.

"There is heaven beyond humans, and gods beyond gods." Dinisha said that there are such miracles in the universe. Although the heavenly beings now rely on the strength of their ships and cannons to move around the universe, they will still die in silence if they encounter these ancient beings.

Dinisha specializes in going to dangerous places.

Since there is a being like Xu in this world who can become immortal by absorbing the energy of dragon veins. Then there are many more magical "strange substances" in the universe than dragon veins, and the creatures born from these energies must be completely beyond the understanding of life.

Dinosaurs have a history of hundreds of millions of years, while humans only have a million years of evolutionary history, and the recorded history is only a few thousand years. The stone tools discovered by archeology are at most over 10,000 years old.

The explosion of the universe is 13 billion years old, the sun is 4.7 billion years old, the earth is 4.5 billion years old, and the history of living things on the earth is 450 million years old.

In another 2 billion years, the Milky Way and the neighboring Andromeda Galaxy will start a collision mode, and the two huge galaxies will merge together.

Human beings cannot even understand the dinosaurs on the earth, let alone the more ancient life.

The universe is so vast and so lively. Dinisha leads her survey fleet to search for life in the early stages of the universe, things that are beyond the limits of human cognition and may lose their sanity at just a glance.

Human reason is so fragile, and human genes are so weak. With just a little stimulation, reason will collapse, genes will be rewritten, and humans will become an existence beyond their control.

For example, a person can't control his hair loss, and he can't control himself from becoming stronger. It's really terrible.

One Punch Man said that he was very impressed. He himself could not understand why he had become bald and stronger. Maybe it was caused by the outer gods, ancient gods, and old rulers.

Of course, in addition to these gods, there may be other gods, other gods, and other gods... In short, there will always be things that are incomprehensible.

It can be said that "my life has a limit, but my knowledge has no limit, so the limit follows the limitless, that's all." The same is true for the pursuit of ancient creatures. There will always be an existence beyond human reason.

But Dinisha is not afraid at all: "You can't underestimate human imagination."

"But imagination is not understanding." "It's like I came back from the dead." The speaker was a soft and beautiful woman wearing a cheongsam and a dangerous human hair style. Her name was Jiang Hua, and she was Kagura's mother, but she He was already dead, but he was resurrected.

A dangerous hairstyle is to wear long hair in a single braid or a single ponytail, hanging on the shoulders and hanging on the chest. Such a wife role can easily be killed by the plot.

I have to say that cartoonists also take stereotypes to the extreme.

After Jiang Hua's resurrection, he has been traveling with Dinisha, looking for ancient gods. She believes that the imagination that Dinisha talks about is not enough to help humans understand gods.

Imagination is imagination, understanding is understanding.

"It's like primitive people can imagine apples falling from the tree, but they can't understand why the apples fall." Jiang Hua said: "To understand various phenomena, you must understand the process, and this process may be related to time, Countless factors are connected in space. It’s like someone is bald but can’t understand why they are bald because there are so many factors that influence baldness.”

You can imagine the result, but you cannot understand the large number of steps that lead to the result, because the process is too complex for the human brain to fully remember and understand.

If the human brain is forced to understand these contents, it will eventually explode.

"Human beings always just want to know the answer and don't want to think about the process, which makes sense, because the thinking process is always very tiring." Jiang Hua said: "When you are extremely tired, your brain is transformed by knowledge, and your sanity drops straight away."

Originally, the brain understood knowledge, but it turned out that knowledge transformed the brain.

"You are idealistic. I have only heard that learning different languages ​​will change the way of thinking due to the logical structure of the language. But it is impossible to change the human body by relying solely on knowledge and brain activity." Dini Shah acknowledges the limits of the human brain, but does not believe that the human brain can be transformed by knowledge, which is too metaphysical.

"Tao is born, virtue is formed by animals, things are shaped by things, and things are realized." Dinisha said: "Morality is metaphysical, things are metaphysical, abstract power, concrete utensils, relying on abstract things can only form a kind of deterrence. A kind of awe, but it does not change the inherent properties of the object itself." "For example, an apple, metaphysical deterrence will make people afraid to eat it, because the apple can become a forbidden fruit. But this only controls human desires, rather than changing them. The apple itself." "Indescribable gods such as alien gods only control human curiosity and cannot change human nature. Therefore, we must adhere to materialism. Alien gods are not science, but we must treat them with a scientific attitude. "

Jiang Hua thought to himself that you are so powerful, of course you are not afraid. She knew Dinisha's strength. Crushing the planet with her bare hands was like playing to the smiling goddess. Jiang Hua's own fighting ability is not weak, but compared with Dinisha, he is completely childish. Maybe the world in his eyes is completely different from the world in Dinisha's eyes.

Seeing the world by oneself is like a blind man saying colors. It's ridiculous to try to describe the universe when you don't understand it at all.

And Dinisha may be able to clearly see the background of the universe, and those ancient and mysterious gods may be as cute as kittens in her eyes.

Speaking of which, ordinary people cannot understand the power of the Night Rabbit clan. The Night Rabbit clan likes to breed huge and ferocious animals as pets, but ordinary people will just run away when they see these pets.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hua deeply realized the strength gap between himself and Dinisha. So she couldn't believe everything Denisa said, because her strength was not at the same level. If she believed everything, she wouldn't know how she died.

In short, Jiang Hua was wary of those ancient gods, and even suspected that Dinisha was one of them.

The fleet is constantly searching the universe and visiting planets one after another. Some planets are about to be swallowed by stars, some have long been riddled with holes by meteorites, some have cracked in half, and some have stopped rotating and revolving...

Anyway, look for traces of gods’ visits on various ancient planets.

The history of the universe is too long, and many planets have entered their old age. This is also difficult for humans on earth to imagine. After all, it is difficult for humans to imagine how they should deal with themselves when the earth dies.

Through visits to ancient planets, they also mastered a lot of ancient technologies, some of which seemed to be inextricably linked to the gods. Of course, many fossils with amazing skeletons have also been found. It is difficult to imagine what these creatures looked like.

Jiang Hua always controlled his curiosity, not letting himself be too curious about ancient gods, keeping a distance between himself and the unknown, and preventing himself from falling into madness.

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