Peacock Ji originally thought that Dulan would lend her power and let her become the Governor of Chunyu, but unexpectedly Dulan asked her to wait for the change. Can this be tolerated? This cannot be tolerated.

She was very anxious and wished she could succeed immediately.

Dulan said: "I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious yet."

"How can I not be in a hurry? I accepted your suggestion. I originally hoped that you would be wise and lend me the power to control the spring rain. But you asked me to wait patiently? Waiting for such a thing is just a joke." She didn't believe it. Waiting can help.

"Of course you are not just waiting. During the waiting process, you should visit more grassroots, promote more new people, cultivate more talents, and build your own power. You should establish a small court of your own, so that when you come to power, you can Master Chunyu immediately without being ignored by others." Du Lan said that there was a lot of work during the waiting time: "Do you think, if you don't have a small court of your own, how can you get to the position?"

It makes sense. Peacock Princess really didn't think about how to manage after she came to power, she just thought about herself.

"Little imperial court, it seems to make sense." Although it made sense, she still didn't want to waste too much time: "Can you hurry up?"

"Haha, it takes time to understand talents. You have to regard seizing Chunyu as your life's work. How can you be impatient? Let me tell you what happened to those impatient villains. They are all dead, completely dead. ." Dulan said that being a bad person and having no patience is just looking for death, isn't it? "As a villain, you have to understand benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust better than a hero, and you have to be more patient. Otherwise, how can you make a comeback?" "Villains are enemies of the world, so they must have a comeback point and be better than everyone else. Otherwise, how can the villain win?”

"I understand the truth, but I'm a little worried."

Dulan said: "Don't be fearless. Everything has risks. You need to establish the small court first, otherwise there will be no foundation at all."

"Then how do you suggest the small court should be established?" Peacock Ji has no experience. She is just a casino owner, and her level is just that. Chunyu usually sends people to help her complete the work.

"You can promote some low-level people, such as down-and-out warriors, or heavenly beings who are eager to rise." Dulan said: "You can find some things for them to do, establish a selection mechanism, and slowly select the talents you need to form an inner court. "

"Can the people at the bottom do it? The warriors you mentioned are not good at all." Peacock looked down on warriors. If the warriors were useful, the country would not have fallen.

"Then go find someone who has no ambition." Du Lan said that it would be fine if the other party was happy, and he would not force such a thing.

However, Peacock Ji is still worried about this and that, wishing that Duran would help her get promoted to the position of governor. It would be best if Dulan did all the work, and it would be best for her to just be the governor herself.

Du Lan thought to himself that the other party was really too anxious and should not be surprised if the sky fell. If you want to be the boss, how can you be so anxious? Being the boss means that when everyone is in a hurry, he can't be in a hurry.

"It seems that I have to teach you a lesson about being an emperor." Dulan said: "The so-called emperor can actually do nothing by himself. Why should the emperor do nothing? It's because the emperor is alone. Although he has control over a lot of resources, even if the emperor controls the world, if he wants to eat a bowl of rice, he still has to let farmers cultivate the land, let merchants transport it, let chefs cook, and even have people who draw water, dry rice, etc. If an emperor wants to eat rice, it requires many steps and the cooperation of many people. Not to mention managing a country. The emperor needs a lot of helpers to achieve his goals, so he must not be anxious. Let his subordinates be anxious, and the emperor will not Urgent." "The so-called emperor is not anxious and eunuchs are anxious. In fact, the emperor needs his subordinates to give him protection and let his subordinates prove that they will complete the emperor's goals. It is not that you give them resources and they turn around and go away. . Why does the emperor always like to make three requests and three concessions when he ascends the throne? In fact, it is to ensure that the people around him can defend him. "

Peacock Ji had never heard of such a thing before and asked: "Listening to what you said, the emperor seems to be aggrieved? He needs the support of his subordinates in everything he does."

"That's it. Without support, the emperor alone cannot control the world. Once the emperor is anxious, he can easily be manipulated by his subordinates. Only when the emperor is inactive and his subordinates are anxious, can the emperor ensure that his subordinates have enough motivation to carry out their tasks." "It's like you have been anxious before. That was just the style of a subordinate, not the style of an emperor, so you need to change now."

When Peacock Ji heard it, it was true that she used to do things in a hurry, but the governor was always slow and leisurely, and sometimes she was worried for him. Now that I think about it, this is the game between the Governor and himself, which is to make sure that he really has the need to complete the task, and then he will give the task to him.

This is three requests and three concessions.

The ancients were not stupid. The so-called three requests and three concessions were not hypocrisy, but repeated confirmation of the other party's attitude. Whether these people who support themselves really have the need to support themselves must be determined, otherwise they will not be able to sit still even if they are in power.

After three requests and three concessions, the attitude of the supporters is basically clear, and you can decide whether to take the position or not.

"It sounds like being an emperor doesn't mean you can do whatever you want." Peacock Ji said.

Dulan said: "Nonsense, if the emperor could do whatever he wanted, the universe would have been harmonious long ago. It is because everyone has their own ideas and needs that cannot be easily controlled, so there will be chaos. If it is true If there is one person who means what he says, and his decision is the decision of the entire universe, then the universe would have been in great harmony."

An absolute existence without opposites is Tao, Brahma, Heaven, destiny, reason, God, the other side, absolute spirit, and the grand unified theory.

In fact, there is no such thing. In fact, there is support and opposition. Even the emperor has his own negative side and cannot control everything.

Because there are both positive and negative sides of the game, the universe is in chaos, and it is endless fun to fight with heaven, endless fun to fight with earth, and endless fun to fight with humans.

What we fight is the opposite, the opposite of strategy, philosophy, and morality.

Therefore, the relationship between the emperor and his subordinates is also two-way, and the emperor must repeatedly confirm the thoughts of his subordinates. Not only do subordinates need to figure out their superiors, superiors also need the assurance of their subordinates.

"So not being impatient or impatient is the first lesson for an emperor." Dulan said earnestly.

"Then what if my subordinates are not in a hurry?"

"Then continue to observe." Dulan said: "Maybe there can be a competitor to make my subordinates anxious."

"As a subordinate now, should I be anxious or not? I must have been an anxious subordinate before, so should I still be anxious next?" she continued to ask.

“You can be hasty with your words and slow with your actions.”

"Then what if my subordinates also use this method to deal with me?" She felt like a chain of suspicion was about to arise.

"Now that you have discovered the two sides, the next thing to do is to analyze the specific situation." Dulan said: "In short, we will build the small court first."

Peacock Ji also knew that if she continued to ask endless questions, she could only take one step at a time, because duality is like this, and there is no absolute thing without opposites. She was in the whirlpool of duality, and could only struggle, but could not escape.

"Yes, there has been progress. Only by implementing can we achieve our goals." "First find the grassroots talents in Chunyu, select them to join your inner court, and then wait for the opportunity to slowly expand your power. When the time comes, you will definitely be the governor. Yes." Duran said firmly.

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