If everything goes well, it will be a win-win-win plan, but if nothing unexpected happens, there will definitely be surprises. So the adopted son's wishful thinking will definitely fail.

"As a villain, you should adhere to benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust, rather than being ungrateful and repaying kindness with hatred." Dulan looked at his adopted son and said, "You have walked towards death step by step."

"Who are you?"

"Let me introduce myself. I am Dulan, the mentor of the Villain Academy. I am an expert who specializes in training villains. My purpose is to help villains win." Dulan said.

I’ve never heard of it, what the hell is helping the villain win? And is he considered a villain now? Thinking about it, he is indeed a villain. Even if he doesn't join a violent group, he is still a troublemaker, and he is definitely not a good person.

"What do you mean?" The adopted son had many questions.

"I know everything you have done, but it cannot succeed." Duran said unceremoniously: "Because you have put yourself in an unfavorable environment."

"What do you know?" The adopted son wondered whether the other party knew the news that he had released about 'killing his own son', or did he know the news that his own son had committed suicide?

Although these two news are both about the death of a biological son, they are completely different.

"Of course you know the truth. You didn't kill your brother. He committed suicide. But in order to prevent outsiders from knowing about the father and son, you claimed that you killed him." Dulan said: "This is not okay, you Although your plan is very good, concealing the truth, when your adoptive father dies, you will be able to take over, and at the same time, the outside world will not know about the family scandal. But such a foundation is not stable. Once everyone thinks that you are a person who repays kindness with revenge, who can fight with you? Cooperate? Then you won’t be able to protect anything.”

This guy really knows everything, so he needs to kill someone to silence him, the adopted son thought.

"Do you want to kill someone and silence them?" Dulan could see the other person's thoughts at a glance: "I advise you not to try, because there are many people who want to kill me, but they have not succeeded, and you will not succeed either."

"What exactly do you want to do?" the adopted son asked.

"Of course it is to guide you out of an unfavorable situation." Dulan said: "It is a very irrational behavior for you to claim that you killed your brother. There are obviously many ways to cover up the family scandal, but you chose the worst one. Of course, I am not the one Criticizing you, after all, you are just a thug, you have never read a book, and you don’t have so many strategies in your head.”

This evaluation is worse than criticism.

"When you found the body, you could have pretended it was a homicide, or an accidental death, or more directly, just pretend he was missing. But you insisted on saying that you killed him. You must have lost your mind. Now. Your subordinates all think that you are ambitious, and you have become a person who repays kindness with revenge. As soon as the news is revealed, it will be doomed. The evil forces cannot tolerate a poisonous snake, and you obviously can't suppress the news except killing people and silencing it. Once you can't be satisfied Subordinates, it will only be a matter of time before your subordinates betray you."

"As long as the family ugliness can be covered up, it doesn't matter even if I die." Among the three goals of ascending to the top, keeping the ugliness of the family under wraps, and continuing to develop his adoptive father's gang, keeping the ugliness of the family under wraps is the core.

"Haha, when the time comes, the family ugliness will no longer be publicized. You are finished, your adoptive father's gang is finished, and you are all finished. Do you think others will care about your family ugliness? Or do you think that the only thing in your eyes is the suicide of your own son? Is this a family scandal? To be honest, when you are finished, all your actions will be nothing but a joke, everything is a family scandal." Duran is not afraid to attack the opponent. For the loser, everything about the loser is a joke. Even if there is no family scandal, you can still make it up to make fun of.

For example, they are all people from the Song Dynasty, so why are they always from the Song Dynasty? Because the people of the Song Dynasty are the remnants of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, they are losers. Even if there is no family scandal, they still have to make it up and act as a proper regional discrimination.

The adopted son was silent, for this reason, his situation was completely covering up a dark spot and giving up the whole situation. Once the gang is gone, there's no point in covering up the family scandal.

In fact, after discovering that his biological son has died, the best way for his adopted son is to quickly stabilize the situation as the heir and then successfully take over the gang.

"If you were able to stabilize the situation and successfully become the leader of the gang, then you can naturally help your brother beautify it. It is okay to say that he was a melancholic genius and committed suicide because of his great talent. Many philosophers and artists , Literary writers all commit suicide, but the influence of their works is not small. So after you become the boss, can't you just find a reason for him to commit suicide? "

What does it mean that listening to you is better than ten years of reading? The adopted son suddenly felt that what the other party said was right. His level was indeed too low and he didn't have any ink in his mind. In terms of resourcefulness, the other party is still more powerful.

First, he clarified that family ugliness is not important, and then gave a solution to it. It’s not just about covering up, but about guiding and beautifying.

Whether a family ugliness is a family ugliness depends on the strength of the family. If there is strength, someone will naturally beautify it. No strength? Without strength, everything is a family scandal.

If you have the strength, killing the indigenous people can be glorified as an act of spreading civilization. Without strength, killing the indigenous people is an act of genocide.

If you have the strength, someone will naturally come to beautify it, and of course you will need to spend some money.

The adopted son has nothing to say. He is the lowest level among all the villains that Dulan has taught so far. He is just a thug. Although he has loyalty in his mind, he has no knowledge. His own clever thug.

Dulan's plan was shocking to him. He only saw the black spots and did not see the overall situation at all. Now that the pattern is opened, he realizes that he has really chosen the worst path.

"Then what should we do now? I have already said that I killed the person, and not only my younger brother knows it, but also two samurai people know it." Now he is really panicking, because if he fails, the family will be finished. , everything will become a laughing stock by then.

Dulan said: "Don't worry, I'm here, right?" "The first thing you say is water thrown out, and you can't take it back. Next, there are three strategies: upper, middle and lower."

The military advisor will come up with three strategies.

"The best option is, of course, to increase your strength, but this takes time. The middle option is to call the police and let the police investigate the truth. By then, the suicide will come to light and your image can be reversed. The worst option, of course, is to kill someone and silence them. "Dulan said.

"Then why can't I explain the truth to everyone myself? Why do we need the police?" He is a thug of a violent group and is an enemy of the police. He doesn't like the police.

"After the police investigation, they said that you did not kill the person and the talent. It is useless for you to say it yourself. After all, you said that you killed the person before, and now you say that he committed suicide. It has changed so much. How can I believe you? ? The police investigation will prove it beyond a doubt. By then you will be a loyal person, a person who knows how to repay kindness. Maybe you can inherit the mantle of your adoptive father and bring hope to the family. "

After hearing this, the adopted son felt that he couldn't do the best thing, and he couldn't do the worst thing. He had to choose the middle way. He could only let the police prove that he didn't kill anyone, and then he would change from repaying kindness with kindness to repaying kindness with kindness, and accumulate some reputation.

Then he took over the family, increased his strength, and beautified his brother's suicide.

"High, really high!" At this moment, he was in awe of Duran. If it were him, even if he lost all his hair and burned out his brain cells, he still wouldn't be able to think of a way to let the police investigate the truth. It is really too high for the police to clear their names and clear their image.

"It seems that you have already decided. Don't hesitate and do it as soon as possible. While the old man is still alive, it is best to complete the handover smoothly, so that the transition can be smooth and the strength can be preserved."

So to Gintoki and Hasegawa's surprise, the police arrested the adopted son. It is said that an unnamed Duran discovered the body of the deceased and called the police.

For a while, everyone said that the adopted son was ungrateful.

However, after the police investigation, it was discovered that the adopted son committed suicide, and the autopsy report was placed in front of the adopted son, and he had no choice but to tell the truth.

Since it was suicide and the adopted son was acquitted, everyone knew that he covered up the suicide because he was afraid of publicizing his family disgrace. In fact, he was not repaying kindness with enmity, but repaying kindness with kindness, and he wanted to protect the reputation of his adoptive father's family even if he tarnished his own reputation.

It's amazing that the adopted son became famous for a while. Although the adoptive father lost his biological son, he gained an adopted son who was more promising than his biological son, so he could die in peace.

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