Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3397 Go all out

The people of the motherland feel that they have been living hard, but now life is really not as unrestrained as before. In the past, he only had to stay in the company and didn't have to run around at all.

Although I am making money now, the seventh floor belongs to others, and I have to depend on Dulan's mood for the third floor, which is really frustrating.

"If you don't kill Dulan, there will be no peace." The people of the motherland know very well that as long as their leverage is still in Dulan's hands, they will be exploited after working hard.

But what can we do to kill Duran?

Make a wish.

The people of the motherland suddenly thought of a way, which was to find a wish-making elf. This thing was the information he got when he rescued a certain rich man. There is an elf in this world who can make wishes. As long as he makes a wish, anything can be done. A dream come true.

As long as he wishes to delete his handle, he can give it a go and kill Dulan.

The people of the motherland immediately devoted themselves to the goal of finding the elf. They were usually very busy at work and had to find the wishing elf, so they no longer went home or accompanied their son.

"Sure enough, he only loves himself. He only spent time with his son because he was too free and wanted to find something to kill time. As long as there is something to do, he must be the first priority." Dulan watched the people of the motherland busy and knew that he had nothing to do with him. Nothing has changed, I just find things to fill my emptiness in my free time, and I don't really have feelings for my son.

As for the wishing elves, they must have been created by Duran. There is not one for each person, there are only seven wishing elves distributed on the earth, and you can make a wish if you find them.

"What would happen if someone really wished for world peace or the elimination of war?" Dinisha was curious.

"Everyone will be brainwashed." Dulan said: "Confucianism fools the people, Taoism is anti-intellectual, Mohism is unyielding, and Legalism is weak. As long as one is achieved, world peace will be achieved."

Dinisha smiled and said: "It is really a goal that can only be achieved by relying on the wishing elf. Normal practice cannot achieve it."

The pre-Qin schools all had a theory of world unity, but they were unable to put it into practice. The wish is good, but it cannot be implemented at all, so in practice, Confucianism is about blood, Taoism is about power, Mohism is about gang rules, and Legalism is about rewards and punishments.

Theory is theory, practice is practice, and practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

In the end, Legalism's rewards and punishments came to the fore and became the first choice of all pre-Qin countries.

If you use the wishing elf, you can put the incredible theory into practice. As long as you brainwash everyone, you can turn them into anti-intellectual and obedient idiots. In this way, the world will be peaceful and no one will fight or resist. Everyone is ignorant and doesn't know how to fight.

This can only be accomplished by making a wish, brainwashing cannot be achieved through normal means.

"I don't think anyone will wish for world peace, and it's not "Eighty Elves". If everyone has a wish, there will probably be someone who wishes for world peace, and after going through all kinds of hardships to find the opportunity to make a wish, I think these people will Make a wish for yourself, not for others.”

"Maybe someone will make a wish for their relatives and friends." Dinisha said.

Dulan nodded, it was indeed possible: "Love yourself first, then love your relatives and friends, and finally love strangers. Most people stay in the first two realms, and only a few people can reach the last realm, to love the world. level. If someone really reaches the last realm and finds the elf, it doesn’t matter if he makes his wish successfully."

Duran knew that the possibility was very small, and he did not give everyone a chance to make a wish. Give everyone a chance to make a wish. No matter how small the probability is, you will meet someone who wishes for world peace.

"If you want peace, you really can only brainwash." Dinisha has no other way, because without brainwashing, there can be no peace: "Only when the world is united can the world be harmonious, but this goal is basically impossible to achieve, because everyone has It’s difficult to direct everyone’s interests to the same place if you don’t have your own interests.”

Duran never thought about world peace, nor did he worry that people who climbed mountains and waded in rivers would use elves to wish for world peace. He told the Avengers and the Butcher about the people of the motherland looking for the elves, and asked them to also look for the elves, and maybe they could meet the people of the motherland.

A fairy who can make wishes come true? Everyone started looking for it.

The people of the motherland want to eliminate their own black materials and then kill Duran; the gravity avenger and the butcher want to kill the people of the motherland; the super soldiers want to establish super rules...

Everyone has their own dreams, and there is no way to achieve the same benefits for everyone. Everyone's interests are in different directions.

A murder caused by an elf.

"People of the motherland, we finally meet again." The Gravity Avenger was very excited and must complete his revenge this time.

The people of the motherland are very angry. Even though the elf is right in front of them, there are still people blocking the way. He said angrily: "You are the one who died today."

The avenger was stunned, because the people of the motherland were beaten down before, and he didn't know why he was so confident today.

Of course, it was because the armaments of the motherland had also been upgraded. He patted his belt, and the belt and cloak instantly turned into metal armor covering his whole body. This is a new armor designed for him by Walter Company. It is usually disguised and can be used when needed.

"You bastards, don't look at people with the same old eyes!" The people of the motherland are really angry. What do these guys think of themselves? Plasticine? He is not so easy to handle.

"No matter what armor you put on, your ugly heart cannot be hidden." The Gravity Avenger instantly activated gravity.

"It's useless!" The motherland's armor can defend against attacks of various attributes, fly directly to the enemy, and throw out a heavy punch.

Just when his fist was about to hit the Gravity Avenger, the Butcher used the soldier boy's body to pounce forward and directly led the motherland into a stone on the side.

The location of the elf is located in the dry Grand Canyon environment, where the land and stones are all yellow-brown. There aren't many people around, so you can fight to your heart's content.

The stone shattered under the impact of the two, but the motherland was not injured, but worked hard to break free from the other party's control.

Although he didn't know the other party, the other party's strength was as strong as his own. The people of the motherland were surprised. They didn't know when Compound No. 5 created such a powerful enemy again.

The Butcher uses the body of a soldier boy, and he has good qualities in all aspects, except that he can't fly.

Boom, the Butcher charged up a chest cannon.

A gap was blasted into the rock wall of the Grand Canyon.

The people of the motherland were shocked. The destructive power was even more exaggerated than his heat vision. If you get hit, even your own defense will be damaged.

"Gravity punch." Just when the people of the motherland were shocked, the Gravity Avenger accelerated and rushed over, hitting the motherland with a punch that made the air boil.

The butcher also took advantage of the victory and pursued it with fists and kicks. For a while, two people were fighting against the native of the country, until he was exhausted.

At this moment, he felt that he might really die. Both opponents were very strong, and their attack power could allow the people of the motherland to break through their defenses. Pain, pain that I haven't felt for a long time.

Obviously, large-caliber bullets hit the body without pain or itching, and there is no feeling at all. But now the two fists made his flesh ache, which was enough to show that the two enemies were no small matter.

"Ah!" In anger, the heat vision came to the rescue. The impact of the heat vision forced the two men back. The motherland can now escape, but he has had enough of hiding his head and tail: "I will kill you today."

"Inject compound No. 5!" There is a syringe inside the mecha that can inject stimulants. The people of the motherland know that the consequences of using compound No. 5 will put pressure on the heart, but as long as they kill the enemy this time, they will have peace of mind in the future, and it is still worth the risk.

After injecting the No. 5 compound, he suddenly felt like the world was spinning, and his body seemed to be expanding and exploding. He was so powerful that he couldn't stop at all!

boom! The motherland is a stimulant, and with the addition of armor, the combat power is more than doubled, it is increased by five times.

The Avenger and the Butcher were suddenly under great pressure.

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