Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3438 A sudden rise

Deep Sea implored Starlight and Maeve to take action. They decided to freeze all the seawater contaminated by nuclear sewage and send it back to the country where it was released.

It would definitely not work if they only relied on their original superpowers, but the two of them had a superhuman potion provided by Duran and could experience superhuman powers for a 24-hour time limit.

With superhuman strength, you can freeze seawater, lift it up, and send it directly back.

On this day, everyone saw two heroines holding huge ice cubes and placing them in this country. When measured with instruments, they found that there was a lot of radiation in the ice cubes.

"If you continue to discharge, we will freeze all the sewage you discharge and send it back." Starlight said sternly.

"You can't do this. These ice blocks contain nuclear radiation. If the ice blocks melt, the nuclear sewage will enter the land, seep into the groundwater, and even float to other places through dark clouds." The locals were shocked. This was not their own problem. , but someone actually sent ice to his hometown. What kind of international joke is this? : "Besides, we didn't do this. You should go find the culprit."

Xingguang said: "Don't your country like to talk about bonds the most? Simple things become complicated, and problems that you can solve yourself have to drag others into the water and deepen the bonds. Although it is not your waste, but you have bonds, you should shoulder it together. , jointly and severally responsible. In this way, your bond will be deeper."

"Who wants this kind of bond?" No matter how they objected, it was decided anyway.

So the local people who placed the ice cubes told them not to wait any longer, but TEPCO said they still had to wait. They want to save money anyway, and it's their job to solve the problem with the least amount of money. It doesn't matter how much other people spend, as long as they don't spend their own money.

Even the more money others spend, the better, because one trades off the other. If you don’t spend money, others spend money. In this way, you will have more money than others and you will have an advantage. When the economic crisis comes, the big fish can eat the small fish.

The economy is such that it is not just about competition over who does better, but also about who makes fewer mistakes.

Although it is one country, there are also different forces within it, all of which want to make themselves bigger and others smaller. Therefore, it is best to drag down the whole country.

But Xingguang doesn't tolerate them either. TEPCO is their dog. If they can't manage it well, they will bear the consequences.

As the Joker in "The Dark Knight" said, he, the Joker, is a dog. The most terrifying thing is not the dog, but the person who lets the dog out.

If the Joker did not have the soil of Gotham City, he would not become bigger and stronger, nor would he gain the support of a large number of residents. Moreover, the top management and evil forces in Gotham City also need people like the Joker to exist, so the Joker is a dog, and Gotham City is a dog owner.

Simply put, it's criminals and soil. If the soil doesn't change, clowns will keep appearing.

So Starlight and Maeve put pressure on whoever keeps the dog.

If TEPCO’s dog doesn’t stop, the owner will bear the consequences.

Continue to discharge, continue to freeze, and then transport the ice to the island. The island country is originally very narrow and has very little land that can be developed. If a large amount of land is exposed to radiation, it will be over.

There are only a few plains in the island country, and there are many mountainous areas in other places, which are difficult to develop. The two heroines were also bad, sending all the ice cubes to the plains, compressing their living space.

Either live with radiation or stop TEPCO.

Shen Hai saw it and asked in confusion: "Why don't you deal with TEPCO directly? They are discharging nuclear sewage."

"Because the whole country agrees, they are accomplices, and of course they must be punished together. They must fully realize their mistakes before they can correct them." Xingguang said.

Shen Hai thinks it's too troublesome, but if he wants anything from others, let them decide.

Overall, the pressure is high enough. The island country now has two options, one is to continue letting the dogs loose, and the other is to close the door and fight the dogs. No matter which choice you make, you will have to pay the price.

Starlight and Maeve will be watching.

Deep Sea returned to religion, and then promoted that this was his own merit. He had made indelible achievements in managing the ocean and was a great environmentalist.

With the support of many people, the deep-sea dove occupies the magpie's nest.

Starlight looked at it and shook his head: "He hasn't changed at all, he is still the style of the Super Seven."

"The Super Seven originally selected such men, but instead they were more liberal in their selection of us women. As long as they are good-looking, they are sure that even if they have superpowers, women are not as good as men and cannot make waves." Maeve sees through the Super Seven, they are the tools of Vought Company, and Vought Company also discriminates against women.

All the male members of the Super Seven have problems, some are selfish, some like to pry into privacy, some are eager for quick success, some are not good at words, some are weak and despicable. In short, male heroes all have shortcomings, but female heroes are much more normal. Apart from Maeve's liking for lilies, she has no personality problems and a clear mind.

Starlight is a farm girl who is easy to handle in the eyes of the higher-ups. She must be a vain girl. Unfortunately, they got it wrong, Starlight is also a ruthless person.

So it’s really just a heroine and a useless male teammate.

Du Lan thought that in many science fiction works, even if there are superpowers, it is mainly men. This is obviously wrong. Superpowers are variables, not only for poor people, but also for women. In the past, women did not have an advantage in terms of physical fitness, but with superpowers, this may be reversed.

Change is distressing for those who have the advantage, but wonderful for the disadvantaged. Therefore, more and more female superpowers appear. Their superpowers are even stronger than men, and they will gradually form their own power. .

Starlight and Maeve are representatives. Many female superpowers will come to them if they cannot be reused by other forces. Therefore, a force similar to Paradise Island has been formed here.

They come together to produce and carry out trade, which is also quite harmonious.

Starlight and Maeve don't care about Deep Sea's little thoughts, they just protect everyone. Through production and trade, they make a lot of money and can recruit more talents.

Even religion comes to preach.

Seeing the growing power, Starlight and Maeve were in a dilemma. They didn't know what to do next. When the number of people is small, it can still be managed, but when the number of people is large, it becomes difficult to manage.

At this time, management talents are needed, and most of these talents were trained in the old era. They don't know if they can trust it.

"Do you know about the rats on the ship?" Dulan came to help.

"I don't know." Starlight shook her head in confusion.

"If a person doesn't know whether the boat is good or bad, he can look at the rats on the boat. If the boat is sinking slowly, the rats on the boat will be commotion, and they will know the danger before others." Duran said: "You don't It’s okay to understand ships, but you have to observe the rats on the ship and watch their actions. It’s okay if you don’t understand management, but you have to be good at observing the people who are most sensitive to management, that is, the people who are eager to rise. They will study policies desperately , and react.”

"It makes sense." Starlight said.

"In order to gain more support, the talents of the old era will try their best to promote more people." Duran said: "So there is no problem in using them, as long as they are restrained."

Duran is very optimistic about the forces led by heroines because they value production and trade and attract many talents. Next, we just need to build high walls, accumulate food, slowly become king, and establish our own management mechanism. Once a piece of land is conquered, it is converted into a production area and can be continuously expanded.

Dulan feels that heroines are about to emerge. With the support of superpowers, they can reverse their disadvantages and create a brand new game.

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