Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3461 Can’t bear it

Hong Kou's old men would not follow, and at the same time, the weapons and equipment were insufficient, and Mark's men were also frightened.

Mark said to his subordinates: "I know this is a very risky behavior and I shouldn't go. Because the city lord has been declared by the life formula to have no therapeutic value. The life formula was promulgated by the city lord himself when he was young to ensure the stability of the lighthouse. He has made great contributions. So what we want to save now is not the city lord, but an old man who has made great contributions to the survival of the lighthouse." "You must not like the life formula, and you have also seen seriously injured people. Teammates died because they could not get treatment. Now that we have saved the city lord, let him be the first to destroy the life formula. In this way, the life formula will be self-defeating. We are not only trying to save the city lord, but also for a better future. , is for real life.”

Mark gave a passionate speech, but the response from his teammates was not very enthusiastic.

First of all, the city lord has indeed made a lot of contributions, but he also enjoys the best living conditions in the lighthouse. Secondly, the city lord is not the first person to violate the formula of life. People who have been judged to be of no treatment value have also been saved before, but the cost is the heart of a healthy person, and the life is broken by exchanging one life for another. The result of the formula.

Finally, why did the formula of life collapse after saving the city lord? Let the person who promulgated the life formula be declared dead by the life formula. Isn't it karma, self-imposed, and self-destruction? And even if the city lord is saved, can the life formula be abolished? What is the logical relationship between this?

Did the city lord come up with the life formula just because his brain was crazy? No, he made a choice based on the total amount of resources, and then launched the life formula in order to concentrate resources on useful places and abandon some seriously injured people.

As long as the total amount of resources remains unchanged, how can the city owner change the life formula?

Mark has no idea how much energy the lighthouse consumes every minute, nor does he know how much bread the upper-class people eat every day, or how many insect cakes the ordinary people eat every day, nor does he know who gave him the confidence to break the distribution plan of the Life Formula. ?

Of course, it would be okay if Mark led the hunting team to launch a coup and establish a new system with the warrior class as the management system. Of course, the life formula would not be effective for warriors, but it would continue to be effective for others. If he said so directly, people might be able to support him.

Du Lan thought to himself that in the original book, the hunting team was like a brainless fool. No one seriously thought about the quantity of lighthouse resources or the economic situation of the lighthouse.

Military depends on politics, politics depends on economics, and economics depends on geography.

The hunting team is the executor of the military. If it really only cares about the military, it is not as good as ordinary people. A group of boys in 9527 all think about the economy, two steps more than the hunting team.

Needless to say, the geography of the lighthouse is floating in the sky, and you can go to various terrains to find resources. But the weight it can carry is limited. The lighthouse cannot expand all the time, and the strength of the material cannot support it. Therefore, the lighthouse is just like a rocket, with limitations on thrust coefficient and specific impulse.

There is an optimal ratio between the volume of fuel and the weight of push. If the lighthouse is too small, the fuel is not fully utilized. If the lighthouse is too large, the fuel is wasted.

Therefore, the volume of the lighthouse is also a balance obtained through calculation. If it cannot continue to expand, it means that the lighthouse is now difficult to change. Even if more resources are found, the resources converted by the lighthouse cannot be improved.

Technology is the conversion rate of resources. Being able to convert resources into commodities more efficiently and at a lower cost is an improvement in productivity. But the problem is that the lighthouse is only so big, there are only so many factories, and the upper limit of what can be converted is only so much, so it cannot convert more energy.

Therefore, even if resources are found, the transformation of the lighthouse is saturated and cannot improve the lives of ordinary people.

If you want to break the limitations, you need to break through the engine technology so that the lighthouse can be expanded. Either the lighthouse lands on the surface and continues to expand. Or the conversion rate can be improved. Originally, one resource produced one product, but now one resource produces ten products. That can also solve the problem.

Mark spoke very excitedly, but there was not much enthusiasm from everyone. The team members had actually been secretly listening to Duran's radio station. Although Duran was hiding, he opened an air station through the radio and talked about food, love, and economy every day.

So everyone will have questions, is Mark completely emotional and not economic at all? City Lord Morgan didn't just manage the lighthouse based on emotion, but distributed it based on the economy. Although this distribution is not fair and cannot satisfy everyone, at least the other party has a basis, and Shangmin basically accepts it.

The superior people accept that by controlling the main resources of the lighthouse and suppressing the common people, stability can be maintained.

It's not fair, but it can be stable. After all, the people on the lighthouse were originally prisoners, prison guards, and later survivors. They are strangers to begin with, so letting some of them stick together to form a force and suppress others is actually the most efficient way to achieve stability.

It would be a waste of time to choose to build a consensus where everyone is equal. In the end of the world, there are so many things to do, and working as quickly as possible is the most important thing, not talking about equality. Therefore, the lighthouse quickly divided into the Shangmin and the Chenmin, and they returned to the border. The Shangmin took control of resources and resumed production, while the Chenmin were oppressed, but in order to survive, they had to accept an inferior status.

The Formula of Life, the Church of Light and Shadow, and the destruction of old family relationships are all intended to stabilize the lighthouse.

However, after the lighthouse is stabilized, the rules of the apocalypse will no longer apply to Shangmin who has no worries about food and drink. Times have changed, and needs have also changed, so the contradiction between the rules of Shangmin and Beacon has arisen.

But once the Upper People overturned the Lighthouse's rules that put survival as the highest standard, their suppression of the Dust People would also collapse.

Why do ordinary people accept oppression? For survival. Once Shangmin skips survival and begins to pursue self-realization, the ordinary people will feel unhappy. Are the emotional ordinary people being oppressed to make Shangmin more romantic?

In the past, Shangmin was to maintain the operation of the lighthouse. Eating bread was to make the lighthouse run better and for everyone's survival. The common people tolerated it. But when the superior people began to pursue themselves, the ordinary people couldn't bear it. Is the bread that the superior people eat just for themselves?

Even if ordinary people are uneducated, they still know what is good for them and what is bad for them.

Survival is everyone's survival, but self-realization is only Shangmin's personal pursuit. Common people are still struggling with food and clothing, and it is not yet time to pursue themselves.

If the Shangmin wanted to help ordinary people improve their living standards, they would not only have to break the rules of the lighthouse, but also the lighthouse. Because it is not only the rules that restrict the lives of ordinary people, but also the geographical restrictions of the lighthouse.

On the one hand, it is just to break the rules, on the other hand, it is not only to break the rules but also to complete the geographical breakthrough. I know that the former is easier, and Shangmin is definitely willing to choose the former.

There are very few people in this world who are willing to challenge themselves and take the initiative to challenge difficulties. Once there is no pressure to survive, most people will choose the easy option or even take shortcuts.

Therefore, the ordinary people must keep fighting and force the upper people to choose the difficult difficulty. If they don't choose, they will be eliminated and must be rolled up. Once they don't participate, everyone will choose the easy option, and class consolidation, oppression and exploitation will naturally follow. This is no longer human nature, but animal nature.

All animals will choose to be comfortable, and this is true for lions and tigers. They will not hunt if they can't help it. It takes three days to eat a meal and catch one meal every three days.

Fighting against one's own animality, against simple options, can only roll. Of course, the common people are not yet qualified to participate in the roll, but they are slowly awakening.

4068 means to roll. There is not just one 4068 among mortals, but many 4068. As long as there is a chance to roll, they will never give up.

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