Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3481 Cooperation

Du Lan said that ordinary people should write history, and young people suddenly felt a sense of responsibility.

Then he wrote a note to Jingnan and asked her to come out to meet him. The note said that we were discussing things to unite mankind, and I wanted to have a talk with her.

Jingnan chose to believe it and came to the agreed room, only to find that it was Tangny and Penny who were wanted criminals. But she was very calm. After all, the other party didn't make any big mistakes. They just publicized the confrontation and put some secret things on the table. It was precisely because of them that Shangmin's confrontation was now acquiesced. .

"So it's the note you sent." Jing Nan said, "Do you have spies among the people?"

"Yes, my popularity among Shangmin is very good." Dulan's food was in line with Shangmin's need for 'social interaction', so he received support.

Jing Nan smiled bitterly and said: "Then you should know my philosophy and the reasons why others oppose me, right? When you come to me, do you also want to criticize me?"

"No. I think your idea is very valuable. The lighthouse cannot defeat the pole devourer beast. It is a natural idea to unite more survivors and condense into a stronger force. I think your idea is right, that is There is a lack of implementation methods," Duran said.

"No matter how good the idea is, it will be useless if it cannot be implemented." Jing Nan was not a fool, and he knew very well that what Dulan said and what the city defense captain said meant the same thing.

"You can't say that. Although it is indeed difficult to fight against the entire Mana ecology now, it is not difficult to defeat some polar-devouring beasts in unknown areas. Knowing the method of killing the polar-devouring beasts can completely develop more targeted weapons. . There are a lot of resources in those unknown areas. With resources, we can unite the survivors. As the Hongkou City Lord said, we must accumulate small victories into big victories. We don’t need to unite everyone in one breath, we can do it step by step. As more and more unknown territories are explored, more and more people unite,” Duran said.

"A weapon against the Devouring Beast?" Jing Nan thought for a moment and felt that it was indeed necessary: ​​"The Devouring Beast moves too fast. It would be difficult to aim at its vital points with a rifle. If we could directly fire dense bullets, Then we can kill the pole-devouring beasts on a large scale."

She was thinking about developing a shotgun that could shoot out a large number of bullets and hit the monster's core more easily.

Du Lan's words made her suddenly happy. She couldn't think about becoming fat in one bite, but could do it step by step. It’s not too late to get a lot of resources first, and then unite others.

We cannot try to unite everyone, we should work step by step.

Although Athens did not unite Sparta, the small city-states around Athens did unite and formed the Delian League. Sparta also formed the Peloponnesian League with surrounding smaller city-states. In the end, the war between Athens and Sparta was also a war between two allied forces.

Let’s start with uniting small city-states. Although small city-states provide very little power, if we can unite one by one, we can add up to a small amount of power.

As the director of the scientific research institute, Jingnan's task is to develop new weapons. Now that the weakness of the Devouring Beast is known, we should focus on it.

"My idea is to have two heavy three-dimensional machines working together, one to limit the movements of the polar beast, and the other to kill it. For example, the heavy three-dimensional machine uses a spear to pin the polar beast to the ground so that it cannot move casually, and then it is responsible for attacking. Those who kill immediately target the weak point." Duran proposed another tactic.

"It's okay." Jing Nan felt that the opponent's tactical team had smaller requirements for weapons and was more economical. After all, the spears could be used repeatedly. Although the efficiency is not high, it is also important to save money.

Duran said: "The remaining task is to find the survivors."

"The world is so big, no one knows where the survivors will hide." Jing Nan also said helplessly: "Sure enough, I took it too much for granted."

"Don't be too anxious. If we can't find it, we can ask them to come to us. We can release various radios and leave beacons on the edge of the water source to let them contact us proactively." Duran said: "These things are all We have to do it step by step, and it is a long-term work. We cannot expect to solve the pole-eating beast in the short term, and we should be prepared for a long-term struggle. As we understand more and more about Mana's ecology, we can naturally be prepared."

"Thank you for your encouragement." Jing Nan felt that Downey was indeed suitable for ideological work: "I have confidence again."

"Don't be so confident yet. Even if your idea is right, do you think Shangmin is really willing to accept the survivors to share their interests?"

Hearing this, Jingnan fell silent. The resources that Shangmin found were indeed not willing to be given to others, especially those weak survivors.

Dulan continued: "This matter cannot be led by the upper class people, and more ordinary people should be used."

"Chen Min?" Jing Nan was dumbfounded. It wasn't that she looked down on Chen Min, but she felt that Chen Min could only do some physical work, and there were many things that Chen Min couldn't do at all. In her mind, ordinary people need the management of the superior people to survive. Without the superior people, the ordinary people are completely illiterate.

"That's right, they are the common people. The common people dare to do things that the superior people dare not do. Do you think they are uneducated, ignorant, short-sighted, and confused?"

Jing Nan was a little embarrassed, wondering if he was acting too obvious?

"Actually, there is no difference between Chenmin and Shangmin, and the so-called genetic difference is not that big. Although Chenmin lacks professional knowledge, they do not lack talents, and there is no shortage of people who can cooperate with Shangmin. What we have to do is to use these talents , let them communicate with the survivors. To be honest, the superior Shangmin is too arrogant and does not know how to correct his attitude, and sometimes messes up. The ordinary people can lower their attitude and not let the survivors feel that the lighthouse is giving them alms or using them. them," Duran said.

Sometimes the status is different, even if the superior people do not show contempt, the common people will still feel that they are despised.

Confucius's horse ate the crops, and the farmers stopped the horse and refused to let it go. Confucius's disciples were unable to persuade the farmers, and finally let the grooms do the persuasion. The class of Confucius' disciples is different from that of farmers, who have a rebellious mentality. The grooms were closer to the peasant class and could communicate more easily.

When communicating with survivors on the surface, you should also pay attention to these details. After all, some people just don't like to eat food, so you have to pay attention to how they feel.

"Some residents have no worries about food and drink, and do not understand suffering. They have different needs and thinking from the survivors, so it is easy to turn good things into bad things." Dulan said directly.

"It makes sense." Jing Nan also knew that many people among the people looked down on the hunting team. Even though the resources were recovered by the hunting team, Shanghin felt that the hunting team was too dirty and barbaric. Those who bring the scarlet pigment from the surface to the lighthouse are dangerous existences. When they saw the hunting team, they all walked around, worried that they might catch something dirty.

Jingnan was also dissatisfied with the attitude of some of the Shangmin, but he could do nothing. Hearing that Dulan had already considered that the Shangmin might offend the survivors, he completely agreed: "Indeed, although the dustmen are illiterate, the survivors on the surface are probably also illiterate. Illiterate and illiterate people can communicate better. You are right, I completely agree. But this requires the cooperation of ordinary people, can they?"

"Absolutely. During this period, I am also actively mobilizing the dust people. So you design new weapons and new tactics with the Shangyin people, and I mobilize talents among the dust people. When the time comes, we will work together from top to bottom, and we will definitely be able to unite everyone." Du Lan said confidently.

Jing Nan suddenly felt that Donnie was very reliable. He had never realized that the members of the Hunting Team were so intelligent before, and thought they could only fight and kill.

"I understand, and I will cooperate with you. I also hope that you can awaken the common people and let them take the responsibility of saving the end of mankind."

"Yes." Dulan said that history is written by the people, and only the people can change the world.

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