Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3689: Encirclement

What is the difference between a rebel without an ideal and a salted fish?

The ideal of rebellion is either personal ambition, such as the traditional world domination. There are also some idealistic types who want to make the world a better place and hope to build a paradise. Of course, this requires people all over the world to obey, and they must use some special means, such as brainwashing and hallucinations. Of course, there is another type, which is to retaliate against the world after a simple blackening, believing that humans are pests and should be eliminated.

There are many reasons for blackening. Some people want to protect the environment, some people want to solve the bad nature of human beings, and of course some people have collapsed faith.

The traditional rebellion of wanting to rule the world is very common in early works. These villains are very simple. They basically control the world by force, and are usually defeated by the force of the righteous.

Later villains will be smarter. They will use the existing system to climb up by any means, and then transform into tyrants to win over some people and suppress others. In the end, the oppressed people unite to overthrow the tyrant.

Then the rebellion of wanting to rule the world is not so attractive, and some rebels with their own reasons will appear. They are enemies of humans not because they are bad, but because they have seen through the bad nature of humans. They want to rule or destroy humans in order to solve the bad nature of humans.

The ultimate means of these villains is not violence, but brainwashing techniques such as "Infinite Tsukuyomi". It may also be using the brains of criminals to predict crime rates and other technologies, using dirty means that are not accepted by everyone to improve the world. In short, it is a "necessary evil".

Although it is a bad thing, the villain thinks it is good for everyone.

Using a big evil to limit the small evil of human beings and form order is also a classic idea of ​​​​the villain.

Of course, it doesn't work. Even if the necessary evil really brings benefits, the benefits are still distributed with universal values ​​accepted by everyone in the end, and they still have to find a way to whitewash them when distributing them.

For example, when cleaning the indigenous people in the New World, when the colonists succeed, they still have to pick up the civilized stick and be an old gentleman, instead of bragging about the bad things they have done.

Necessary evil can be used for expansion, but it cannot maintain an order for a long time. The reason is very simple, because there are conflicts between the old and the new, contradictions between the strong and the weak, and the rise and fall of the necessary evil.

Necessary evil cannot be evil only to outsiders and not to the insiders. This is impossible. Evil must be both internal and external. Then when there is expansion, necessary evil can still be external. If there is no way to expand externally, it can only be internal. This is a problem that necessary evil must solve, so they must come up with a set of ideas that are not evil.

For example, Genghis Khan killed people everywhere in the first half of his life, but then suddenly changed his nature and suddenly listened to Qiu Chuji and stopped killing. The fact is that Genghis Khan is old. If he continues to kill people everywhere, he must go through his son. In this way, his son's power will grow and he will become weaker. So he must find a way to solve the threat of his son to himself, and he must reverse the idea of ​​necessary evil.

Necessary evil will eventually turn against himself and boomerang back to himself.

It is not possible to hope to suppress the small evils of mankind through necessary evil. So I still listen to Han Feizi. There is no evil or good. We can only create a relative environment. Everyone hopes that the environment will be beneficial to themselves. Then we must work hard to maintain the environment. Those who do not maintain the environment will eventually be defeated by those who maintain the environment.

Of course, no one can maintain it, and finally it will be the lowest cost operation, that is, chaos.

Duran hopes that everyone will not maintain social freedom and moral freedom, and everyone will only want natural freedom. In this way, the cost is very low. Of course, the cost of division of labor and industry is not paid, and the result is that nature will rub the ground.

Everything can only be done by paying costs, and the same is true for fighting against nature. Only by paying social costs and moral costs can everyone cooperate to fight against nature. If you don’t pay the cost, you can’t fight against nature. But if you don’t pay the cost, it’s really easy, the kind of ease of dying early and reborn early.

Duran said that the cost of maintaining society will remain high, because everyone has their own ideas, there will be differences, and in the end, whether it is the navy or the pirates, they will face the problem of differences. There are differences in a family and a country. Everyone has different tastes, and groups living in different areas also have different demands.

There are three demands in the plains, mountains, and seaside. How to arrange? Whoever licks the Celestial Dragons' boots will have priority. Whoever recognizes the privileges of the Celestial Dragons will have priority. This is a deal. Although it has a lot of shortcomings, it does solve the problem of priority.

After overthrowing the Celestial Dragons, how to solve this problem?

Although Shanks believes in young people, no young people have really proposed a solution. Without an idea, we can only follow the original rules. Even if Luffy takes over, he will be just a Celestial Dragon at that time.

It's not that there is no idea at all. Doflamingo proposed an idea of ​​giving priority to islands that accept financial freedom, that is, giving priority to those who agree to harvest. However, the problem with this idea is that the cost of harvesting is much higher than that of the Celestial Dragons capturing slaves.

Duran's question silenced everyone.

"So believing in the back of pirates is nonsense, it can't be solved at all, so listen to me, chaos is the best state for humans." Duran once again expounded his ideal, that is, the lowest cost human world, humans eat and drink like animals, and then die.

Can't refute, Shanks can't refute at all, which is very uncomfortable.

Whitebeard said directly: "Even if everyone can't find a way out now, humans should not retreat, but should continue to move forward. It's like a journey. We are halfway through. We can't stop because of the hardships and difficulties of the journey, or even go back to the starting point. This is wrong. No matter how difficult the journey is, we must go to the end."

"What if the journey ends in a dead end?" Duran asked.

"Then I won't regret it, because everything I experienced on the road is valuable experience and priceless wealth." Whitebeard said: "The most important thing is not the result, but the process. If you want to stop my journey, I will crush you."

Duran thought if Luffy finally reached the end of the Grand Line, and the treasure at the end turned out to be the 'process of the journey', I don't know how he would feel.

At the end, Roger found that he came at the wrong time and couldn't get the final treasure, so he went back with a big laugh. I have to say that his mentality is still very good. If it were someone else, he might have smashed the treasure. For a mere treasure, there is actually a best opening time and even a best opening person. Isn't this a joke?

But Whitebeard said that it didn't matter what the treasure was, the process was the most important. In the process of treasure hunting, he had gained companions and friendship, experience and reputation, which were more precious than the treasure.

Whitebeard had already grasped the naginata and was ready to take action. No matter how strong Duran was, he must die as long as he blocked his way.

Duran said: "You are really stubborn."

"It's normal to be stubborn when you are old." Whitebeard said.

Xianges was also encouraged. It is true that there is no answer now. There is no way to solve the problem of the order of the seaside, mountains and plains, but if you keep moving forward, there will definitely be a way. They should really keep moving forward. He was also ready for the battle, with his hand on the hilt.

Duran has become the target of public criticism, and his natural freedom has been opposed by everyone.

"Mobile disaster, interesting, it can make our four emperors attack at the same time, I'm afraid you are the only one." I don't know when Kaido and Big Mom also appeared on the battlefield and surrounded Duran. Obviously, they also think Duran is an enemy.

The four emperors are against the mobile disaster, everyone is dumbfounded, what kind of lineup is this? This moving natural disaster has really angered everyone, and today is the day he dies.

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