Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3696 Sage Time

The Four Emperors are not interested in making trouble. They just want to discuss whether to hold a wedding for Ace.

Luffy and his friends are going to find Robin and get their partners back. Luffy has a strong sense of crisis. As the situation changes, he feels that the possibility of his partners staying on his ship has decreased.

The partners also have their own dreams and can realize their wishes through other methods. They don’t have to follow Luffy.

This is very embarrassing. Once the partners have other routes to realize their dreams, then splitting is an inevitable result. Luffy is also under pressure. Looking at the strong people in front of him, they all have the ability to realize their dreams.

After entering Wano Country, the pirates are free to move around. Luffy and his friends immediately look for clues about Robin. After finding all the partners, they have to continue to move towards the end.

Robin is looking for her mother, and she is getting closer and closer. She came to Kaido’s base, Onigashima. She believes that her mother must be attached to the strong like herself, and rely on the power of the strong to find the truth of the ancient times.

This journey is also very hard. Fortunately, Robin’s strength is strong enough. She can easily fight against those enemies with bad intentions.

Finally, she found her mother who was sorting out the documents based on the clues.

Olbia did not rely on Kaido's power to find the truth, but just found a quiet place to sort out the truth. Through the interrogation of the Celestial Dragons, she probably understood the secrets of eight hundred years ago.

There are actually quite a few people who know the truth. Although many documents have been destroyed, it does not mean that the people who experienced history at that time are dead. In fact, many people who experienced it at that time were alive and recorded the events. It's just that no one spread it before. After all, the navy brought great expansion. Whoever went to dismantle it would be hit by the Demon Slayer Order. There is no need to get into trouble.

It does not mean that history has been lost, but people just don't mention it. Olbia tortured the Celestial Dragons of the ancient family and asked a lot of information.

Many ancient families have legends, and even the slave family will spread the story of Joy Boy, the savior.

After restoring history, Olbia felt that this period of history was just like this, but many people died because of such an ordinary history. It was really ridiculous and sad.

"Are the scholars of Ohara eliminated because of these?" She really felt it was not worth it. These histories were of no use except to prove the lack of legitimacy of the world government.

In fact, there are too many things in history that lack legitimacy. For example, some kings in the West went out hunting, but were taken away by the god of thunder and never came back. Or the king was an illegitimate child and had no legal inheritance rights, and then deified himself, for example, he was the child of God, his mother gave birth to him after sensing God, and his father was not an ordinary person.

Of course, the most famous one is the destruction of Shang by Xiqi. The "Book of Changes" proposed by King Wen of Zhou believed that destiny would only favor people with virtue. A person with virtue at the beginning will become immoral later, and a person without virtue can also find a way to become virtuous. So destiny is changing, and those with virtue will occupy it.

And virtue is to ensure everyone's interests.

So if there is no legitimacy, you have to find a way to make yourself legitimate. It is quite rare for the Tianlong people to directly prohibit everyone from studying history.

Even if they betrayed Joy Boy, it would not matter. If they killed Joy Boy, they would say that he was taken back to heaven by the gods. In the future, those in heaven will return to heaven, and those in the human world will return to the human world. Will everyone go to heaven to find Joy Boy?

At that time, the task of the Celestial Dragons will not be to eliminate the influence of Joy Boy, but to send anyone who wants to find Joy Boy to see Joy Boy.

Legitimacy ultimately depends on whether it can bring benefits to everyone in order to be stable.

After reading the history, Olbia felt sad. This thing is dispensable to the whole world. It cannot be said that this dusty history can inspire more people to resist the Celestial Dragons, and without this history, everyone will not resist.

In fact, whether there is this history or not, we still have to resist.

It's like there was no history in ancient times, but there were no fewer things that should be killed. Even many stories in mythology are about sons killing fathers, fathers killing sons, brothers killing brothers, and brothers killing brothers...

So even if there is no history, when it's time to act, everyone will not hesitate. Olbia completed the restoration of history, and suddenly became boring, as if he had entered the sage mode.

When I didn't know history, I thought the missing hundred years were very important. After really restoring history, I found that it was nothing. For this kind of thing, so many people were sacrificed. It's not worth it, it's too unworthy.

She leaned back on the chair with a weak look. The dream that had supported her for a long time was finally fulfilled. She didn't feel happy, but confused.

"Is this the feeling after the dream comes true? If I had known this, I would rather not realize the wish." She felt disappointed and felt that reality was completely different from her dream.

That's why everyone would look for an ideal place without buying and selling and killing, and praise Yao, Shun, and Yu in ancient times, whose records were not detailed. Only Yao, Shun, and Yu and the ideal place can bear all kinds of beautiful imaginations. The real reality is not perfect and cannot bear all the beautiful imaginations.

Just like ice is cold, the sun is hot, stones are hard, and cotton is soft... In people's imagination, ice can be hot and stones can be soft, but they can't do that in reality.

Real material is one-sided and can only meet one need of people. But imagination can meet all.

For example, in "The Prisoner of Food", the flavors of various foods can be combined to form new ingredients. In reality, steak tastes like steak, sausage tastes like sausage...

When dreams are not realized, all kinds of beautiful imaginations can be added to them, and everyone can fill them with the most beautiful imaginations. When the dream is realized, the result is that the square is a square, the triangle is a triangle... It can only satisfy part of the imagination, but not all phenomena.

For example, some people hope that their dreams are squares, some people hope that their dreams are triangles, and some people hope that their dreams are circles... However, it is impossible to find a real thing that is both a square, a triangle, or a circle. When dreams become reality, some people will inevitably be disappointed.

Olbia's dream is a magical shape that cannot exist. When the dream is really realized, it can only be a shape. It is impossible not to be disappointed.

"Roger is happy." Olbia knew that Roger did not open the final treasure, so he could continue to sacrifice for his dream.

And whoever opened the final treasure would definitely be disappointed in the end, because the treasure can only satisfy the imagination of one party.

Confused, Olbia now just wants time to turn back, go back to before the mystery was solved, and stop his former self. Shirou Emiya gave a thumbs up, saying that it is best for the dream of a righteous partner to remain in the dream stage. Once it is realized, the dream will be biased and cannot be perfect.

"Mom?" Robin finally realized her dream and finally found her mother.

Olbia turned around and saw a woman who looked very similar to herself. Although she had not seen her for a long time, she recognized at a glance that this must be her baby daughter.

"Robin?" Olbia was a little surprised. After all, she was lurking here secretly. How could her daughter find this place?

The young swallows return to the nest. Who is not a 30-year-old baby? Robin finally realized her dream.

Olbia was a little uncomfortable. After all, she missed all her daughter's growth. It was as if her daughter was still a little baby in the previous second, and her daughter was already an adult in the next second. Her memory still stayed in the year when her daughter was ten years old. She told her to run away quickly, but now her daughter is the same age as herself.

Robin cried bitterly, and Olbia could only pat her daughter on the back as a comfort.

Olbia thought that since the main text of history has been restored, her new dream could be to make up for the lost time with her daughter.

A new dream, a new beginning.

Robin cried heartily, as if to cry out all the grievances of the past ten years. A child with a mother is like a treasure, while a child without a mother is a weed. Robin is like a weed struggling in the sea, and now he has finally found his roots.

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