Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3706: Trapped in one's own web

Luffy and Wang Lu both flew into the sea, who would Shanks save? The Nika Fruit that changed the world, or the ordinary rubber fruit?

Luffy thought this hypothetical question was meaningless.

But Wang Lufei thought it was meaningful: "Of course it is meaningful, which shows that the Nika Fruit has an irreplaceable position in Shanks' heart. If you didn't eat the Nika Fruit, when you disappeared, maybe he wouldn't look for you, he would just think you went out to play, and he wouldn't know that you were kidnapped by bandits, let alone save people." If history can be hypothetical, you can create history and let history support your point of view.

Luffy fell silent in the face of Wang Lufei's hypothetical history, which is indeed possible. If he didn't eat the Nika Fruit, Shanks' attention to him would decrease, and there would be no future.

"If you don't believe it, we can do an experiment. Now we jump into the sea to see whether Shanks will save the Nika Fruit or the rubber fruit." Wang Lufei said.

Shanks is also a man, and said directly: "No need to jump into the sea, I tell you, I will save the Nika Fruit first."

Luffy felt that something was broken in his heart, and it was Shanks's majestic image that was broken. Shanks used to be a selfless hero who treated ordinary people equally, but now it turns out that Shanks is just a mortal, a mortal with relatives and friends.

However, Shanks continued, "I will indeed save Nika first, but if necessary, I am willing to use my life to save everyone." Just like now, he wants to save ordinary audiences, save his adopted daughter, and stop the devil at the same time. It's all, all, and all, perfect.

The broken things in Luffy's heart have been mended a little, this is the Shanks he knows.

King Luffy said, "Don't forget the tragedy that happened more than ten years ago. You didn't save the country in the end."

"That's because ten years ago, my power was not strong enough. This time I can do it."

The king also said, "As long as you defeat the devil in dreams and reality at the same time, you can seal the devil."

"Shanks, let's go together." Luffy also thinks that today is different from ten years ago, because ten years ago Shanks fought alone, and today he and Shanks fought side by side.

It's different, completely different, so you can definitely have all, all, and all.

Wang Luffy looked at the pirates' high morale, which made the pragmatic navy look like a villain.

It seems that the navy has too much historical baggage. They have done too many things to sacrifice the minority to protect the majority, which has led to everyone not trusting the navy.

At this time, the singer has lost control, and the power of the devil is above her.

The devil appeared in reality and dreams at the same time, wreaking havoc.

"Everyone must stop it." Luffy roared, uniting everyone's fighting power. Now they have to grasp the main contradiction and put aside the secondary contradiction.

For a while, everyone's target became the devil. With unity, they hit the devil with all kinds of moves.

Unfortunately, the devil is very powerful and can recover quickly after taking damage.

"Shanks is really thick-skinned. It's obviously all his fault. He is cleaning up his own mess. How can he be so righteous and serious." Big Mom and the other three emperors are watching the live broadcast. Although the devil has appeared, the live broadcast has not been interrupted.

In front of the projection screen, Big Mom is still Duran's mouth substitute.

The small Den Den Mushi can play movie quality, which is very cool to watch.

Duran believes that whether it is the hand-breaking incident or the demon, it is because Shanks is slow in doing things.

Luffy was kidnapped by the bandits because Shanks did not deal with the bandits properly. And the reason why the demon appeared a second time was because he left his adopted daughter behind and did not destroy the "Forbidden Music".

Knowing that the bandits and the demons are very likely to retaliate, Shanks does not care at all, after all, he is strong enough. He certainly does not care, but he never thought that the enemy would attack the weak around him.

The result is that Luffy was thrown into the sea, and Shanks had to cut off his arm to save him. The adopted daughter sang "Forbidden Music" again and repeated the mistake for the second time.

So Duran said that these messes were all caused by Shanks' failure to handle them properly, which led to a series of subsequent troubles. It feels like there is a better way to deal with it, but he doesn't use it.

"Shanks is constrained by his own morality. Even if he knows that he has a better way to deal with it, he cannot use it because of his moral freedom." Duran said: "If he continues like this, he is likely to die at the hands of a small character, because he will always leave a mess and there will always be a time when he will overturn."

In the live broadcast, Shanks is trying to stop the devil, and the navy is also attacking the devil. At this time, Uta also wanted to stop, but she couldn't stop at all. She was desperate. She didn't expect that everything was her fault, and she was wrong twice.

But Duran believes that these two times cannot be considered Uta's fault. The first time was innocent, and the second time was completely Shanks' fault. He knew the harm of the "Forbidden Music Score" and should have destroyed it. Or take his daughter away and separate the Song Song Fruit from the music score, but he didn't do it. He insisted on leaving the two things on the same island.

Of course, in terms of Shanks' moral freedom, maintaining the morality of his adopted daughter is the most important thing, and other things are not important. He is willing to die for moral freedom. As for others, they should also give everything for morality.

Moral freedom is above life.

"You're too slow. If it were left to me, the battle would have been over." Kaido thought Shanks was too slow. It was a joke that he could beat a demon so heroically.

The fighters on the scene tried very hard, but if they couldn't hit two places at the same time, they couldn't defeat the devil. Although the output in the real world was enough, the output in the dream was seriously insufficient.

At this time, Luffy had not awakened the Nika fruit yet, so he couldn't deal fatal damage.

Wang Luffy knew from Luffy's appearance that although he had learned Haki in two years, he had not mastered any skills: "The young pirates of the Worst Age have learned Haki in the past two years. Luffy has also spent two years. What have you learned?"

Others have mastered Haki without taking special classes, but Luffy has taken classes specifically with Rayleigh, but he has not learned any skills. As a result, Doflamingo, Big Mom's second son, and Kaido need to train him in the three colors of Haki.

One has to wonder what Luffy did in the past two years? Others can master things without taking classes, but Luffy has taken two years of classes, but he is not stronger than others. Even small monsters can master Haki, so Luffy's hard work seems unnecessary.

Others did not attend the class, but they still mastered Haki. Even the enemies that Luffy had defeated in the first half also mastered Haki. For a while, Haki became a cheap thing.

One has to wonder if Luffy could have learned the three-color Haki even if he had not stayed for two years? Then he absorbed experience through three actual battles.

After all, other people's talents were not as good as Luffy's, and they could all learn Haki in a mediocre way. Luffy had such a good talent and took two years of classes, but he ended up at the same level as ordinary people. He was really delayed by the teacher who misled the students.

Without a teacher, Luffy progressed faster than anyone else. With a teacher, his level was the same as that of ordinary people. It was obviously delayed by the teacher.

Because of the delay and the lack of guidance from the three famous teachers, Luffy's combat power in the dream was limited. He could not use the Nika form to output, which greatly delayed time.

More and more people around the world were hypnotized by the song and fell into a deep sleep, and the dream was about to spread.

Shanks was silent. Although he became stronger in ten years, the devil also became stronger. The demons back then were not so powerful. Today's demons are completely different and much stronger.

Boom, the demon waved his hand, and countless steel needles shot out, and countless people were injured at once.

The navy shouted: "It's all your fault, pirates. If you hadn't stopped us, we would have stopped the enemy just now, and it wouldn't have been so bad."

"Yes, if we had just killed Uta, only a few people would have been injured, and now the whole world will be buried with him. Pirates are pirates, they don't know anything, and they still have to pretend."

For a while, the navy pointed the finger at the pirates, thinking that it was all their fault that the battle had reached an irreversible desperate situation.

"To save the world, the navy is professional, and the pirates have not received any training. It's really an amateur commanding an expert." The navy said dissatisfiedly.

The pirates were ashamed and could only try their best to attack the demons.

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