Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3708 Dark Nika

Having the power to destroy the world, he was finally stopped by his family and friends. The protagonist of Attack on Titan has the ability to predict the future and interfere with the timeline, but in the end he chose to bear the sins himself and let his family and friends obtain justice and legitimacy.

In the end, by sacrificing himself, he let his family and friends become the ones who save the world and gain a lofty status. He was very painful to make this choice, and even sacrificed his mother and gave up his lover. But this is the path that people with power must take. If you change the world and the protagonist, you will also choose to use power to exchange for the legitimacy of your family and friends.

Having the power to reshape the world, but having to answer why not to reshape the world. It's embarrassing.

So Duran told Uta that this was wrong, and her family and friends should not stop her, but should support her.

"Who is the enemy, who is the friend, what is the main contradiction, and what is the secondary contradiction? You have to distinguish them clearly, otherwise your ideal cannot be realized. Targetedness, clarity, matching, and feedback are the four foundations for an ideal to be realized and completed. You have the goal of world peace, so can you clearly recognize the difficulty of this goal? It even requires the sacrifice of relatives for the greater good, can you do it? In the past, your ability may have been limited to an island, but now with live broadcasting, your ability has matched the ideal of world peace. Finally, there is feedback. There may be no positive feedback, and there may be many people who frame you and criticize you, but you must persist, because the most difficult thing is that you don’t know when positive feedback will appear. It may appear after you die. If there is no positive feedback in your life, can you still persist?"

"..."Uta suddenly found that it was so difficult to realize his ideal, and it was not easy at all. How difficult is it to live in accusations and criticisms all your life, but still insist on your own ideas?

It’s painful just to think about it. How can you know that your path is right without positive feedback?

This is a paradox.

"Goal-oriented, clear, matching, and feedback?" Uta finally understood that it is very difficult for a dream to go from theory to reality. It may even result in a lifelong loss.

For example, Van Gogh was poor all his life, and his works were widely recognized after his death. He did not enjoy any dividends in his life. But we still have to keep creating.

In short, no one can be sure whether the ideal will have positive feedback.

At present, Uta has not received positive feedback. Does she need to continue? She is also a little entangled. Luffy and Shanks do not support her. They both believe that the Song-Song Fruit cannot bring real peace.

If she continues, when will there be positive feedback? No one can answer, maybe not in a lifetime. So should she continue?

This kind of thing is really entangled. How I wish there would be a future person who can tell me whether to continue or not, and whether there will be positive feedback?

Uta is very entangled, and her body bursts with domineering power, and no one can get close to her.

In reality, Shanks originally wanted to take Uta away, but he did not expect Uta to become so dangerous.

The navy and the pirates are already very tired. If Uta explodes again, they may not be able to defeat her.

"Kill her." A navy proposed a solution, once and for all, just destroy her directly.

"Don't even think about it." But Shanks will not do this, and he will use love to awaken his adopted daughter, hoping that she can understand everyone's painstaking efforts and not make mistakes again.

They don't know that Duran contacted Uta through dreams. Everyone's dreams can be connected. The subconscious is another world, where demons live.

The power of idealism is nothing more than turning the imaginary world into reality, and the dream demon is undoubtedly a direct realization of this. The demon is produced in dreams, but it can wreak havoc in reality.

As long as Uta becomes Nika in dreams, she can also become Nika in reality, and even everyone can become Nika. Anyway, as long as it can be done in dreams, it can also be done in reality.

"Don't let your imagination constrain you, don't suppress the devil, you should let the devil become your power, become Dark Nika."

"Dark Nika?"

"That's right, to change the world, you must first obtain the qualification of Nika, you can use the power of dreams to merge with the devil. This is your power. Play "Forbidden Music" again, continue your dream, don't stop because of the obstruction of relatives and friends, you should persist."

If Liu Bang broke off his friendship with his friends because of the contempt of relatives and friends, he would not become the emperor. Liu Bang's sister-in-law had already humiliated him in front of his brothers, but he did not change, and continued to take his brothers to eat.

In the eyes of relatives and friends, Liu Bang was a scoundrel, but in the end Liu Bang became the emperor and gave his nephew a title of Gengjiehou, which means scraping the pot.

Are relatives and friends wrong? Liu Bang was indeed a scoundrel, spending money lavishly, only spending but not earning. Everyone worked hard to make money, and Liu Bang actively spent money, and no one could stand it. But in the end Liu Bang became the emperor, which no one expected.

So it is hard to say whether something has positive feedback or not. It may suddenly have positive feedback, or it may never have any in your life.

So should you keep going? Uta doesn’t know.

Duran encouraged Uta to sing again and just do it.

“But…” Uta knew that she had hurt a country. If there was no positive feedback, wouldn’t it be the end?

"Even if there is not enough positive feedback now, don't give up. Didn't Shanks teach you to persevere? Think about why your Song-Song Fruit and "Forbidden Music" meet by coincidence? Isn't it God's hint? Don't be afraid just because there are demons. You have to control the demons. You can do it. Believe in yourself." Duran encouraged.

"But..." She really didn't want to hurt others.

"There is no immortal in changing the world. Don't you even have this awareness? You have killed others. Don't let their deaths become meaningless. Keep going. There will definitely be positive feedback. Even if there is no positive feedback in this life, there will definitely be positive feedback in the next life. Your soul can exist forever in dreams, and you will definitely wait for the opportunity."

Uta was moved when she heard such encouragement.

"That's it. You have to keep doing push-ups even if you are knocked down. In this way, you are Dark Nika. Keep playing music and dancing."

In reality, the sound of drums suddenly came from Uta's body. This is the drum of freedom, the drum of liberation. Everyone looked at Uta and heard the drums getting more and more excited, which meant that she was going to restart.

Her whole body turned black, and her hair, which was originally half white and half red, also turned black. It was the black of the devil, the black of death.

Dark Nika returns.

"Uta?" Shanks didn't expect that his adopted daughter learned push-ups and could be revived with full blood after being besieged by a large number of masters.

"This is the power of dreams. As long as my life is still burning, the dream will not end. I hope for world peace and I will continue to sing." Uta wanted to bring singing.

"Stop." Shanks said.

The king also said: "Don't make mistakes anymore."

"The lack of positive feedback now does not mean that there will be no positive feedback in the future. Don't stop me, otherwise don't blame me for killing my relatives for the sake of justice." Uta said: "The road to realizing dreams is bumpy and there will be sacrifices. Even if there is no positive feedback, I will persist."

Shanks didn't expect his adopted daughter to become so unreasonable. He originally wanted to protect her from marriage, but now he feels that marrying her off is not a bad idea, so as not to endure his daughter's rebellion.

"I am not wrong, you are wrong." Wuta said: "I have a goal, a clear practice method, and the ability to equip it. It's just that there is no positive feedback now, and you are stopping me. This is wrong. You should support me. Even if I have been displaced and criticized in this life, you should support me in using my strength, not stop me. Otherwise, if I have the strength but don't use it, why do I need it?"

"..." Everyone was dumbfounded, because the other party's logic was correct. There is no positive feedback now, but it does not mean there will be no positive feedback in the future.

But ordinary people must calculate a cost, just like Liu Bang's sister-in-law, she can't let Liu Bang lose his family without considering the cost. In the end, if he lost his family, will everyone starve together?

Everyone has to calculate an account. If it exceeds the cost, it cannot be supported.

Wuta hopes that everyone will support unconditionally, which is definitely not possible, because the account is not calculated in this way. In this way, there is a basis for confrontation, and differences must be resolved by fighting or fighting.

Everyone is ready for battle. They can't support Wuta's ideals without limit and can't pay the cost.

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