Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3726 Mutual Respect

Trade is important because trade represents the flow of the economy and is one of the things that makes the game work. Whether it is tribute trade, pilgrimage trade or other trade, since ancient times, trade has existed since human beings have communicated.

Ace also carefully established his own trade rules. His idea was equal trade. But judging from the Imperial System of Preferences and the Atlantic Charter, we also know that so-called equal trade is not necessarily equal.

Imperial preferential treatment is beneficial to the empire. As soon as the Atlantic Charter came out, it was the era of American imperialism. As the most powerful industrial country in the world at that time, the goods of the American empire were cheap and beautiful. If there was equal trade, everyone would definitely choose cheap and beautiful goods.

Just like the sun never sets, it was originally free trade, not imperial preferential treatment. At that time, the sun never set, defeated all enemies and monopolized ocean trade. Of course, they wanted to go wherever they wanted, so they proposed free trade. But when he was at a disadvantage, he chose the imperial preferential system.

The Atlantic Charter of US imperialism later turned into a trade war, and it did not recognize that every country has equal trade rights.

"My suggestion is mutual respect for trade principles." Although Wang Lufei is a soldier, he can also propose to Ace.

"What do you mean? Don't you respect equality?" Ace said.

"Can a person with complete hands and feet be equal to a person with disabled limbs? Healthy people must respect disabled people who are self-reliant, and disabled people should also respect healthy people who are self-reliant." Wang Lufei said: "The premise of respect is self-reliance. If If a country does not strengthen itself, it does not deserve to be respected, so it can be kicked out of the trade circle. We must respect that every country has the unwillingness to be a subordinate. At the same time, we must put aside the desire to help others, respect other people's choices, and stay away from people who are not enterprising. ”

Ace could imagine that in the future, various islands would develop, and each island would be staring at itself, wanting to take its place. He also felt that this was the world that his father hoped for. When his father started the Age of Discovery, didn't he just hope that more pirates would replace him?

Every island wants to be the boss, which is a bit scary when you think about it.

"Every island wants to be the boss, and no one wants to be the younger brother. Will someone use despicable means? After all, if you want to be the boss, you don't have to improve yourself in terms of hard power. You can also destroy your opponents through deception and cheating. Hold others back, or even kill them, to win," Ace said.

"There are indeed such people, but even if someone wins with despicable means, if he wants to maintain his victory, he must follow the methods of benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust, otherwise he will be overthrown by the same means. Benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust are also the rules of a thief. "

Ace said: "Don't you care about those despicable methods?"

"No matter what, increase the cost of underhanded methods, that's what we can do. But if you want to eliminate underhanded methods, forget it, because underhanded methods are a way of defeating the strong with the weak, and many people choose to be underhanded because they are not strong enough. Means are the means used by the weak in the game and cannot be eliminated. If the weak want to get ahead, they have to use despicable means and sneak attacks. "Wang Lufei is a soldier, and what he considers is to obtain the maximum victory at the minimum cost.

Ace is silent, if the weak have no despicable means to protect themselves, then why should the strong respect the weak?

If the self-improvement of the weak is on the same track as that of the strong, they will definitely not be able to compete, so they must find another way. The strong will follow the path of justice, while the weak will naturally follow the path of despicable means.

But when the weak win, they still have to rely on benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust to maintain their victory, and they have to launch their own ideas cautiously. Instead of always relying on underhanded means, because many underhanded means take advantage of information gaps. Once used, the information gap disappears and you will be targeted.

"Despicable means will not disappear. It seems that the Utopia will not appear." Ace sighed and said: "Many people have written to me, saying that they want to build a country where there is no buying and selling and no killing. Unfortunately, games will not disappear. They can only exist in theory. There are no games in the Utopia in China. Many people hate games and don’t want to play games. They hope to have an Utopia without games. Unfortunately, there is no such place.”

"Definitely not, because as long as there are two people, it can be a game, whether it is a husband and wife, a father and a son, a brother... Two people can be a game, and there is no place where there is no game. But neither individuals, nor power, nor capital like it. Game, so what the emperor likes most is control, that is, he hopes that one person can control all the power, and businessmen like monopoly, and one person can monopolize all the business. Unfortunately, no one can really do it, even if one person is strong, the same is true for the weak. Will resist and find ways to make things worse." Wang Lufei said that this is reality and it is endless fun to fight with others.

"So we can only do our best, build credibility, and increase the costs for others to cause trouble. But even if there is an opportunity for the benefits to outweigh the costs, they will still cause trouble." Ace said: "I suddenly felt that this Pirate King didn't do it No matter what, it’s too troublesome.”

"I'm afraid it won't work if you don't do it at this time. You have offended so many people. If you become king, everyone will protect you. Once the group breaks up, the navy will not let you go, and neither will everyone. If you want to wear the crown We must bear the weight." Wang Lufei thought it was too late to back down.

Ace just talked about it and would not really escape, saying: "I just think there is an enemy now, and we can all fight against the navy together. When the navy disappears, everyone will be the boss. It's really scary, just thinking about it Think, I'm already carrying it."

"Otherwise, how can you be called a lonely man?" Wang Luffy said: "There are still people on the sea who say that the Pirate King is the freest person. It's really a joke. They don't even look at the fate of the Pirate King and his family. Roger's life and death, his wife delayed childbirth in order not to be suspected, and finally overdrawn her life. What kind of freedom is this?"

Ace sighed: "Yes, my parents are burdened by the reputation of the Pirate King. As long as there are two people, they can play games. Who has freedom? Even if you become the Pirate King, the orders issued at that time will need to be executed by your subordinates, and you can't do whatever you want. As long as there are two people, there is no freedom."

"Even if one person is not free, food, clothing, housing, transportation, and illness and injury cannot be solved by one person."

The conclusion of the conversation between the two is that freedom does not exist, and at the same time, a trade policy based on respect is determined. Respect every island's idea of ​​being the boss, and promote education, build infrastructure, and give the island a path to develop its own strength and seize the status of the boss.

If a small island really becomes the boss, whether it is hard power or despicable means, he must ensure that other younger brothers have this opportunity when he becomes the boss. Otherwise, his position as the boss will not be stable.

Ace gave a speech, telling the world that he has only one purpose to be the boss: "I have only one goal, that is to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to become the Pirate King. So I maintain trade relations with every island on the premise of respect. I hope everyone can be positive and win respect with strength. Even if it is an opponent, as long as you win my respect, we can still cooperate in trade. We have only one enemy, that is, those guys who are not enterprising and not worthy of respect."

Ace's "Respect Speech" has a great influence and has determined his own boundaries. This boundary is not dead, but alive. Whether you can win respect depends on everyone's performance, and performance can be achieved through hard work. And he also said that even if the navy is positive, they can work together.

The nobles can also accept it, because the noble elites are very positive. Although there are a few nobles who eat and wait for death, these scums are also despised by the nobles.

You must know that in the era of illiteracy, the words such as "Heaven moves forward" and "gentlemen" are used to inspire the nobles, such as "self-improvement", "drilling a hole in the wall to steal light", "fireflies reflecting the snow", "hearing the cock crow and dancing", "sleeping on straw and tasting gall", etc. In an era when the nobles monopolized knowledge, the nobles also hoped that their people would work hard day and night and make progress.

So the nobles said that in terms of being positive and progressive, who can surpass the nobles? In the eyes of the nobles, Ace was showing goodwill to the nobles.

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