Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3750: Settlement of Accounts

Luffy and Usopp's battle, the white Nika and the black Im, were originally companions in the same boat, but the crew betrayed because they were dissatisfied with the captain's decision.

The supersonic battle became more and more intense, and both of them tried their best to defeat each other.

People familiar with the Straw Hat Pirates could not understand why Luffy and Usopp would fight each other. After all, the Luffy they knew was a captain who was kind and willing to help the weak, and the Usopp they knew was timid, but at the critical moment he would definitely stand on Luffy's side, on the right side, and would not fight with Luffy.

But the facts surprised everyone, Usopp and Luffy both used killer moves.

In the high-definition and high-frame high-speed camera, the close-ups of the two people's expressions were clearly visible, and there was a murderous look in their eyes, and they also used killer moves.

Kaya, who was watching the battle, hoped that they would stop fighting, but unfortunately she was thousands of miles away and could not help at all.

People thousands of miles away were thinking about stopping the fight, but the crew members who were close at hand just watched the captain fight alone, with no intention of helping at all.

Just watching the captain face a strong enemy alone.

And Joy Boy, who came to the modern era after crossing 800 years, just pondered, feeling that even if the years change, humans will not change. Everything is the same as before. Although productivity has made great progress, the distribution relationship has not changed much.

Of course, the economic center has indeed changed, from the second half of the Great Route to all directions. But if the sea level rises, the four seas and the islands in the first half will be submerged, and the few islands in the second half can be preserved, and the economic center will return.

The center of economic development has always changed. The West is the Mediterranean trade circle, to the Eurasian trade line, and then to the ocean trade of the great voyages. The trade center has changed from Western Rome to Eastern Rome, to the sun never sets, to the United States.

The trade center in the East was also first on the west side of the Yellow River, then moved to the east, then back to the west, and then moved to the southeast.

The trend of the economic center on the sea is to move from the second half of the Great Route to the first half, and then to the four seas. The economic center is geographically advantageous at first, and then technologically advantageous.

An economic center is naturally rich in goods, rich in life, and can enjoy the happiness of all people. Naturally, people in every place want to be an economic center, but not every place can do it.

In short, if the sea level rises, it will be good for some islands, because the economic center will return. But it is a bad thing for some islands, which have developed for hundreds of years and returned to the pre-liberation period.

This phenomenon also does not jump out of the inherent contradiction of distribution. I have more, you have less, just like a seesaw, one rises and the other falls. It was like this eight hundred years ago, and it is still like this eight hundred years later. It has not changed because of the improvement of ecological productivity.

Joy Boy is very distressed. Even if he has the ability to reach the sky, if he wants to build a world where everyone is at peace, the end is just like Shirou Emiya in "Fate", Hashirama Senju in Naruto, and the first generation of Avatar "Man", wasting power and eventually dying.

Power cannot make everyone accept the concept, and of course eloquence cannot make everyone accept the same concept. Only distribution can make everyone accept the same concept. But the problem is that resources are limited and the population is increasing. In the end, resources are concentrated, the rich do not obey orders, and the poor do not follow the rules.

Guan Zhong could not solve this problem, Han Feizi did not solve this problem, and Qiao Yiboi could not solve it either. It is a question of obligations and rights, just like the Zhou Li at the beginning. Everyone abides by the Zhou Li obligation and enjoys the rights of the nobles. There was no problem at the beginning. The land was vast and the population was sparse, and there was a lot of undeveloped land.

Even the small nobles had enough land and income. The Zhou Li stipulated their food, clothing, housing, transportation, what color clothes to wear, what utensils to use for sacrifices, how many times to sacrifice a year, and what burial objects to have after death. All these details were stipulated. When you have money, these things are naturally no problem and you can afford them. But the problem is that the population is increasing, the land is becoming more and more sparse, and the income is decreasing. What should we do at this time? The small nobles can no longer afford the Zhou Li etiquette.

If you can't afford it, then it is not in accordance with the etiquette system, it is barbaric, and there is no right.

The cost of obligations is getting more and more expensive, but rights are becoming more and more difficult to defend. Even if scholars commit suicide at every turn, they can't defend the Zhou Li. That is, the poor do not follow the rules. It is not that they are unwilling to follow the rules, but that they cannot afford the cost of following the Zhou Li.

The great nobles made a lot of money through salt, iron, fishing and hunting, and other resources. The Eight-Legged Dance was performed in the courtyard. They were richer than the emperor, so naturally they overthrew the superiors.

What Qiaoyi Boyi faced was the endogenous contradiction of distribution, that is, the concentration of means of production, which would eventually lead to a situation of collapse where the rich did not obey orders and the poor did not follow the rules.

This is how the Zhou Li was broken. Because the small nobles had too little land to support the Zhou Li, the State of Lu began to impose the initial mu tax, and the small nobles did not need to do any ceremony. As long as they paid taxes, they would recognize the privatization of land. That is, the scope of the obligations of the small nobles was changed from Zhou Li to paying taxes, which was also shaking the foundation of Zhou Li.

Of course, if privatization was recognized, it would naturally be possible to buy and sell, and then there would be the stubborn problem of land annexation.

Anyway, once one problem is solved, a new one will arise. Joy Boy is deeply aware that his power is useless in the face of distribution relations. Everyone cannot get out of the game, it is just a strong game of fighting with weapons or a weak game of verbal disputes.

The distribution relationship between the upper and lower levels is dynamic. The Zhou Li was very suitable at the beginning, but it was not suitable in the middle and late stages. Because the amount of resources is constantly changing, and the population participating in the distribution is also changing. In Confucius' eyes, the most perfect Zhou Li is that as long as everyone fulfills their obligations, the world will be united. The rich nobles give money to the small nobles who cannot pay the cost. The small nobles work hard to produce and then concentrate the money on the big nobles. Isn't it beautiful to have such a cycle?

Unfortunately, the big nobles can't pay the cost at all, because the output value of the small nobles' production in a year can't pay the cost of Zhou Li. Even if the big nobles give money, they can't pay the cost.

In the final analysis, Zhou Li is suitable for large farms. In the later stage, it is all small farms. The land is getting more and more fragmented, and the income is not enough.

For this situation, the high-cost Zhou Li can only be turned into a low-cost new system. The initial mu tax is a bold common sense. Unfortunately, the promotion of this innovation is very slow and will be hindered by many obstacles. It can't be promoted in one go. In the time of Mencius, Mencius still advocated the well-field system and wanted to restore public and private fields.

But the question is where are the public fields? They are almost divided.

Shang Yang, who was a contemporary of Mencius, made drastic changes in Qin. He put all these advanced things in Qin, such as the initial land tax in Lu, the county system in Chu, and the military merit title in Wei, and built a farming and warfare system. The obligations of the Qin people were farming and war, and their rights were military merit titles.

The court of the Qin Dynasty had the need to levy taxes on the whole country, and then there was a unified writing system, unified wheel gauge, and unified weights and measures. It was not that Qin Shihuang said to unify it on a whim, but that the system of Qin at that time had completely abandoned Zhou Li, because taxation gave birth to new needs.

Of course, Shang Yang's reform was not perfect, but it did set a precedent for great unification. It changed the model of obligations and rights and promoted taxation across the country. It was not like before when you collected yours and I collected mine, and then offered tribute to the emperor according to Zhou Li. The emperor could only make money by being an official in mountains and seas, and could only make money through the output of mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, and could not collect taxes at all.

In the Han Dynasty, the emperor collected taxes on one hand and controlled the mountains and seas on the other. With money, his words were naturally counted, and he could naturally launch foreign wars and promote agricultural production in wild lands.

In order to collect taxes, the need for unified writing, unified wheels, and unified weights and measures has never disappeared.

No matter how powerful Joyboy is, he cannot promote a resource flow system that satisfies everyone. In the past eight hundred years, Im actually did a good job. He used the Celestial Dragons as the border, and those who kneeled down to the Celestial Dragons were his own people. Then he continued to expand outward and included more islands in his territory.

The issuance of Bailey also had an advantage in finance, and he also developed a lot of technology, developed the technology of seastone, and developed some backward islands.

However, with the development, more and more grassroots could not master the means of production and could not pay the cost of the Celestial Dragons, so they all went out to sea to become pirates and did not abide by the rules. And the rich also went against the World Government, secretly colluding with the local navy or secretly funding pirates, with their own little calculations.

The wealthy celestial dragons don't obey orders, and the poor ruffians don't follow the rules, so the rules established by Im for eight hundred years are about to collapse.

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