Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3754 Shackles

Joey Boy gave up because he had power but didn't use it. Because power alone can't change the world, he will still hide his power and wait for the power to be used again.

"Imu, I'll give you another chance, but if you still want to flip the table after this failure, I will definitely stop you." Joy Boy's power is just to stop flipping the table.

Luffy said nothing, and he also found that power is not invincible, and other elements are needed to change the world.

The audience was dumbfounded. Is the invincible Joy Boy going to retreat without a fight again? Although everyone didn't know why they said "again", they were definitely not satisfied with this ending, because they didn't smile at all. They had to defeat Im and the Five Elders first, so what was going on with just leaving?

"Don't leave!" The audience shouted.

"Defeat the Celestial Dragons--"

Joey Boy heard everyone's shouting, but he was not ready to take action, because the Celestial Dragons were also a complex existence. High-level Celestial Dragons, mid-level Celestial Dragons, and low-level Celestial Dragons were all Celestial Dragons. If the high-level Celestial Dragons were really defeated, the other Celestial Dragons would automatically upgrade.

The grass-roots were low-level Celestial Dragons. If the Celestial Dragons were eliminated, the grass-roots should also be eliminated.

The reason why Joy Boy had this cognition was entirely because of the research of the scholar Olbia. This era was the era of the 'rising of the grass-roots'.

The grass-roots rose, and some of them would challenge the high-level Celestial Dragons, but more of them actually went to burn, kill, and loot. After all, no one on the sea mentioned the "Rise of the Grass-roots Theory" advocating the unity of low-level warriors to overthrow the shogunate, and there was no suitable program.

The actions of the grass-roots were very chaotic, and it was not until Ace appeared that the grass-roots had a direction to exert their power. However, Ace did not lead the grass-roots to rise, but led the grass-roots to produce, and did not propose that the grass-roots should overthrow the world government.

After all, the grass is also a part of the Celestial Dragons. If the high-level Celestial Dragons are overthrown, the grass will also become the high-level Celestial Dragons. Because the game rules of the high-level Celestial Dragons have established credibility in 800 years, everyone knows how to play. If the high-level Celestial Dragons fall, a group of low-level Celestial Dragons will come, and there will be no credibility.

Low-level Celestial Dragons must need resources to manage the sea, and they will inevitably be controlled by businessmen, politicians, and the military, and it is easy to be sidelined.

Ace's decision is that instead of asking for resources from others, it is better to produce them by yourself. Producing resources is also to establish the credibility of the game, so that every place can become your own.

There are two ways to occupy a place without credibility. One is to follow the original rules of the game, which is beneficial to the local gentry, which is definitely not possible. The second is to rob resources from the local gentry. In this way, it is difficult to turn the territory into your own by directly fighting internally.

So it is easy to defeat the world government, but it is difficult to turn the enemy's territory into your own territory. Because the enemy is only a spokesperson for interests, and there are also vested interests on the territory. How to deal with these people is the most troublesome.

If they are dealt with, chaos will occur; if they are not dealt with, they will inevitably rebel.

How to digest the territory is a great test of the team's management level.

Joy Boy learned a lot about Ace from Oubiya's memory, and also knew that this era is a major change that has not happened in 800 years.

No, it can even be said as in "The Rise of the Grassroots" that it is a major change that has not happened in 3,000 years.

"This era is your era, and you don't need me. Im, your enemies have risen, you don't need to be afraid of me, you should be afraid of those who can really transform you." Joy Boy said: "This transformation is not driven by power, but by time."

Time is not only Im's weapon, but also the treasure that Ace needs. Time is good for Ace, and the more time, the more transformation.

The audience said what a riddle.

Luffy thought of Ace, and thought of Ace being bound by production and life, not free at all, but indeed transforming.

The whole transformation is very slow, but it is indeed going on.

"Defeating the enemy does not mean defeating the rules of the game." Luffy defeated many enemies in the illusion and was basically an invincible Pirate King, but what happened in the end? He still couldn't change the rules of the game. The weak appeared in waves and he couldn't help at all.

I also thought that the Pirate King Roger opened the Great Pirate Era, not by himself, but by the successive pirates, and even took advantage of this era of nobles enclosing land and occupying routes.

In the past, everyone developed routes under the leadership of the World Government, but as the development of local islands became stronger and stronger, the cost of islands became more and more, and they had to occupy the routes for themselves to make more money. A monopoly must be formed to give oneself an advantage in the local area.

In this way, the situation of nobles funding pirates appeared, and after the pirates grew stronger, they would break away from the nobles and form their own system. It can be said that the contradiction is endogenous everywhere.

It's like the Roman emperor established the Guards, but in the end the Guards auctioned the throne. It was originally to maintain its own power, but in the end it became a force to resist itself.

Roger also took advantage of this era. The cost of navigation technology was reduced, and the nobles in various places did not suppress pirates, but quietly funded pirates that were beneficial to them. Under such circumstances, the Great Pirate Era could begin. It is not that Roger's words are followed by the law, and he can create many pirates and ships out of thin air with just a few words.

If navigation technology is very expensive, then a small merchant family like Kaya can't afford the cost of the ship, and it is impossible to give Luffy a ship. Luffy can only take the risk with a small wooden boat.

If the nobles in various places are on high alert and kill the pirates without mercy, then the pirates will not be able to get supplies and can only float on the sea to survive.

It is because ships are getting cheaper and cheaper, and the nobles are more and more accepting of pirates, that the Great Pirate Era can begin.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea and the Four Emperors, such great pirates have replaced the role of the navy and maintained order in one side.

In short, it is because of various objective reasons that the Pirate Era will appear. But the Pirate Era can only be a transition. Luffy knows that he must put forward a program to give everyone a new direction, otherwise the chaos will not stop.

But with a direction comes restraint, and there is no freedom.

"Ace is not free." Luffy said to himself: "But freedom cannot make the world better. Freedom will only make more people bully the weak. What exactly is the freedom I pursue, and where is it?"

Luffy has always been very firm, but after experiencing the illusion, he also doubted himself.

What exactly is freedom? Luffy thought of the three freedoms mentioned by Duran, natural freedom, social freedom, and moral freedom. He found that there are contradictions between the three freedoms, and there are contradictions within the three freedoms.

In the final analysis, freedom does not have a clear definition. Within natural freedom, some people think that eating eggs from the small end is freedom, while others think that eating eggs from the large end is freedom, and they can fight.

In social freedom, some people think that legalizing guns is freedom, while others think that banning guns is freedom. In moral freedom, rich people think that not buying the best for parents but only buying the most expensive things is filial piety, while poor people think that providing for parents in their old age and at the end of their lives is filial piety.

They are all freedom, but there are contradictions within the three freedoms.

When there are more people pursuing freedom, there will be differences, just like other religions and schools of thought, which is inevitable. Everyone also hopes that freedom will benefit themselves.

Let’s talk about the filial piety of moral freedom. Rich people give their parents delicacies from mountains and seas, and wear silk and satin for their parents, saying that this is filial piety. What should poor people do? If you have no money, you can gamble with your life, lie on the ice to catch carp, bury your children to serve your mother, and use your life to be filial is filial piety. Can rich people do it?

It is to seize the right to interpret moral freedom.

The contradictions among the three freedoms are too complicated and difficult to integrate. Everyone is fighting for the right to interpret freedom. Even the Pirate King can only fight for part of the right to interpret and cannot become the freest person. If Luffy says that opening the great secret treasure is freedom, then others will say that killing whoever I want is the real freedom.

The result is that whether it is the justice of the navy or the freedom of the pirates, they are all in chaos, fighting for the right to interpret.

Luffy cannot resolve conflicts and contradictions either. He can only be busy all his life. In the end, he can't change anything. He has power but wastes his time.

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