Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3764 Entrance Examination

Yutsuki College is the largest culinary school in the country. The students there are all children from various companies under the consortium, and there are also a few talented rookies.

The students' families either have a hotel to inherit or a farm to inherit. The worst is to have a hot spring hotel in the countryside.

Chefs like Yukihira Soma, who only have a small restaurant at home, can be said to be rookies among rookies.

However, Soma is very confident and believes that he can pass the selection.

When he arrived at the school, he found that the exam was more difficult than he thought, because the invigilator was about the same age as him and looked very good, but he made all the candidates feel like they had lost their parents.

"Erina Nakiri, it's over, how could she be the chief examiner?"

"It's over, this is the tongue of God, it's too difficult to get her approval. It's over, my parents will definitely scold me when I go back."

The beautiful girl Erina Nakiri said with disdain: "The theme is 'eggs', please make a dish that I can praise, and I will allow him to enter Totsuki Academy. And in the next minute, I allow you to give up the exam."

As soon as these words came out, a group of people ran out of the examination room as if they were escaping.

They would rather give up admission than be hit by the beautiful girl.

Yukihira Hajime was really confused, not knowing what was going on. Aren't these guys chefs? Why did they just run away when they encountered a challenge? Aren't they too cowardly?

"Hey, why are you running?"

"This is Erina Nakiri. Bigwigs from all walks of life are her customers. She is also a genius of the Ten Greatest Council of Totsuki. If she denies you, your career as a chef will be over. You will never be a chef again."

Soma Yukihira was confused. In fact, this is 'Only virtue is promoted'. What is virtue? It is the evaluation of the nobles.

If the nobles say you are good, then you are a talent. If the nobles say you are bad, then you will be socially dead.

The same is true in the chef world. Whether the food is good or not depends on the words of the judges.

So what if you have talent? Even if you have talent, you are just a barbarian because you have not received moral education. To become a real talent, you must pass the nobles' moral evaluation system and must accept the nobles' discipline.

So in Cao Cao's era, he boldly proposed that only talent is promoted. He skipped the evaluation of the nobles and only looked at talent.

But in the world of chefs, only virtue is promoted.

The one who holds the right to speak is Erina Nakiri.

The boy Yukihira didn't know this yet, and thought that he would definitely pass the test with the skills taught by his father. Now he has not received moral education, no matter how capable he is, he is just a barbarian, just a third-rate.

Everyone else left, and the beautiful girl thought it would be another annihilation, so she turned away with disdain.

"Can you cook anything?"

"Yes." The beautiful girl turned around and saw that there was still a boy who had not left. She recalled and immediately remembered the boy's resume. He came from a family that ran a family restaurant, and he was a second-rate chef.

"Anything is fine." The beautiful girl thought that only such a young man who had never seen the world would be fearless. Those who really understand the rules of chefs know how important their evaluation is and how it affects their lives. How many people are willing to bet their lives?

The boy breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It turns out that anything is fine. Examiner, please wait a moment. I will cook you an egg dish that you will praise."

The boy took out a piece of white cloth and tied it on his forehead, just like the preparations made by ancient warriors before putting on armor, and they were going to the battlefield.

Why did the warriors tie white cloth on their foreheads? Because the samurai have to wear a helmet, they will sweat. If the sweat flows from the forehead to the eyes, it is likely to affect the vision at the moment of life and death, then it will be a pity. Tying a white cloth on the forehead can block the sweat, and it is also a necessary preparation before the battle.

When the boy took out the white cloth and tied it, it was the samurai who was going to the battlefield.

The boy was going to make the eighth dish of his secret menu - egg rice.

The girl had no idea what the boy was doing, so she asked: "It's been ten minutes, what are you doing?"

The boy laughed and said: "So you haven't figured it out yet? I'm going to make egg rice."

The girl was speechless. She had eaten all kinds of Japanese food stalls and Michelin three-star restaurants, and they were all dishes at the level of parliamentarians and prime ministers. Egg rice? Isn't it just scrambled eggs on rice? Some people will add some seaweed, dried shrimps, pickles...

This kind of shabby dish, it's a pity that this guy can put it on the entrance examination of Totsuki Academy. She couldn't help but say: "You don't really think that this kind of common people's food can pass the exam?"

"Don't worry, because my egg rice will transform."

"Transform?" Nakiri Erina thought that the other party was just making a fuss.

After the boy made the egg rice, he took out a mysterious box and poured everything inside on the rice.

In an instant, the fragrance was fragrant. The shiny little cubes in the box were melted by the heat of the rice and merged with the eggs. The egg rice was fragrant for ten miles.

The girl's appetite was excited. She probably knew what the boy was thinking. He used chicken soup aspic. The broth condensed at low temperature is aspic. Pouring aspic on rice can make the deliciousness of chicken soup blend with rice.

Just take a bite. The girl took a bite with chopsticks and suddenly felt that the Egg Immortal and the Chicken Wing Immortal pushed open the door to heaven, and her soul floated up to heaven.

It's called egg dish, but the real umami taste comes from aspic. This dish is completely different from the luxurious food I've eaten. What is this umami taste?

Of course it's fresh soy sauce. Could it be the umami taste of the egg itself? There is umami soy sauce in the chicken soup.

The girl felt that she had opened a new door, and the boy in front of her suddenly became not to be underestimated. But this kind of common people's food is not worthy of high-class halls. If she lets him enter the academy, it will definitely lower the school's standards.

The boy said confidently: "My family is indeed a small canteen, and we also cook common people's food. You are indeed high-class food. But if you always act high and mighty, there must be many things you can't make. Examiner, come on, give your comments, delicious or unpalatable?"

"Too unpalatable." The beautiful girl left this sentence and turned away.

This also means that the boy failed to enter the school. The boy was obviously very confident and took out the secret menu that everyone would say was delicious.

Eggs, aspic, rice, everyone said it was delicious.

"Dad, I'm sorry. It seems I'm going to disappoint you." Yukihira Soma looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and was deeply shocked.

However, everything can still turn around. After all, the old friend who contacted the boy's father is the dean of Totsuki College. He wants to use Shiroichiro's son to initiate a reform of the college.

Use the power of Shiroichiro's son to stimulate the catfish effect of the college, so that those high-ranking senior chefs can also see the power of grassroots chefs and feel the pressure to continue to go further and further in cooking.

When the dean knew that his granddaughter had killed all the candidates, he immediately went to the examination room to eat the boy's egg dishes and let the boy enroll.

"Dean, since you let Yukihira Soma enroll, don't mind letting me enroll too?" Duran appeared in front of the dean.

The old dean's beard grew to his chest. He had seen countless people in his life, and it was rare for him to see a shameless person like Duran. He asked: "May I ask how old you are this year?"

"Don't I look like a sixteen-year-old boy?" Duran asked.

"Why don't you say you're eight years old? I think you're thirty, twice as old as sixteen." The dean said, "Although I don't know why you want to enroll, there is an age limit for enrollment in our school."

"Don't be too confident. I just look a little older. If you think meat jelly rice is delicious, then my egg fried rice will definitely crush your soul and make you kneel down and beg me to enroll." Duran said as he stood in front of the stove and started to fry rice.

Each grain of rice is coated with egg, and the brilliance of the egg is like gold. Each grain of golden rice is the legendary quality of super egg fried rice.

"Is this the legendary golden egg fried rice that is the pinnacle of Chinese cooking technology?" The dean has been a chef and food critic for his whole life, and he has never seen such uniform golden egg fried rice.

"This is not ordinary golden fried rice, but gossip golden fried rice, please enjoy."

The dean cried after taking just one bite, and couldn't help saying: "What if I can't eat such delicious fried rice in the future? Please be sure to enroll."

"Is my age okay?"

"Sixteen, you look sixteen forever, but you look a little old. Children nowadays are well-nourished, and you must be overnourished, so you are a precocious sixteen-year-old." The dean has been conquered by Duran's cooking skills.

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