Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3774 Training

"This semester's outdoor internship has been decided. Residential training will be notified to all first-year classes and dormitories."

At Totsuki Academy, every student is a competitor, but people in the same dormitory can become partners who rely on each other and can be regarded as a collective.

Therefore, any notifications will be sent directly to the dormitory.

"The first test of the first grade is about to begin." Everyone knows that there will be the first batch of eliminations in the residential training.

Xing Ping Soma didn't understand the seriousness of the problem and said casually: "Residential training is an outdoor activity organized by some schools. It means going to live in the mountains for two days to train your physical fitness and learn some wilderness survival skills."

"Yes, that's it." Senior Isshiki said.

"Then why is Tadokoro so afraid?"

"Because of the elimination, this is the first big wave. You should have heard that the admission rate of Totsuki Academy is very low. When the first grade is promoted to the second grade, nine students will be eliminated. Residential training is a kind of elimination method.”

The young man asked: "Senior, have you experienced this too?"

The senior smiled and said: "Of course, all first-year students have to go through it. I remember that more than a dozen students were forcibly expelled. And I also heard that in the most exaggerated case, half of the freshmen were expelled."

Sister Tadokoro suddenly fainted. As soon as she heard about dropping out of school, she thought of herself, thinking that she would be sorry for her hometown elders, parents and brothers if she went back.

This is hell.

The boy was very calm, as if on a spring outing, and he was still thinking about whether to bring game cards or something like that.

"Tasoko even fainted, why are you so leisurely?"

The young man said directly: "The worst plan is to keep half of it, as long as you stay." He was so confident that he believed that his cooking skills could stay.

The training hell is about to begin.

On this day, dozens of buses parked on campus, and the first-year students set off.

Only then did the boy realize that there were so many people in the first grade and they needed so many cars. He was really excited, and then he saw Dulan getting on the car leisurely. He didn't want to sit in the same car with Dulan.

We went directly to Totsuki Palace, a top resort overlooking Mount Fuji.

This is a five-star hotel, and one person will spend at least 80,000 yen per day. Luxury, wealth, and demand exceed supply, representing status and wealth. This is the strength of Totsuki Academy.

Students who graduate from the college will have the opportunity to work as chefs in such top hotels and top restaurants. This is the rule of the chaebol game. Without common people, it would be reckless at the very least.

Walking into the magnificent banquet hall is like walking into a crystal palace, with sparkling crystal chandeliers, artistic hanging paintings, and even the carpets under your feet are made by famous artists...

Understated yet luxurious.

There was dead silence in the banquet hall, and everyone was very nervous. After all, what was going to happen next was a trial, and there would be many eliminations.

The young man was also affected by this serious atmosphere and couldn't help but ignite his fighting spirit.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet and listen to me introduce the rules of this training camp." The teacher came up and said: "This training camp lasts for 6 days and 5 nights. There are a total of 980 students here, in groups of 20. What follows? Be prepared for brutal training. Now let’s invite our guest, your senior, an outstanding graduate from Totsuki Academy.”

Everyone couldn't help but look towards the stage, and saw more than a dozen young talents wearing different chef uniforms filing in. Each one of them had a very strong aura.

This is the winner who has passed through the layers of selection at Totsuki Academy and finally stands at the top of the pyramid. He is a truly successful person.

The second generation chefs all feel strong oppression.

But Yukihira Soma just wanted to compete with them and see their strength.

Du Lan took a look and thought that indeed, the most important thing for a chef is appearance. Among the dozen or so graduates, there was no one with poor appearance. After all, the chef cooking in front of the guests is also a special service in high-end restaurants. If the chef is ugly, the guests will not be able to eat.

These chefs are just appendages of money, just actors. The people who actually control the resources of the chaebol are not among them.

This is just like the number one scholar. There have been many number one scholars from ancient times to the present, but there are not many truly talented number one scholars. Choosing the top pick is more like choosing a role model. It does not require that he be really talented. What is required is that his literary talent is good enough.

Really practical people are usually selected from among the Jinshi, not the top pick.

Some people may ask, why should we choose the No. 1 pick? Of course, it is because the literary talent of the number one scholar is good enough. Although it is not practical, good literary talent is also one of the goals of scholars.

Whether to work hard or not requires detailed analysis of specific situations. For example, if a person is good at water conservancy, but there are already enough water conservancy talents in this era, it will be useless for him to be the top pick.

Therefore, practical work depends on the environment. Literary talent is simple and virtual. It does not need to be combined with the environment and can be easily selected.

The No. 1 pick represents a virtual standard. No matter what the environment or talent, anyone can aim for the No. 1 pick. If the No. 1 pick is selected because of his water conservancy ability, then does everyone have to learn water conservancy?

The same is true for the graduates invited by Totsuki Academy. Although their cooking skills are very good, they can only cook and cannot control the resources of the chaebol. Real talents will not stay in the kitchen, but will enter all walks of life of the gourmet chaebol and become the backbone of the chaebol.

Duran knew that these graduates were the standard of Xu, and that they could make all students work hard. However, if they thought that it was enough to just know cooking, they would be cooks at best. They had to work hard to learn other aspects of knowledge in school, and cooking was just a central axis to integrate knowledge.

Just like taking the exam for the top scholar, learning the Four Books and Five Classics, literary talent was a line that ran through all subjects. The top scholar was the one with the best literary talent, and it was not necessary for the top scholar to have actual ability.

Duran thought that as representatives of Xu, these graduates were unintentionally qualified, with a good image and good cooking skills, but they could not become talents for the operation of the consortium.

"The students with wounds on the eyebrows in the ninth row." A fashionable graduate wearing glasses who came on stage suddenly said.

There was a wound on the eyebrows, and Soma Yukihira immediately pointed at himself, not knowing why the other party mentioned him.

"It's not you, it's the guy on your right, drop out."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone was dumbfounded. How could he drop out before the training started? There was nothing wrong with the other party, and he didn't do anything wrong. After all, they hadn't started working yet.

"I dropped out? Why?" asked the boy who was said to have dropped out.

"Because your hairspray uses a citrus scent, which is too strong and will greatly affect your judgment of the smell of food. For a chef, dressing is very important. It is not good to be too rustic. It is also not good to use strong-scented gel water and perfume. Change to a fragrance-free cosmetic next time. As a chef, any small mistake will make you lose customers, so you drop out." The man with glasses said strictly.

"He is the chef of Shigong, but he is the first Japanese to win the French Culinary Grand Prix."

"So amazing."

"So handsome, worthy of being a chef with his own restaurant."

"Puff!" Just as everyone was amazed and praised, a discordant mocking voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone quickly locked onto the mocker.

"Do you have any objection? You are an over-age high school student?" Shigong asked.

"I see that you, the chef, pay so much attention to details that you even consider perfume and gel water. I think you have unified the world of French cuisine. It must be that all people who like French food are your customers. After all, you will not lose any customers because of details. Your customers will only increase, not decrease. So if you calculate it, you are the absolute overlord of French cuisine." Duran said.

Everyone thought so. With such attention to details, has he never lost customers? If he has never lost customers, wouldn't he dominate France?

But obviously he did not dominate France, which means he also lost customers. So how did he lose customers? Is it because of the details or the cooking skills?

Seeing that everyone had started to think independently, Duran continued to ask: "Can I ask you a question? How do you know that the jelly water will cause the chef to lose customers? Did you make a mistake yourself?"

"How could I make a mistake? I saw others make mistakes."

"In other words, you didn't know about this matter before you saw others make mistakes?" Duran knew that the other party had fallen into his trap, and said: "You didn't know it at the beginning, but you asked us students to know it spontaneously. If we know everything spontaneously, then what do we need teachers for, and what do we need you seniors for? Senior Sigong, ignorance is not a crime. If you insist on letting him drop out, then I will despise you from the bottom of my heart."

For a while, the atmosphere was full of gunpowder.

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