Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 414 It's all for the plot

"C.C. Come to the bowl!"

"Can't you change to a bigger container? Isn't it just for that kid geass? Why do I have to go into this kind of thing?"

"You've lived for so long, why haven't you learned some creativity? Don't you know how important it is to meet for the first time?" Duran shook his head, hating iron for steel, and he really deserved a beating.

C.C. is speechless, although she has spent a lively millennium under the care of Transformers and Duran, but her character is still so arrogant.

"Go in quickly, the driver has arrived."

Suzaku received an order to deliver a piece of cargo, and the route was the most dangerous through the frequented places of rebel organizations.

"Private Suzaku, are you ready?" Duran was wearing a military uniform that covered his head, and he was going to see how handsome Lu Luxiu was.

Suzaku stood at attention and saluted, "Your Excellency Sergeant, I'm ready."

Duran nodded. This Suzaku is really obedient, "Then we are ready to go, and the terrorists won't give us too much time."

Start the car, and the truck starts slowly.

"The target is Tokyo Airport, and the computer will guide us. No matter what is ahead, you just need to follow the route. Do you understand?"


At this time, the news of the army's delivery of important materials has been known by the resistance organization, so they have already laid an ambush.

Of course, this news was delivered by Duran.

Different from Kallen's snatching of medical equipment in the original book, Duran's arrangement this time is entirely for the purpose of allowing the original story to continue.

What's on the truck is important, and not only the rebels know it, but Britannia's army thinks so too. Therefore, the two sides are bound to fight fiercely for the goods.

Only Lu Luxiu held a card in his hand, and stood stupidly at the place indicated on it.


"Can Kallen see it?" Fan sent the image to Kallen's humanoid weapon.

"I see, there are a lot of people." Karen said calmly.

"It's abominable to use so many troops to transport poison gas bombs, and you want to use that kind of thing in a war, damn Britannia!" Shan said fiercely.

"No need to talk nonsense. Since the enemy has chosen this route, it is conceivable that they have such preparations. Prepare to act!"


The war has begun.

War in the Slums!

"Is it a resistance organization?" Suzaku looked out of the helmet, and the road was cut off.

"Don't worry about it, someone will take care of it!" As he spoke, an armed helicopter appeared in the sky and began to shoot around the truck.

"But, the road ahead?"

"Stand on the gas pedal, Private First Class!"

"Ah!" Suzaku stepped on the accelerator, and the truck rushed straight down the road.

C.C. turned around in the container a few times, complaining in his heart that Duran must have driven like this on purpose.

"Private Suzaku, you did a good job. Do you know what cargo we are transporting this time?" Duran said suddenly.

"have no idea!"

"Gas bombs, gas bombs, that's why the terrorists and us started fighting without planning. Because they are afraid that gas bombs will be used in Area 11."

Suzaku shook his hand, he didn't expect that what he was transporting would be a murder weapon. No wonder their transporters have to wear such anti-virus military uniforms.


At the specified time and at the specified place, a truck appeared in front of Lelouchi. Appears to have crashed into a wall as it lost control.

"Private Suzaku, you guard the truck, I'll go down and stop the terrorists!" Duran went out with a small pistol.

Suzaku is very confused now, and has no mood to stop Duran at all.

Seeing that the battle was about to affect him, Lu Luxiu had no choice but to hide in the truck.

Kallen's weapon was broken, and even though her driving skills were good, she still couldn't fight an enemy that was several times her own. So now she and Shan were marching toward the truck with their rifles, just struggling.

"Karen, retreat." Shan shouted, he knew that if they continued, they would only be surrounded by the enemy.

"But that's a gas bomb." Karen stubbornly wanted to destroy the gas bomb.

"Come on, if we all die here, who else can inherit Naoto's will?" Shan said.

Hearing her brother's name, Karen also realized that she had really failed this time, "Let's go!"

Lu Luxiu saw the red-haired woman from his hiding place, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He himself is a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, so let's go to the truck first.

The door of the carriage was unlocked, Lu Luxiu climbed up, and saw a round iron ball.

"Don't move, you terrorists don't want to snatch the gas bomb, I can't let you use this to kill people!" Suzaku pushed Lu Luxiu.

"What are you talking about, I'm not." Lu Luxiu kicked Suzaku, but was dodged deftly, "Let's not kill people, this gas bomb is also made by you Britannia. Want to stop If there is a sacrifice, go and destroy Britannia."

"You are?" Suzaku saw Lu Luxiu, the scene was beautiful, the two handsome men looked at each other, "Are you Lu Luxiu?"

Suzaku was very excited to see her childhood friend, "I am Suzaku."

"Shumu... Suzaku?"

Click, the gas bomb opened.

"Dangerous!" Suzaku hastily pushed his mask onto Lu Luxiu's face, showing the character of his virgin.

There was no poisonous gas, only a green-haired girl was knocked into the transparent body fluid.

"Aren't you angry?" The two young men were taken aback, but soon they started to take action to rescue the girl inside.

"Didn't you say it was poisonous gas?" Lu Luxiu asked.

"It was my superior who told me there was poisonous gas inside." Suzaku said that he was really wronged.

At this moment, the pro-guards of the Governor of District 11 finally surrounded the place, "Hey, I didn't expect to see such a scene, you have been arrested!"

"That's not the case, this Lu Luxiu is not a terrorist!" Suzaku wanted to go forward to explain, but was directly shot dead by the chief of the personal guard.

"Whether it's a terrorist or not, I'll decide."



Lu Luxiu seemed to be able to see his own death, and the trajectory of the bullet seemed to be traceable.

The blood splashed far away, but it was not Lu Luxiu who fell to the ground but C.C.

"Ah?!" Lu Luxiu couldn't believe his eyes, this girl actually blocked the way for him, squatted down, and touched the girl's cold fingers.

"Do you want power?" A voice came from Lelouchi's mind.

A series of fragments of memory, like pieces of a mosaic puzzle, are too broken to form a complete picture, "Then sign the contract!"

Lu Luxiu made his decision almost without hesitation.

"Give you the power of a king!"

At this moment Lu Luxiu was reborn.

Lu Luxiu stood up, "In my name, you all go to die!"

"Yse, obey the order!" The pro-guards turned into puppets, and all committed suicide with their guns.

"Is this power?" Lu Luxiu looked at the corpses on the ground and smiled, "Hahaha, yes, yes, I can destroy everything."

Little did they know that C.C. lay on the ground and rolled his eyes, "There is no normal person in the royal family of Britannia."

At this time, people from the Pure Blood faction also rushed in. Lu Luxiu tricked the other party down by checking his noble status, and then used geass to seize a humanoid weapon.

Then they contacted the resistance organization by radio, and used the information in the pure blood body to guide them to the train where the army transported weapons.

The following series of actions were simply dazzling, and instantly gave the rebels an advantage in this battle.

cool, zzz~~

The truck turns into Optimus Prime, "C.C. Are you okay?"

C.C. got up, "It's okay, bullets can't hurt me!"

"That's good!" Optimus Prime couldn't help but sigh with emotion as he watched the fiery battle, "Why didn't the war end?"

"Maybe it's just an extension of the inner conflict!" C.C. has lived for so long, and it's not easy to say a few words that he doesn't understand.

The battle was still going on. At this time, Suzaku, who had recovered his life, rushed into the battlefield driving the seventh-generation humanoid weapon Lancelot, and instantly defeated the resistance organization.

Lu Luxiu and Suzaku met for the first time.

ps: The new book "I Am the Empress" is for collection.

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