Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 443 Behind the scenes

The second princess Cornelia led her personal guards and surrounded Duran aggressively.

"Arrest him!"

Duran was handcuffed, and then brought to the interrogation room, where the second princess interrogated herself. Du Lan was confused, why did the second princess arrest herself.

"Hehe, Mr. D, do you have anything to say?" Cornelia sat opposite Duran and sneered.

"What do you want me to say? How do you know what you want to know if you don't ask me? I don't know what I should say. Of course you can't hear anything from my mouth." Duran said something like a tongue twister, which confused Cornelia.

"Shut up and tell me the truth. Did you send information to Zero?" Cornelia said.

Needless to say, Cornelia was defeated by Zero again, so she suspected that someone inside was delivering information to the enemy, that is, there was an insider. The most suspicious person is of course Duran from the Chinese Federation.

Although he was a great detective, he didn't make any more moves except for the first inference about Zero's identity. And it has remained in the task force. Very suspicious indeed.

It was really guessed by Cornelia that Duran had a connection with Zero and gave him a lot of help.

"Hahahahaha——" Duran laughed, "You are slandering the character of an excellent detective." Duran seemed not to admit it. Because he knew that the second princess could not have any evidence, and she arrested herself only out of the most basic suspicion. As a detective who has captured countless criminals, will Duran make the mistakes those criminals made? Of course, it is to be beaten to death and not to admit it.

"Don't quibble, tell the truth!"

"Tell me what? Tell me if I lied to you?" Duran laughed again.

"You bastard, you're still laughing!" Cornelia was almost pissed off by Duran, "If you don't tell me the contact information between Zero and you, we won't be polite to you!"

But no matter how fierce Cornelia is, it still has no effect on Duran, "There is nothing that can be hidden from me. Cornelia, you came to me immediately after returning from the battlefield? Did you suffer a heavy loss, so you couldn't explain it to the emperor of Britannia, so you came to me as a scapegoat?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Although most of what Duran said was correct, the second princess didn't come to him to make Duran take the blame, but really suspected Duran's motives.

Cornelia would not understand that Duran stayed here to watch the show, not to help Lelouch collect information. Staying in the special task force technology department not only eats and drinks well, but also sees good shows at the first time.

"It seems that you really don't know anything!" Duran stood up, and was about to start his tricks.

The interrogation room was not big, but Duran seemed to be pacing on the wide grassland.

Although Cornelia was angry, she was still curious about what Duran had to say. She wanted to see what else Duran could say.

"Without darkness, there is no light. Without you Britannia there is no zero."

"Bastard, you mean we Britannia is dark?? And that terrorist turned into light?"

"Otherwise what do you think?"

"Bastard! Don't think that you are from the Chinese Federation, so we dare not touch you!"

"Don't lose your composure just because I told the truth. Don't forget that I am the only one who holds the status of Zero!"

"What did you say? Do you know Zero's identity?" Cornelia was excited.

"Of course, I have said that no one can escape my eyes. But compared to Zero, you are more like criminals. If possible, what I want to do most is not to capture Zero, but to throw all of you Britannia family members into prison, and let you undergo reform there." Duran stood still, looked at Cornelia's angry expression, and continued, "Don't think that war criminals are not criminals. Don't think that you are not a murderer if you don't kill yourself. Your Excellency, the Second Princess of Britannia."

"You!" I was really going to be pissed off by Dulan, "If you don't tell me the identity of Zero, I will imprison you for the rest of your life, so that you will never return to the Chinese Federation, and I will never give you a chance to show off."

"Cornelia, don't be so angry. In fact, the decline of your Britannia is an inevitable fact. Because zero is absolutely impossible for you to defeat." Duran said.

"Nonsense, as long as I know his identity, I can arrest him immediately, and it will be my business to kill or cut him."

"Hmph, how stupid! Cornelia! How stupid!" With a click, the handcuffs on Duran's hands were released and fell to the ground.

This gesture startled Cornelia.

But Duran didn't mean to harm her, but to talk about her well, saying that it would be best if she couldn't refute, "Zero will one day become a signal, a symbol, to fight back against Britannia. There will be countless people vying to become zero, and then your end will come."

"That day will never come!" Cornelia said.

"Deceive yourself!"

For Duran's attitude, Cornelia wanted to do it. She is the princess of Britannia, and everything she does is for the country. Even if she has done a lot of killing, it is for the country and the people. This detective is the one who doesn't understand anything. As the princess of the country, it is worthwhile to do anything for the country. Even if his hands are covered with blood, he is still the hero of the people.

A single detective like D would not understand the value of the country and the meaning of a national hero.

A hero in one country may be a villain in another, and this is the real world. Cornelia would not regret the many wars she had waged.

Duran seemed to know what Cornelia was thinking, chuckled lightly, and shrugged his shoulders, "A new era is coming, and you people of the old era will be eliminated, because in the new era, you Britannia will not exist, and there will be no District 11. One thing you think is right. It is unfortunate that a hero of the country can do everything for the people. In fact, I am the same." Duran's eyes instantly sharpened.

Nani? ? ! ! Cornelia looked at Duran and felt a chill behind her. What do you mean by that? Does this detective have any special identity, just like himself? At all costs for the country? Cornelia only felt that the power of this sentence was comparable to a bomb, so she didn't know how to deal with it at all.

Duran finally has the appearance of the mastermind behind the scenes.

"All of you countries will be swept into the dustbin of history, and the future of the earth will be led by the Chinese Federation." Dulan smiled sullenly, until Cornelia's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, speechless.

Duran gave the second princess a terrible feeling, and the mysterious man finally showed his fangs. She didn't know what to do with herself.

ps: The new book "I Am the Empress" is for collection.

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