Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 456 Save the Beauty

Staying in the room, Du Lan was able to hear clearly about Shuanglong's confession of his mother and Fu Junmao's teaching of Jiuxuan Dafa. However, Ssangyong's brain hole is not ordinary, and Fu Junmao just said it, and they are already more able to draw inferences from one instance.

Soon the dinner was ready, Duran felt that the time was too fast, so he only had one meal, and it was time for dinner again. Life, sure enough, eating is the theme.

However, as a hero among heroes, he cannot be without airs.

Shuanglong sat at the dining table, watching Song Shidao courting his godmother frequently, which made them unhappy, so they always interrupted. But why isn't there a banquet yet? Is there anyone else?

After a long time without a banquet, Fu Junmao simply closed her eyes and rested her mind, but her two godsons couldn't do it. When I was hungry, I couldn't sit still, but I felt that urging my master, Song Shidao, would embarrass my mother, so I couldn't help it.

Even Song Shidao looked towards the corridor, why Brother Du hasn't come out yet. He called the waiter, but waved back again. He still didn't urge Duran in the end.

Until everyone became impatient, Song Shidao's uncle, Song Lu, looked at his nephew with dissatisfaction, "Look at the people you brought back, why are they so impolite?" '

Song Shidao could only smile wryly, he really didn't know what Brother Du was doing, "Then let's start the banquet!"

As soon as the words fell, Duran came slowly from the corridor, "Everything is under my control, I knew the opening time would be delayed! That's why I came out at this time."


Can it still be like this? ? ? Everyone was dumbfounded. Who was the reason for the postponement of the opening time? ? ? It’s not because of waiting for you!!! There are still such bastards in the world.

"What do you see me doing? Am I so pretty?" Duran joked.

I really want to throw the plate on the table in Duran's face, I have never seen such a shameless person.

When Ssangyong saw Dulan, he wanted to bow down loudly and begged Dulan to be his apprentice. But first of all, they already knew a godmother who taught the exercises, so it was unreasonable to do so. Secondly, this person is eccentric, which really broke the image of Durango.

"Brother Du, come and sit down!" Song Shidao relied entirely on this elder brother.

As soon as Dulan came, the original atmosphere suddenly became deserted.

At this time, Du Lan, a thick-skinned person, was about to speak, "Miss Fu Junmei, have you ever been married?"

Pfft - Kou Zhong sprayed out the tea after taking a sip, and it hit Du Lan's face. With the backing of Fu Junmao, he became more courageous.

Duran just smiled slightly, and then stretched out his hand amidst everyone's surprised eyes. The right wrist shakes, and a circle is drawn on the palm of the hand. All the tea water droplets that Kou Zhong sprayed out were frozen, and then they wanted to be attracted by the black hole, and all the water droplets concentrated in Duran's palm. Finally, with a light push, the gathered water polo flew back to Kou Zhong's teacup.

Amazing! Fu Junmao's eyes are wide open, this man is unfathomable. What he said at the beginning to defeat Yu Wenhuaji with one move was definitely not a lie. Maybe he wouldn't be his one-shot enemy either. But what is this man going to do?

Xiao Lu surprised everyone with one hand.

Song Lu thought for a while, what was the plan for such a master to befriend his upright nephew, "Brother Dulan is indeed very skilled, who did he learn from?"

"I can't tell you this, but I can tell you what kind of martial arts I learned." Dulan said, "What I learned is really one of the four great books "The Secret of Longevity", and my boxing method is Tai Chi. If you You can also call me Tai Chi Master if you want."

This person actually said that he is a master?

The three great masters are recognized by Wulin, not conferred by themselves.

No matter what everyone thinks in their hearts, Du Lan still wants to find a wife for his elder brother, "Miss Fu, you and this Song Shidao are in the same family, it can be said that you are a golden couple. Brother Song is affectionate and righteous, and he is a dedicated person. He is definitely a good man, do you want to think about it?"

"Brother Dulan, stop talking nonsense!" Song Lu knew Fu Junmai's identity, and his eldest brother Song Que would definitely not agree to this matter.

"Why am I talking nonsense? You are talented and beautiful, don't you believe in your own nephew's character? Are you afraid that Song Shidao will bully other girls?"

Du Lan's question made Song Lu smile wryly, not because of this, but because his brother doesn't like barbarians. But how can this kind of thing be said in front of others.

Speechless, this Duran really knows how to speak.

And Fu Junmai frowned slightly when he saw the handsome Song Shidao staring at him in a daze. She has no interest in Song Shidao.

But as long as the image is left behind, it will be easy to say when we meet again in the future.

Fu Junmao left, but Ssangyong was stopped by Dulan, "I said before that I will teach you a few tricks when we meet again. Looking at you now, I want to make a promise." Dulan said loudly, and Fu Junmao heard it too. .

"Really? Are you going to teach us Taijiquan?" As for the "Secret of Longevity" in his body, Kou Zhong felt that they would learn it sooner or later, so it's better to learn Taijiquan.

Dulan smiled, "When did I say I want to teach you martial arts, come here and go to the kitchen with me! I want to teach you the skills to live in this troubled world, cooking."

"Ah?" Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were taken aback for a moment, but Xu Ziling understood the truth, learning a craft is good after all.

What happened next was not within their expectations. The kitchen was full of energy, the kitchen knife in Duran's hand turned into a rainbow light, and the ingredients were placed in various containers in an instant.

The kitchen knife in Duran's hand made Song Lu feel like the war knife in his elder brother's hand.

"You juniors, watch carefully! Look at that chopping board!" Song Lu saw that although the kitchen knife was sharp, it did not leave any traces when the blade fell on the chopping board once. This kind of control ability is too strong.

"Can a kitchen knife be so powerful??" Kou Zhong said in surprise.

Dulan couldn't help laughing when he heard that, "Boy, don't you know that a good calligrapher chooses his brushes? A real swordsman can use any knife technique even if he only has a kitchen knife in his hand!"

Internal force urges fire, stir fry. A plate of Kung Pao Chicken is out of the pan.

"Okay, I'll teach you this. I don't think your godmother will stop me from teaching you to cook, because she can't support you all your life, and you will have to find something to do sooner or later. Although the chef is very tired, she can Let you have something to eat!"

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling didn't take it seriously.

At this time, there was a burst of horseshoes from the shore, and a loud shout sounded from the shore, "Go down to Yuwenhuaji, please come out and see the Rakshasa girl, and hand over the "Longevity Secret"."

Ssangyong quickly ran to the deck, and saw that Fu Junmao had already fought with Yu Wenhuaji, and was at a disadvantage.

As soon as her thoughts changed, Fu Junmai felt that it was not safe to stay, so she took Ssangyong away. Song Shidao felt lost when he saw Fu Junmai taking Shuanglong with him.

"Song Shidao, have you decided? Jiangshan is still a beauty? Father or lover?" Du Lan said, "She may die."

Song Shidao looked at the night sky, then bowed to Du Lan, "Brother Du, please help!"

Du Lan nodded, and said to Song Lu, "Lend your nephew for use, and when I send it back, I will definitely send you two or even three of them!"

Speaking of which, Du Lan took Song Shidao away!

Fu Junmao was seriously injured, even the sword was snatched away by Yu Wenhuaji, but Dulan still had no intention of making a move. It wasn't until Fu Junmai led Ssangyong into a small valley that Du Lan came up with Song Shidao.

"Master Yijian's disciple was injured in such a state by my defeated general. It can be seen that Goryeo is a small place after all, and there can't be real masters." Dulan continued to speak harshly.

Fu Junmao's mentor was insulted, and he was so angry that he was hurt even more. He was about to die, and he didn't even have time to tell Shuanglong about Duke Yang's treasure house.

Fortunately, Du Lan was here, and he took out the fairy bean and stuffed it into Fu Junmao's mouth, "Brother Song, I took out this fairy bean for your sweetheart."

After entering the fairy bean and swallowing it down the throat, Fu Junmao's eyes suddenly opened.

Ssangyong saw his godmother opened her eyes, with a happy expression on her face, "Thank you."

Song Shidao was also dumbfounded. What kind of medicine was given to her by Du Lan, which actually revived a dying person. Not only that, Miss Fu Junmei didn't look injured no matter what, but the blood at the corner of her mouth was fake.

Fairy beans? Is this Duran a god?

Duran's various methods are not only magical calculations, but also high-strength force, superb sword skills, and now there are magical fairy beans, which should not be human beings at all.

"Are you curious about my identity?" Duran saw their eyes and said confidently, "I am the one who changes your destiny."

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