Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 470 King Killing

When an imperial decree arrived in Yangzhou, I don't know who was heartless and recommended Xingfu Baozi to Emperor Sui Yang, which moved him, so he asked the owner of Xingfu Baozi to enter the palace.

"It's still quite interesting." Denisa looked at the imperial decree in her hand, "This is the highest order in this world."

"Mom, do you want to go?" Saori asked strangely.

"Your father will definitely want to go." Denisa said, and she put the imperial decree away for somersault cloud to deliver.

Of course Duran would go, so he smiled as soon as he got the edict.

On this day, Emperor Sui Yang got up from a pile of white meat and stood there sleepily, letting the eunuchs and maids put on the dragon robe.

Last night was raped again, too much energy wasted.

"Report if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do!" The eunuch's sharp voice spread throughout the hall.

In the palace, there are dragons and tigers, and the nobility is overwhelming.

"The minister has something to say." A minister stood up.

"Aiqing, tell me!" Emperor Sui Yang sat high on the dragon chair, but his body was full of laziness, and he didn't look like he was doing anything at all.

"Your Majesty, someone wants to rebel!"

After hearing this, Emperor Sui Yang finally became serious. What the emperor fears most is that someone will rebel against him. He slapped the dragon chair with a 'crack', and he didn't doubt the minister's words at all, "Who, tell me, who is so bold, I want to kill him from the nine clans, no, the ten clans!" Pass.

"Your Majesty, there are two ministers, and they have an account book in their hands, which records a detailed catalog of weapons sales. Your Majesty will know it at a glance!"

Emperor Sui Yang squinted his eyes, looking back and forth among the officials.

The ministers all lowered their heads, not daring to make eye contact with this man. Emperor Sui Yang was also an emperor after all, and he already knew it in his heart, "Ask those two to present the account books."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Just as he was sending someone to call Ssangyong, a high-pitched but clear singing sound suddenly came from the sky.

"Neither god nor holy nor immortal,

Half Confucianism, half Taoism is half virtuous;

Longevity breaks the void for half a day,

There is no true Buddha in the Four Books. "

Everyone only felt the sound of the hall coming from the entrance of the hall, but did not see any figure.

When the sound settled down, a figure suddenly appeared at the gate of the main hall, which was originally empty. A person's silhouette, wind and light are the best special effects.

The corners of the clothes fluttered, and the light and shadow danced.

The man was tall and handsome, and he looked like he was not a man in the world of mortals.

It's really strange that Su Zhenzhen was crying in the toilet.

It was strange that there was not a single guard. Because all the guards in the palace have been replaced by members of Yuwen's family today, they will not surround Duran in order to protect the emperor.

So Duran stood there alone, expressing his loneliness.

Fortunately, Emperor Sui Yang would not let Du Lan remain lonely, "Who dares to play tricks in front of me, isn't he afraid that I will punish your nine clans?"

Dulan didn't speak, and took out the imperial decree, "I'm so sorry, I only have one family." As he said that, Duran threw out the imperial decree, and the imperial decree unfolded in mid-air, and finally fell into the hands of the eunuch beside the emperor.

"Your Majesty, this is an imperial edict." The eunuch said after reading it.

"What imperial decree?" Emperor Sui Yang himself forgot.

"Your Majesty, it is an imperial decree to summon the owner of Yangzhou Xingfu Baozi Shop." The eunuch returned.

Emperor Sui Yang remembered, but looking at the entrance of the main hall, could that handsome man be the owner of Happy Bun Shop? "Are you the owner of Yangzhou Xingfu Baozi Shop?"

"Exactly!" Although Denisa was in charge.

"I don't think you look like you, but you look like a martial arts person. You have unique skills." Emperor Sui Yang was not an idiot either, he would believe what Du Lan said.

"It's not a god, it's not a saint, it's not an immortal, it's half Confucianism, half Taoism, and half sage; Longevity breaks the void for half a day, and there is no real Buddha in the Four Books. You can taste it for yourself, Your Majesty."

"What a bold tone!" Emperor Sui Yang's eyes shot sharply.

"The tone is not loud, not loud at all!" Dulan stood at the door for a long time and finally moved, "I, Dulan, never speak big words."

Yu Wenhuaji was already bursting into flames, he finally remembered that the man who seriously injured himself with one move in Yangzhou that day was the man who suddenly appeared now?

Dulan stepped over the high threshold and entered the hall, "Compared with your father, it seems that your living standard is much higher. I heard that your father was a thin man. Let's see how fat you are." .”

Emperor Sui Yang's brows trembled, "No one dares to talk to the widow like this, it's fine, you're fine."

"Hehe!" Du Lan laughed unnecessarily, "Emperor Sui Yang, your death is approaching, and you still don't know it??!"


Emperor Sui Yang stood up abruptly and sat back down.

Du Lan was full of mystery, maybe he was an expert, Emperor Sui Yang held back his anger, "How do you know?"

Today, in order to become famous, Duran put it on once.

"Of course it's because you've already caused the country's anger and grievances."

"You mean that the widow is angry with others?" Emperor Sui Yang stood up again, "Since the widow took the throne, it has been 14 years since the widow built a canal, opened the imperial examination, and conquered Korea. What's wrong?!"

"Eating two buns is delicious, eating three is disgusting, and eating ten will make you hungry." Dulan said, "You can't eat too many buns. What people need is to recuperate, not to fight. The canal can be opened, but even if Koryo is defeated What benefits can it bring to the people?"

The officials thought to themselves that this man was really the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop, and they all used steamed stuffed buns as metaphors.

"This..." Emperor Sui Yang thought that he could be famous through the ages, but he didn't think about the common people. Now when Dulan asked him, he couldn't answer.

"That's why you died. You only know yourself, but you don't know the people." Du Lan said, turning to look at Yu Wenhuaji, "Do you think that Mr. Yu Wenhuaji was defeated by me in Yangzhou with one move? "

"Damn it!" Yu Wenhuaji gritted his teeth. Anyway, rebellion is a familiar thing, and there is no turning back. Even if you plead guilty now, you will die. Besides, Dulan has already pointed him out, so it's better to fight, "Emperor Sui Yang, you have done a lot of evil, today my Yuwen family will do justice for the heavens, come and take down this tyrant!"

The guards rushed in.

"Bold, Yu Wenhuaji, you dare to commit a rebellion??!" Emperor Sui Yang did not expect that the rebels would be his most trusted Yuwen family.

"Tyrant, it's useless to talk too much, your time of death has arrived!"

As soon as the soldiers entered the door, the ministers shrank to the corner, leaving Dulan standing alone in the center of the hall.

This drama really started as soon as it started, and there was no time for people to prepare.

"Save me quickly, aren't you very powerful? Kill all these people quickly, and after this is done, the widow will make you a national teacher." Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty looked at Du Lan, hoping that he could help him.

"When is the spring, flowers and autumn moon? How much do you know about the past. The small building was easterly last night, and the old country can't bear to look back in the bright moon. The carved railings and jade bricks should still be there, but the red face has changed. Ask you how much you can worry, just like a river of spring water flowing eastward. This is for you, Yang Guang." At this time, Du Lan even drifted away for a while, "Emperor Sui Yang, today you let go of this thought, even if I want to save you, the people who have been harmed by you will not Yes, rest in peace!"

Emperor Sui Yang's complexion changed again and again, and finally turned extremely ferocious, "Okay, both of you want the widow to die, but I just don't follow your wishes. The widow is the real dragon emperor, and the widow will not fail!"

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty seemed to have practiced it too. True Dragon Qi gushed out from his body, and attacked... even Du Lan.

However, Du Lan would not fight against Sui Yang Emperor, Sui Yang Emperor intuited that Du Lan turned into Yu Wenhuaji.

But no matter who it is, Dulan and Yu Wenhuaji will all die.

Yu Wenhuaji expressed that he was wronged. It was good to hide behind the soldiers, but suddenly he stood in front of Emperor Sui Yang and had to face the violent attack of Emperor Sui Yang. It was really wronged.

When he won't sit still and wait for death, he uses Bingxuan Jin to forcefully fight for the real dragon's true energy.

Popcorn juice is sold in the front row, and the ruler and ministers fight each other.

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