Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 480 Gossiping

After Dulan and Ning Daoqi bid farewell, they rented a room by the Tianjin Bridge, waiting for the big show on the bridge at any time. Originally, I planned to wait a few more days, but I didn't expect the Shuanglong to arrive, and the good show was staged.

The performance of Li Shimin and Shi Feixuan was even more surprising, and they spoke freely, as if the world had already been obtained.

But to be an emperor, especially a generation of Mingjun, it is also necessary to have a thick skin. Li Shimin is very suitable for this.

Li Shimin can become a good emperor, which has been proved by history. But Dulan felt that there might be a better choice than Li Shimin.

"So the three of you are still too young and naive." As he spoke, Duran had already descended from the sky to the head of the Tianjin Bridge.

"Mr. Du?" Xu Ziling asked in surprise, he could be met everywhere.

"Sir, what a coincidence!" Li Shimin was very excited to see Du Lan. Du Lan's touch turned into gold, but he couldn't forget it even if he wanted to. "Farewell to Yuhang, I didn't expect to meet in Luoyang."

"I really want to talk about surprises, but it's a pity that I'm here to wait for you!" Dulan said, "I didn't expect to hear such a long speech. It's not bad. When Cihang Jingzhai hands over He's Bi to you tomorrow, you only need to Take off your clothes and walk around the Yangtze River and the Yellow River with Heshibi in your arms, and everyone will know that you are the master of the world. There is no need for everyone to fight, so congratulations."

Li Shimin and Shi Feixuan were displeased by the rhetoric. Xu Ziling applauded secretly.

"I don't know what you said earlier was aimed at King Qin?" Shi Feixuan said, this was the first official contact between her and Du Lan.

"That's right." Dulan didn't like standing and talking, so he stepped on the floor, and the bridge deck of Tianjin Bridge was twisted to prop up tables and chairs, an Eight Immortals table, and four chairs in a circle. There is only one set of mahjong tiles left, "Everyone sit down!"

Unbelievably, tables and chairs appeared out of thin air.

Immortal, this Mr. Du must be an immortal. I can hear the Church of Immortals today, I, Li Shimin, am indeed a man of destiny.

But Shi Feixuan is very complicated. Although she doesn't believe that Du Lan is a god, if he is not a god, those miraculous methods are too difficult to explain.

Xu Ziling and Li Shimin sat down almost at the same time, and then Shi Feixuan took their seats gracefully.

"The throne is not something sacred. Everyone can sit on it. It's just different from some people who become foolish kings and leave their names in the history books. Only a few people can go down in history." Duran said.

"How can this be so??!" Shi Feixuan almost stood up and pointed at Du Lan, speaking in a very excited tone, "Of course the throne should be occupied by virtuous people, so that the people can be happy and happy."

"I also agree with Miss Shi's words. Those who are virtuous live. I think Li Shimin and Xu Ziling here are both virtuous people. If Miss Shi Concubine Xuan chooses, which emperor would you choose to bow down to?"

Du Lan's words were really straightforward, but Shi Feixuan was thinking in her heart that if Li Shimin became the emperor, we people in Cihang Jingzhai would not need to kneel down, "Elected King Qin! King Qin is not only virtuous, but also has the people of the world in his heart."

As expected of a professional publicist, it's amazing when he speaks.

"Miss Shi said that you don't have the common people in your heart. Brother Ziling, don't you want to express your opinion?"

Seeing that Du Lan drew hatred on himself, Xu Ziling smiled wryly, "My heart is not as broad as Brother Shimin." He didn't have the idea of ​​being an emperor.

"You can't underestimate yourself like this. If brother Ziling can hold the throne firmly, you will definitely do your best for the sake of the people. In fact, brother Ziling is not in his position and does not seek his own affairs. He is a very good character." Duran praised Xu Ziling turned his cannon to Li Shimin, "Brother Shimin has lofty aspirations, and it is difficult for the world to reach."

"Sir, you are laughing." Li Shimin ignored Dulan's teasing tone, and took this as a compliment, "Can you correct Shimin's policy of governing the country?"

Really cheeky.

"If the foundation is crooked, even if a high-rise building is built, no matter how magnificent it is, it will collapse in an instant."

It seems to be alarmist, "I don't know which one I mentioned is the crooked foundation?"

"The hereditary throne is the biggest mistake."

"..." These words were definitely rebellious in ancient times, but Shi Feixuan and Li Shimin combined could not defeat Du Lan, so they could only turn pale with shock, but could do nothing.

"Mister, do you know that what you said is treason?" Shi Feixuan said in surprise.

"It seems that you still don't realize how terrible it is to entrust the fate of the country to a family with a surname." Dulan said leisurely, "Brother Li has two brothers, adding up to three people, but Cihang Jingzhai Only one was chosen. Why? That’s because Brother Li is indeed a talent, while his two brothers are mediocre. So how many generations did it take for your Li family to produce a Li Shimin? How confident is Brother Li in his descendants? Will there be a filial son and virtuous grandson who are as talented as you? Brother Shimin, Miss Shi, do you want to give the people a temporary or a lifetime of happiness?"

"I can only try my best to do my best!" Li Shimin said dully. Duran's problem has not been resolved since Xia.

"Yes, having a few more sons will be promising after all, isn't it?" Dulan laughed, "Even if there is a task as powerful as Brother Li, they will watch it like you are now. Their half-brothers or half-brothers. I kind of look forward to seeing your kids fight each other, and I'll laugh."

The cool night wind blew across the Tianjin Bridge, the river was rippling, and the willows on both sides twisted their waists. The wind blew away the mist on the water surface, but it couldn't blow away the worries in the hearts of the three of them.

Duran's words are like a prophecy that will happen in the near future, which makes people shudder.

Xu Ziling had already listened to Li Shimin's heartfelt words before, and Li Shimin would definitely be the emperor if he was unwilling to be resigned. But now Li Jiancheng is the heir of the Li family. In order to inherit the throne, Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng must have a battle without accident. Isn't that just brotherhood?

It's terrible, Xu Ziling is a little worried about his good brother Kou Zhong who is dedicated to fighting for hegemony, the position of emperor is not easy to do.

"When a wise ruler emerges, there will be great rule, and if a foolish ruler emerges, the people will suffer. Brother Ziling, are you willing to entrust your own destiny and the destiny of your descendants to the emperor so that he can produce a good son?"

Of course not, but Xu Ziling didn't say anything, but his eyes had already betrayed him. He obviously did not want to accept such a fate.

"Look, the result is obvious!"

"Brother Ziling cannot represent the common people. The common people work diligently. They need someone to teach them. From the Three Emperors and Five Emperors to the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, the common people are looking forward to the Mingjun. As long as the Mingjun is born, the world will be less wary and everyone can Live and work in peace and contentment!" Shi Feixuan said struggling, and her face became even paler.

"Miss Shi, you are right, but you also said that what they need is a wise master. A person who sleeps less than them, does more than them, and lives longer than them, is enough to bring them a sense of honor in a great country." Those who are good can be emperors. Not just one person can satisfy them. If this requirement is followed, probably only the resurrection of the three emperors and five emperors can meet the requirements of Mingjun. Obviously, little brother Li Shimin is still far behind." Du Lan said, "The people's The requirements are very high, so Cihang Jingzhai will not work if he just finds someone to fool them."

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