Crown of Chaos

Chapter 194, Comedy and Tragedy

Alice Ser is worthy of being the princess of steel. She does things vigorously and resolutely. Aaron and others are still on their way back to Susar, and the reward from the palace has been issued.

Confessed Viscount Aaron-Salian as Minister of the Guard, title of Champion of Gaobeschier, title of Black Rod Ceremony Officer, title of meritorious official in the palace, bounty of 5,000 dragon coins, two boxes of jewelry, and awarded the first-class Order of the Purple Dragon for encouragement. .

Samir-Morning Star Susar was awarded the title of Knight Junior, the Order of the Purple Dragon, First Class, and a triple crown block mansion.

Grant "Daughter of Miraculous Suellen" Eleanor Sousal the title of knighthood, the Order of the Purple Dragon, First Class, and transfer her residence from Shenhai Town to the Three Crowns neighborhood of Sousal, with a bounty of 2,000 dragon coins.

Leonard Grosskreutz was awarded the title of "Champion Knight of Oberschier", a meritorious official in the palace, and was awarded the Order of the Thistle, second class, with a bounty of 2,000 dragon coins.

He was awarded the title of "Champion Knight of Obeschier" by Disma, a meritorious official in the palace, a second-class Thistle Order, and a bounty of 2,000 dragon coins.

This is the reward of the "Arabelle Five".

Everyone in Susar was talking about this, and the most hotly discussed one was that Aaron Salian, a guy who didn't look like a mortal but looked like a celestial creature, had single-handedly restored Salian, a surname that was destined to be lonely. Rise up!

On the streets, in bars and hotels, in markets and shops, and even in the large bathhouses and toilets in the slums, everyone is talking about the name of the "Arabelle Five", and the one who is mentioned the most is Aaron Salian!

He is a native of Susal!

When his name is mentioned and his deeds are mentioned, everyone in Susar feels proud.

Aaron also benefited the most from this reward. He was the only one among the five who received an additional palace position. Therefore, many people are discussing whether Aaron will soon be reused by Her Highness Alice Serre. ?

"It is said that our Regent has also appointed Salian as the Black Staff Ceremony Officer!"

"Black Staff Ceremony?? What is that?"

"What is that? That's a big deal! Those who become the Black Stick Ceremony Officer can follow His Highness day and night, day and night."

"Follow, follow His Highness? Is there such a good thing? Oh my god, I live near the palace, and I have never seen His Highness a few times! Lord Salian can meet His Highness every day? I'm so envious!"

"Hey, that's not all. Think about it. Her Highness the Regent is already in her late twenties this year, right? Do you think she wants to choose the handsome and talented Lord Salian to be by her side? Could it be that she is greedy for him..."

"I wipe it, I can't say it!"

"Shh, Bud, be careful. Is this an acceptable topic?"

"The Queen's Blade will be at your door soon!"

"What are you afraid of? You can talk about anything. There's nothing you can't talk about."

The appointment of the Black Staff Ceremonial Officer is indeed relatively difficult to explain. Various rumors immediately spread in Susal, which soon evolved into the idea that our regent has taken a liking to His Excellency Salian's appearance and talents. Wanting to recruit him as his wife, some even made up a story about Aaron and Alice Searle having a private fight with no outcome for 300 rounds, and spread it wildly.

It can be seen from this that the common people are not interested in many major events, but they only like the somewhat naughty rumors among the upper-class nobles. They frantically chase similar jokes and make them laugh.

In addition to the reward for Aaron, rewards for other people are also under discussion.

Aaron received the most rewards, but Samir received the least.

The magician should have been second only to Aaron in merit, but he himself was not a member of the kingdom's system. The regent was not very good at rewarding him, so she could only focus on practical interests and give him an honorary title.

The same goes for Eleanor. As Pastor Su Lun of the open-air altar in Shenhai Town, Miss Pastor can only be regarded as a marginalized person in the system, and it is not easy to reward her.

Then the only ones left are the two champion knights, Leonard and Disma.

Naturally, both the private sector and the government favor Leonard over Disma. After all, Leonard is a paladin of the Three Gods of Justice. He has a cheerful temperament and good looks. He is the dream boy of many girls. , and he was of better origin, a descendant of the local knights of Cormyr.

So even though Leonard did not participate in the activation of the divine power or the destruction of the totem pole, he was still included as one of the Five Heroes and received the same reward as Disma.

There are rumors among them that the noble faction headed by Caspar also proposed the same. They all think that Leonard is better and more worthy of cultivation.

There is also news that after the war, the head of the Anaheim family, Mannar Cohen, announced Leonard's life-saving grace and came to thank him personally with many gifts, which made Leonard's reputation even greater.

In addition to the "Arable Five", other people who participated in the war also received some scattered awards. It is worth mentioning that Aaron's cousin Maximian and his cousin Robert were both awarded by Alice. Serge made him an honorary knight.

When the Queen's Blade came to Salian's house and read out the edict, the aunt and uncle were all excited. The couple who had originally agreed to wait for Robert to come back to torture their son with a broom and a riding crop immediately turned into a family celebration. In such a state, I wanted to hold a sign and march on the streets announcing that my son had been made an honorary knight!

Only Robert himself knew in his heart that he actually had no contribution. It was Ms. Misty who did.

But when faced with the honorary knight title and 500 gold coins, his cousin accepted it calmly. In his opinion, he had worked hard, so he had no regrets. Be honest and help Aaron.

He was satisfied and had no regrets after being able to help Aaron once.

Robert's veins flowed with the same blood as his uncle and aunt, and this time his blood had exhausted all his courage.



When Aaron and others returned to Susar, it was already the afternoon of the third day after the edict was issued. He and Disma knelt at the city gate to receive the edict from Alice Ser. Disma directly received the reward from the regent princess. Aaron, on the other hand, only received a gilt sheepskin scroll order - Alice Searle asked him to enter the palace in person the next day to receive his "reward".

The people around were shocked. In addition to admiration, admiration, and looking up, many people also began to have a little fear. Aaron's rise was a bit too fast. He was able to sneak into the orc camp with a few people and destroy the totem pole. And it is really shocking to be ranked first among the heroes without any doubt.

Yuri Barkov, the commander of the Queen's Blade, personally helped Aaron up and gave him a few words of encouragement as usual. He was a pleasant-looking person with a friendly and enthusiastic attitude. He was completely different from the cold-blooded animal that had so gripped the hearts of civilians in the past. look.

When he got up from the ground, Aaron noticed Disma looking around. The second senior was holding the reward in his hand, pretending not to care, but his eyes were scanning the crowd, obviously looking for something.

"Senior? What's wrong?" Aaron stood up and asked what Disma was looking at.

"What?" Disma finally came to his senses, and he said impatiently: "Nothing, get up quickly, let's go find the smelly old man."

"Senior, why don't you take care of your personal affairs first?" Aaron asked Charlotte to send Eleanor back to Salian's house to let her have a good rest. He planned to go to the Purple Dragon Knights Fortress with Disma to follow Their knight mentor, Lucian Flag Officer, made a report: "I'm waiting for you."

"Tsk, personal matters, you are the only one who has so many 'personal matters'." Disma looked at Aaron with disdain, shook his head, and said with disdain: "Where did I get such personal matters? Hurry up, otherwise It’s getting dark!”

"Is it true?" Aaron said meaningfully: "Senior is also a champion knight now, so he has no plans to find a girlfriend?"

"Humph, that's not the case!" Disma said, his eyes still searching the surroundings.

"Hey, um, Rai..." Aaron pretended to be surprised.

"What? Where? Where is she?" Disma immediately changed from a nonchalant expression to one of concentration. He thought to himself, my perception attribute is obviously higher than this kid, why did he see it without me seeing it?

"Mr. Leonardo didn't come today." Aaron blinked.

Disma: "…………"


"!!!" Disma jumped two meters high on the spot.

"Ms. Lysa Tully, the accountant of the Knights, is here. Look, she's right there!" Aaron pointed at a woman in her forties in the crowd and said with a smirk.

"You!!!" Disma was furious. He clenched his fist and hit Aaron on the head: "Not only did she come, Disma's big fist also flew over!"

"Hahaha~" Aaron entered the city while fooling around with Disma.

Purple Dragon Knights Fortress, Flag Officer Lucian's Office.

Everyone gathered around to congratulate Lucian Flag Officer for all three of his knight apprentices becoming champion knights!

What an honor this was. As their knight mentor, Lucian was naturally very proud. He said, "Actually, I didn't teach them much," but the expression on his face clearly said, "Come and praise me."

Only the Inspector General, Ian Hutson, covered his chest with his hands and looked in pain: "Darkness has fallen, Namer, look at this dark world, it's already dark!"

"Isn't it still daylight? Dear Mr. Hutson?" Aaron came, and he said seriously: "You are right, but the "Valley Calendar" was jointly established by the elves of Cormanthor and the humans of the valley. calendar, an obelisk was erected in the country called Faerûn to commemorate the symbol of the union between the elves of Cormanthor and the humans of the valley. From this time on, the Elf Court allowed humans to roam in more open areas in the forest. Settled. This year is recorded as the first year of the valley calendar, that is, 1 DR, the year of sunrise."

"I fucking don't want to hear you reciting history here!" Ian Hutson glanced at Aaron and said with a stiff smile: "Congratulations, Arabelle's great hero!"

The Chief Inspector patted Aaron on the shoulder. The moment he passed by, Ian's eyes showed a hint of recognition, but it soon disappeared. He also wanted to pat Disma, but Disma Avoided his hand.

Everyone congratulated again, and then slowly dispersed. Lucian, the flag-bearer, touched his extremely rich beard, looked at his two knight apprentices, and nodded repeatedly: "Not bad, not bad, Aaron, Disma , you and Leonard are worthy of being my good apprentices, all three of them are crowned champion knights, hahaha~ Even if I don’t accept any new knight apprentices from today on, in the future people will definitely talk about the Purple Dragon Knight and the knight mentor. You can’t get around my name!”

"Hmph~ The smelly old man always likes to put gold on his face." Disma expressed disdain for Lucian's attitude, but the slightly raised corners of his mouth showed that he was still very proud.

"Fortunately." Aaron's attention was focused on the many gift boxes being packed in the office: "Mentor, what is this?"

"Oh, just in time, Aaron, I have something to ask you to help with." Lucian became interested when talking about this. The flag officer stood up and came to the gift box: "You must give me more of the silver lotion from your Silver Chamber of Commerce. A few boxes.”

"Teacher needs lotion?" Aaron was curious, and even Disma couldn't help but look at Lucian, thinking that the smelly old man didn't even have his first spring, and was about to usher in his second spring?

"It's not that I want it, it's that I want to prepare some betrothal gifts for the engagement." Flag Officer Lucian proudly showed off the furs, garlands, jewelry, and several bottles of plant essential oils imported from Comanso in the box.

"Who is the betrothal gift for? Who is getting engaged?" Aaron asked subconsciously, an answer already emerging in his mind.

"Of course it's your college principal Leonard and Miss Maria Lysa~hehehehe~" Lucian Flag Officer said with a smile: "Don't you think they are a good match? I will probably never get married in this life. , so, this matter must be done well!”

"What? Engagement?" Aaron's mouth opened wide, and he subconsciously looked at Disma.

This news was like a bolt from the blue for Disma. Aaron saw Disma standing there blankly, his eyes empty, his face pale, his lips trembled slightly, and the smile on his face quickly disappeared: "I...I... …”

Lucian, who was sorting out the gifts, did not notice Disma's expression. The knight instructor continued: "Yes, we are getting engaged. I am Leonard's guardian, so naturally I have to take care of everything. Disma will do the same in the future. As for Aaron, I don’t care about you, I told you in advance.”

It’s over!

Aaron was thinking badly. He wanted to speak, but he didn't know how to persuade him or what reasons he should give. After a few seconds of sluggishness, he reluctantly nodded: "Okay..."

"Teacher, I'm back. Hey, Aaron, Disma, are you there too?" Leonard also came to the tutor's office.

"Oh, you came back just in time. How was your date with Miss Lysa?" Lucian raised his head.

The thunder hammer of the Dwarf God King Moradin hit Disma's forehead. He felt like stars were shining in his eyes and his eyes turned black.

Did they go on a date?

"Just...just like that." Leonard smiled awkwardly but politely.

"Hey~ have more contact and get to know each other better. After all, you are about to get engaged. How can we not understand each other, tolerate and support each other?" Lucian said with a joking smile: "It's okay, leave these things to me, you just need to be responsible for the date. "

"Yes, is it too fast? Tutor, I'm only 24 this year..." Leonard lowered his head, and the paladin master couldn't explain how he felt about Miss Lysa.

"Quickly? Just be quick! While your current situation is good, settle everything down. You are now the Champion Knight of Obeschier and a meritorious official in the palace who is qualified to attend the royal court. I think Count Lysa's family is more powerful than us. Urgent!" Lucian scolded: "Kevin entrusted you to me, so I naturally have the responsibility to help you get married as soon as possible. Now that you have fame, strength, and honorary status, it's me who wants you to get married early. Desire to be a mentor and guardian!”

"This..." Leonard had nothing to say. He quickly found an excuse to leave: "Well, there is something else at the church, so I'll leave first."

"Really, this kid is so shy. He doesn't even look like a father." Lucian smiled and said, "Aaron, I'll leave it to you to give you the silver lotion. Give me a few more boxes. Money is not an issue."

" problem." Aaron glanced at Disma cautiously.

The second senior's complexion had changed from pale white to the color of pig liver, and he looked like he was about to become red-hot on the spot.

"If everything's okay...I'll leave first."

In the end, Disma didn't have an attack. He whispered through gritted teeth, then slammed the door and left quickly. The sound of heavy footsteps could be heard outside.

"This kid always has such a bad temper." Flag Officer Lucian was used to it. He arranged the gifts and said, "Oh, Aaron, speaking of which, you are going to be the Minister of the Guard and the Ceremony Officer of the Black Rod, right? Congratulations. Your status in the palace now is higher than mine."

"If Manuel could see this, he would be very happy."

"They are all well-trained by their mentors." Aaron looked at the door worriedly. He originally wanted to catch up, but Lucian took the initiative to talk to him. This hesitation missed the opportunity, so he simply sought the answer: "I know, Minister of the Guards, But what about the Black Rod Ceremony? Mentor?"

"Also, why does the ceremonial officer need to be called the Black Staff?"

Lucian nodded: "Yes, you will enter the palace tomorrow to be ennobled. I would like to let you know some things."

"The name Black Rod comes from a close friend of the Queen Mother, Phil Farrell, her personal magic advisor..."

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