Crown of Chaos

Chapter 201, Star Mage Group

PS: There may be another update today (maybe).

Aaron finally decided to arrange for the little pirate Edward Teach and the snow elf brother and sister to transport goods to the Pole.

It's funny to say that it was Aaron's impromptu idea to give Edward Teach a Chaos Stigmata. He was in a good mood at the time and happened to see that this little pirate had a certain talent, so he gave him a chance.

Unexpectedly, Edward Teach actually understood the abyss magic with Aaron's gift.

It was true that he dreamed about Dagon, the King of the Deep Sea. In the dream, the King of the Deep Sea really met Edward Teach. He wanted to sign a contract with Teach, but Edward Teach looked down on this Deep Sea King. King of.

For the little pirate, Aaron Salian is the one who discovered him and gave him strength. What the hell are you Dagon? Can you please go aside?

After Gang Leader Ma Long asked for help, the little pirate found an excuse to pull Aaron out and told Aaron about the matter.

"You rejected Him?" Aaron asked in a low voice.

"Yes, I rejected Him!" Edward Teach waved his fist: "You discovered me and taught me how to cast spells. Your life was given to me by you. You want me to be a traitor? Don't even think about it. think!"

"But your magic power still comes from the abyss after all, boy." Aaron smiled, rubbed his head with his hands, and whispered: "Aren't you afraid of that guy taking revenge on you?"

"Well..." Sure enough, the little pirate hesitated, and Edward Teach suddenly felt deep regret for his reckless behavior.

He was so passionate that he decisively refused, but now that Aaron said this, Teach realized what kind of decision he had made.

That thing won't take revenge on me, right?

Teach turned his help-seeking eyes to Aaron. He scratched his head with a smile and said tentatively: "Um... Your Excellency, that monster won't come to retaliate against me because I rejected him, right?"

"Yes!" Aaron smiled.

It's over, it's all over now! Tikki was so frightened that he almost sat on the ground.

He was such an idiot. The little pirate wanted to punch himself. Then he stared at Aaron with eyes full of hope: "Your Excellency, you won't ignore it, right?"

"Do you think I can beat that guy?" Aaron continued to smile.

The little pirate's face turned pale now, his lips trembled, and he looked at Aaron with his last hopeful eyes: "Then... then, Your Excellency, can the existence behind you rival that guy?"

Aaron was in a state of thinking. He delayed for a long time before nodding in the increasingly desperate eyes of the little pirate: "Of course!"

The King of the Deep Sea - Dagon, is generally considered to have "quasi-divine power" or "weak divine power". As the lord of the abyss, his most famous story is that he was once regarded as an "all-knowing" true god. It is said that any problem All can be answered.

However, this matter was later exposed - Dagon, the king of the deep sea, is indeed omniscient, because "don't know" is also the "true" answer.

Like the Emperor's answer to his own question.

"I have no idea."

Even the Emperor, the lord of mankind, is confused about the future and direction of mankind.

Hope is dead.

Hope lasts forever.

Sure enough, as soon as Aaron's answer came out, the little pirate immediately resurrected in full condition. He clenched his fists and couldn't help shouting: "Okay! I win the bet..."

"Pah!" Before he could finish his words, he was hit hard with a knife on his head and knocked to the ground.

"Tich, are you putting your life on the gambling table like this over and over again?" Aaron said coldly.

"Sir, if I don't gamble, I will never get ahead in life." Edward Teach gritted his teeth and said. The little pirate glanced around secretly, and suddenly knelt at Aaron's feet: "Sir, why don't you accept it? I'm a subordinate, right? It's your request, and Gang Leader Malone will definitely agree!"

Aaron's eyes narrowed slightly, and he re-examined the current little pirate, thinking about the feasibility of this matter in his eager and hopeful eyes.

Edward Teach has such huge ambitions. He is only fourteen years old, and he wants to jump from a gray smuggling private enterprise to a leading central enterprise?

"If you want to be my subordinate, I have two requirements." Aaron gestured with two fingers.

"First, within three years, I want to see you become the leader of the Longya Gang second only to the leader of the Ma Long Gang."

"Second, you will escort the Snow Elf cargo all the way, and then collect all the news and information about the Snow Elf tribe in detail and give it to me."

"Yes, Your Excellency!" The little pirate immediately knelt down and accepted the task with excitement.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gang Leader Ma Long flew out of the room inside like a balloon. He hit the wooden door with his head, and his strong body wiped the wooden floor and slid up a distance. In front of all the drinkers and The subordinates looked in shock as he glided down from the second floor and hit his head directly on the bar. A third of the bar was smashed into pieces, with sawdust and wine flying. Everyone was stunned.

"Boss, how are you doing, boss?"

"Boss, are you okay?"

"Woooooooo, Uncle Malone jumped down, meow, uncle is so handsome, so handsome, meow~"

The members of the Dragon Tooth Gang were in chaos.

Alice Sayre, who was wearing a Dragon Whisperer mask, slowly walked out of the room. The arrogant and cold princess glanced at Aaron and said, "Let's go."

"Yes." Aaron gave the little pirate a few final instructions and then left with the princess.

The two returned to the streets of the dock area, and Aaron had time to ask Alice what happened in Searle's room.

The regent sneered and said that the dock gang leader whom Aaron knew chatted with her about the dock gang situation, asked her if she had any goods that needed to be smuggled, and finally asked her if she needed to deal with "cats", so she used her middle finger. He poked Gang Leader Ma Long on the chest to express his rejection.

Gang leader Ma Long flew out like this.

The ancient dragon blood is so terrifying! The princess's power attribute may have reached the edge of the extraordinary realm. With the blessing of dragon power, she has such power.

Aaron couldn't help but laugh. He did not continue to talk about this matter, but followed the footsteps of the princess.

The two exchanged information on the road.

"Manakorn Anaheim, the head of the Anaheim family of arms dealers in the north of the country, Aaron, if you hadn't mentioned this matter to me again and again, I would never have thought that he might be the son of tyranny." Alice Sayre brought up the previous events: "Sons of Tyranny, Zhentarim, Unified Dock Gang, what do Manakorn want to do?"

"It's not so much what Manakorn wants to do, but what your brother-in-law, Caspar wants to do." Aaron followed behind the princess, and he whispered: "It is said that Duke Caspar has contacted many foreign forces. , including Lord Samalon Cosbia of Zambia next door, could he be planning to... mutiny?"

"Impossible, I know my brother-in-law." Alice Serre sneered and shook her head. The princess obviously looked down upon her brother-in-law very much: "Did you know that when my sister died in childbirth, he temporarily acted as national affairs official? What’s your first sentence?”

"Caspar's first sentence was that he hoped that the Parliament would stipulate in legislation that the kingdom would not engage in any more wars, whether active or passive, for at least the next twenty years."

"When I heard what he said, I knew that the country could never be handed over to such a person."

"Caspar wants to mutiny? Even if I give him some courage, he won't dare."

Aaron thought it was no wonder, the princess had already made her own conclusion.

"What about me?" Aaron joked.

"You? You are so brave, but this is just right. When the time comes, I will imprison you in the palace, and I will personally deliver meals every day." Alice Serre looked at Aaron with interest: "You can also invite me then Your little girlfriend came in to be my consultant, and we are separated by a yellow curtain. I can allow you and her to only see her once a month, for 30 minutes each time..."

"Wait a minute!" Aaron had already figured out a bunch of little plots. He quickly motioned to the princess to stop: "Then what do you think of Manakorn?"

"I know about Manakorn. The head of the Anaheim family, whether he himself or his subordinates, has been promoting the theory of human supremacy and the theory of Cormyr's superior beings for the past two years." Alice Sayre mentioned this matter Things happened, and his tone became rarely serious: "It just so happens that this theory has a very strong market, Aaron, do you know why?"

"...Human beings have always had the need to realize self-worth." Aaron sighed: "In short, people are a collection of social relationships. Every human being has the desire to be recognized by others and even society. This It is an instinctive need in human nature. Human beings are not hill giants who can be satisfied and happy just by having enough food and clothing."

"But many times, people are unable to satisfy their own spiritual needs, so they turn to seeking a self-identified, abstract community, which is then mapped onto themselves, through 'the community I identify with is stronger than your community'." They come to the conclusion 'I am better than you' and finally come to the conclusion 'I win', the result they subconsciously desire."

"For human beings, there are two elements that inherently allow them to identify themselves. The first is race or nation, and the second is country. It is through repeatedly emphasizing these two elements that Manakorn captured the hearts and minds of civilians. Heart, even your father Assan IV, the Five Heroes of Arabel headed by me, is like this."

Which god in the realm is most similar to the Emperor, the Lord of Mankind?

Not Tyr, not Helm, not Thom, not even Ilmat, the god of suffering.

It's Bane, Bane, the father of darkness and the god of tyranny!

Aaron's words opened a new door for Alice Searle, and the Princess Regent fully understood after thinking for a moment: "So that's it!"

"Thank you, Aaron, your words made me understand something." Alice Ser's tone turned soft: "Let's go and see Charlotte."

"There is also the newly formed Astral Mage Group."


War Mage Academy, within the tall building complex, one of the three pillars supporting Cormyr stands here. In the light-cast magic circle, War Mage apprentices and mentors come and go, wearing robes and holding spells in their hands. Books, spell-casting materials bag hanging around the waist, taking advantage of the class break to talk about various interesting stories, food, and spell-casting techniques.

Aaron has written the fifth volume of Salian's nine volumes. Relying on his power, the number of war mage apprentices in Cormyr has now nearly tripled. A large number of magic apprentices have joined the war mage academy, and soon This organization, which has suffered a lot of losses in a series of turmoils, has received a lot of new blood.

More importantly, through the Battle of Arabelle, many new battle mages have established their own identities against Cormyr and even the eldest ladies Charlotte and Aaron Salian. After such a bloody battle, the battle mages They gradually abandoned their previous suspicions, recognized the value of "Salian's Nine Books" and "Star Magic", and accepted Charlotte and Aaron.

This is an important point.

Currently, the astral magics open to learning are the light system, the life system, the metal system, and the heaven system. Aaron classified each type of magic and gave them a relatively safe path to learn. As a result, many war mages obtained similar abilities. In terms of healing ability or prophecy ability like divine magic, the astral mages have explored far in the light system and the metal system, the two tracks that the eldest lady is good at teaching.

It is true that practicing astral magic has side effects. For example, practicing light magic will make your hair and body hair turn white and you have to turn on the light when sleeping. Practicing heaven magic will make you gradually go bald and long to see the sky all the time. Practicing life magic will He likes to decorate himself with branches and doesn't like to wear clothes. When he practices metal magic, his skin starts to appear golden in color. He is too stubborn and insists on rational thinking.

But there is still an endless stream of people who want to come to learn astral magic, and everyone wants to become a spell caster.

The spell caster of the kingdom is Ye!

There are even mages from Silvermoon City, Waterdeep City, Magic Kingdom Aruha, and Mulhorand who want to see the power of "astral magic".

The War Mage Academy in Cormyr Suzar has a faint tendency to become another magic center.

Aaron was actually hiding his secrets. He had no intention of passing on the truly powerful chaos magic and the advanced magic and dark magic beyond mortal control to Cormyr.

As the general agent of the Four Gods of Chaos in the country, every time the astral magic is released, Aaron must draw a commission. This is divided into thirty-seven, Aaron seven, Chaos God three, and the three good brothers can If you can’t get this 30% share, it depends on Aaron’s face!

There is no way, who made the four good brothers to be beaten up by the supreme being when they entered the country, and their contact was cut off?

At least so far Aaron has delivered the confession on time, and he can't leave the help of his four good brothers yet.

As soon as Aaron appeared, a female war mage apprentice came up to greet him. She was said to be Charlotte's direct apprentice, named Liv. She was a beautiful girl with black hair and blue eyes, wearing a slim-fitting apprentice robe. and dress, seeing that Aaron was coming, she deliberately pulled the neckline down a little, carefully showed it to Aaron, and then took him and the Masked Princess to see Charlotte.

Aaron was used to this kind of thing.

Power is a man's best coat, strength is a man's best weapon, and he has a face chosen by Slaanesh himself.

With the power of the three phases superimposed, it’s no wonder he’s not popular.

Instead, Alice Serre glanced at him.

Thinking of Aaron's nine volumes of Salian, Aaron's astral magic, Aaron's Silver Chamber of Commerce, and then his battle of Arabelle, the regent princess suddenly felt worried about gains and losses, and a strange thought came up. idea.

In fact, her appointment of Aaron as the Black Rod Ceremony Officer also meant that she would keep him close to her, but only after seeing it with her own eyes did she realize the importance of Aaron.

Will such an outstanding talent be lured away by other forces?

Is it necessary to continue to strengthen control?

Updated, please vote~

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